“What do you mean?”

Ye Fantian frowned and looked at this entire group curiously asked.

“At that time, Pangu broke the chaos and caused this Heavenly Dao to be furious. There was a battle between the two, but no one knows what the battle was like at that time, but only that this Heavenly Dao was damaged and Pangu was missing. This world is still being Opened it up, chaos was broken after all … “

There was a touch of horror in the eyes of the Archaeological Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon. Apparently, the battle that year still made him remember.

“At that time, the life in the chaos was not only Pangu. I was one of them, but my strength was extremely weak at that time. 8,000 billion demons existed, but Pangu was the strongest one. Chaos was broken. We Without the guardianship of chaos, I am afraid that only 8,000 million demon gods can survive for a while. But after I wake up, my strength is not strong. Because of this, I chose to forgive, but our Existence is still noticed by Heavenly Dao. This is extremely ruthless, afraid that we will eventually go to the old road of Pangu, so use our own power to defeat the remaining 800 million demons and defeat the army, unless it is a coincidence. I’m afraid I have to die … The ancient history spread on Earth, which you call Immortal God, is actually just a myth of Martial Dao that’s all … “

Ye Fantian silently digested the information, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

“There are not many 800 million demon gods that can survive, and demon gods have their own foundation, that is, the hope of survival. In order to survive, some demon gods have chosen to be loyal to Heavenly Dao. For example, you earth circulated The ancient names that came down were Hongjun, Tongtian, Primitive, Laozi, Nuwa, Fuxi, Donghuang Taiyi … “

“Is history … changed?”

Ye Fantian murmured.

These names all exist in Ye Fantian’s memories, but these memories have been changed.

Vulcan and Rongshui cooperated with the Water God, smashed Buzhou Mountain, Nuwa created humans, Nüwa mends the heavens, Fuxi created Magical Powers, Shennong tasted Baicao … These all exist in the memory of Ye Fantian, but these seem to be in harmony with Ye Fantian. The ancient Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragons said differently.

“History has been changed. Yes, it has been completely changed. Except for the oldest beings, no one can know this history. Hong Jun is the walking dog of Heavenly Dao, and finally incarnation Heavenly Dao. With Heavenly Dao, I repaired the damage that Heavenly Dao suffered, but over time, there have also been aliens among the deities, such as the sky, such as Nuwa … they are not willing to become chessmen, let alone this world Become a Heavenly Dao pawn … “

“What happened to them?”

Ye Fantian’s voice was a little surprised, it was a rewritten history, even if he was a little incredible.

“My Master is heaven!”

Original Sin said fiercely.


Ye Fantian startled, but quickly thought of the information obtained today, it seems that this is not surprising.

“In the beginning, the Great Desolate earth was full of vitality. Nuwa used Supreme’s Magical Powers to break the ancient channel that penetrated the heaven and earth. What I didn’t expect was that the breaking of the channel at this time actually made the Yin-Yang breath of Between Heaven and Earth mutually. The fusion of human beings appeared here. This is Nuwa’s destiny. She is kind, so she takes care of Human Race, but she did not expect that the blood essence of Human Race can make her own power stronger, which also caused a lot of Devil’s peep … “

A slight movement in Ye Fantian’s heart also began to have a slight aversion to this so-called demon.

“and then?”

Looking at the original sin, Ye Fantian said again.

“My Master, although he is also a demon, has his own roots, especially he has a good relationship with Nuwa, so he has been helping the Nuwa Protector family, but Lao Tzu and Primitive don’t think so, they think To break through their realm, they want to continue to grow up, so they began to ignore the warnings of primitive and Nuwa demon gods, began to plunder the blood essence of humans, and the war began … “

“In the West, there are two demon gods, quotation and quasi mention, both of which are also glare like a tiger watching his prey to human beings. Of course, their ambitions are greater and they want to control all human beings in it, or It was kept in captivity, so they chose the so-called degree, in fact, in order to really control the other party, this has a long-term meal ticket … “

Although there is no way to know the situation at the time, when thinking of his own family being treated as food, or a special long-term meal ticket, Ye Fantian’s face has become quite difficult to look at.

“Tongtian, Nuwa, Fuxi … Although they are powerful, they are classified as the Peak powerhouse in Martial Dao, and they are respected as Saints, but the power of mentioning and attracting is also out of the ordinary, and Lao Tzu and The original power was attributed to Saint. The four Great Saints joined forces. The power of my Master and Nuwa is not the opponent of the other … “

“It was a big battle, it was a one-sided battle … a landslide, everything was destroyed, the world was dark, and there were countless deaths and injuries … At the end, even my Master had no way out of the four Divine Swords. Changed everything. In the end, this battle finally caught Hongjun’s attention. He shot, but this old hybrid, instead of stopping the primitive ones, he suppressed my Master Tongtian! “

When it comes to here, the original sin’s face has shown the slightest color of hate, this is a kind of hate that can’t be concealed, hatred for heaven and earth, hate that cannot be covered up!

“If it weren’t for his shot, my Master would not have been so miserable!”

“Tongtian is very appetite for Lao Tzu, but he is too arrogant. He is completely sealed by several Saint Level martial arts. If it is not because Tongtian has his own killing move, I am afraid it would have fallen. However, this Laozi they chose to kill, not only did they kill the heavenly Disciple, but even many ancient races were killed and even killed … “

Having said that, Zhu Qiang’s face became a little ugly.

“That being the case, why can humans still exist to this day? The fighting at this time, they have failed, and humans seem to be extinct, right?”

Ye Fantian didn’t know what the appetite of Saint Level’s devil was, but he could also imagine that it was absolutely terrifying and terrifying.

But humans still exist, even in many dimensional Star Domains, which is obviously a bit abnormal.

“Who told you that there was no problem with this person class?”

Swire’s eighteen blood-eyed dragon sneered in his mouth, slowly speaking.

“What do you mean?”

Ye Fantian’s heart stunned and asked immediately.

“Humans are the most amazing life of Between Heaven and Earth. This is the race that Nuwa Saint inadvertently created. It was created by the combination of the Strength of Yin-Yang of Between Heaven and Earth. Therefore, as long as humans still exist, A few, it will be created continuously, but in this history, there will never be any disgusting means about Martial Dao Saints. I think you should have heard of the calamity! Doomsday remarks! “

Ye Fantian’s heart shook, it shook madly!

Yes, the disaster, Ye Fantian’s remarks have been heard for a long time, but these are just a kind of weird remarks that nobody cares about, but now Ye Fantian is a little clear.

“The Western citation and mention, this is the orthodoxy of the Western World. These two guys are the most disgusting. They captive humans again and again, and finally use the imprint of the last days in history. It is exactly the same. Growth, then slaughtered again! “


Ye Fantian’s palm slowly made a blasting sound.

The appearance of all this made Ye Fantian completely angry.

Incomparable anger!

“Humans, turned out to be captives? Are they expensive Peaks of Martial Dao, but they are captives of humans?”

Hei Mao, who had not spoken, said slowly, there was a hint of coldness in the discourse, which was a ruthless and bloody wave.

“All this has nothing to do with me!”

Ye Fantian finally asked his question.

“This does have some relationship with you. Your Bloodline is very old. At the time, Lao Tzu was sealed into such a Bloodline and was inspired again and again, but no one was able to successfully release Lao Tzu … … “

Taiko Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon could not help but said.

Quite depressed in tone.

“Bloodline? My Bloodline?” Ye Fantian gave a slight glance, and he crossed the Xuantian continent at first. The Bloodline in the flushy body seems to have been replaced. Although the soul has not changed, but the fleshhy body has changed, Bloodline will also change.

“Although your Bloodline body changed after crossing it, your most basic Bloodline can’t be changed by changing the Fleshhy body. Otherwise, you won’t inspire me …”

Swire Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon said slowly.

“The origin of Bloodline, you ca n’t know now, otherwise, once you are known, you will face a catastrophic disaster. You have to grow. The so-called Twilight of the Gods, the century of annihilation … and so on. It is the beginning of a new calamity for mankind, and the emergence of a catastrophe. According to this time, it is estimated that it will be fast. Unless you grow up fast, otherwise … mankind will disappear again, and then part will remain Captive objects, re-development! “

Swire Eighteen Blood-Eyed Dragon said solemnly.

“With my own power, I can’t fight them at all!”

Ye Fantian said helplessly with a bitter smile.

“Yes, so you have to find my Master. His strength to deal with the two Saint Level martial arts is not a problem at all, and he knows the existence of many powerhouses. As long as you rescue him, all this is hopeful.”

The original sin was seriously said.

“Well, I will!”

Humans, this is the foundation. Whether slaughter or captive, these are not what Ye Fantian can bear. Therefore, he has made up his mind to rebel against this unfair World ……

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