Chapter XNUMX

The offensive Ye Fantian just felt quite clear. He just used his True Qi subconsciously, but did not generate Xuanbing at the beginning.

“Why is mysterious ice produced at this time? And after freezing the object, it is obvious that the object body has been completely frozen because of the terrifying ice cold aura. Because of the effect of terrifying, the other party is completely Destruction, so only a small amount of force is enough to turn the opponent into a powder. “

Ye Fantian’s mouth was quite excited, because he knew that he now had a new power control method. Just thinking about his subconscious movement just now, Ye Fantian started to have a headache.

The subconscious refers to an instinctive reaction, but it does not mean that it can be controlled, and Ye Fantian now has such a headache entirely because if he cannot control this cold power, the result is It’s quite tragic. It’s as if there is a huge treasure in the sky, but you can’t move these treasures yourself. It really hurts people.

“It seems that I was caused by Xuan Jing’s power just now.”

Ye Fantian thought secretly, and then fully penetrated into the body with the body, and then slowly operated True Qi. After the birth of True Qi, a series of terrifying astral qi slammed from Ye Fantian. When he punched out in his hands, when he saw that astral qi was beaten out, Ye Fantian had already started to closely observe his body within the body, but the result was really helpless, because that body was inside the body Xuan Jing, which has turned into countless light spots, has no reaction at all, this feeling is like sit on top of a mountain to watch the tigers fight, indifferent.

“This damn guy.”

Ye Fantian said fiercely.

Gently stroking his forehead, he suddenly touched the little blue cross sword mark on his forehead, and a new idea suddenly began to emerge. The mind did indeed perceive the subtle place in the middle, but compared to this There seems to be nothing more acute than the soul, so after stroking his cross sword mark, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but start to detect with the power of the soul.


Ye Fantian made up his mind without thinking, and then the movement of the palm here, a horrible True Qi turned into astral qi and quickly moved towards the front.

Inside the body, under the action of the power of the soul, everything has formed a transparent existence, so soon under this super keen awareness, Ye Fantian quickly found the change of Xuanjing, which was a slight The tremor, although not strong enough, is actually changing.

“It’s no wonder that there aren’t many changes in it, it seems that they are already changing, but there is no real urging.”

After thinking of the change of the subconscious just now, Ye Fantian has already thought of the key point. With such a powerful force, it is absolutely not a fool. Therefore, after finding a trick, Ye Fantian has begun to fly extremely fast. Move up.

In Ye Fantian’s words, failure is a fucking success. Of course, Ye Fantian now finds that failure is not only a matter of success, but the number of failures can be regarded as the problem of his ancestors.

But in the end, after numerous failures, Ye Fantian still triggered the ice cold aura of that mysterious crystal. Although the effect caused by this is still smaller than the previous one, but how to say it It’s enough to achieve what Ye Fantian wants.

“As long as I practice a lot, I don’t need much time, I can fully control this power.”

Ye Fantian never believed that he was a genius. He even believed in hard work, so after the power of cold was triggered, he began to cultivate again …

“I said … you have been practicing for two hours.”

While Ye Fantian was still working hard, a helpless voice came out slowly, and along the sound Ye Fantian saw a rocky mountain 100 meters away from the opposite side. The fat man in the Buddha’s presence is sitting on it steadily, and the helplessness on his face is not concealed.

“What’s wrong? What’s the problem?”

For this mysterious tiger, Ye Fantian already knows the character of the opponent. Although he is a powerful three-point Martial King, he is very approachable, at least Ye Fantian feels like this.

“It’s not too big a problem, it’s just a small problem.”

Ye Fantian hearing this somewhat undded: “Oh …”

Xuan Hu swears to Tian, ​​he is about to cry, and his plump face has become depressed into a flower at this time. “My little ancestor, what do you mean by” oh “? Reaction. “

Ye Fantian thought for a while and said, “Don’t you say it’s just a trivial problem? So, why do you need too much response?”

Xuanhu has expressed helplessness for this Little Brat’s thinking, and then solemnly said again: “Okay, okay, I lost, your kid can really raise the bar, this is the case, the emperor Changlong already came with him I said that I want you to enter Imperial Capital immediately after the injury, and see him. “

Ye Fantian hearing this thoughtful expression on his face: “So urgent?”

Xuanhu helplessly said: “You must be in a hurry. After all, you are the hunting king of our gale dynasty. If there is any mistake, then the hunt that has been held once in these hundreds of years is not wasted, and now my wood is the same. Disciple has brought what you want, and now I think Ye Family has no so-called worries, since those XNUMX members of your wolf pack, old man has also helped you well Practice them. At this time, they have also made a lot of progress. Now Ye Family is also rich and imposing. The extraordinary power and the support of the wind dynasty behind it, I don’t think you need to worry about this. “

Indeed living here is a kind of torture for Xuanhu. He does not like to spend too much time in strange places, especially the fine food and wine here has a big gap compared to Imperial Palace. He likes appetite, but he is quite helpless.

“I’m afraid it’s not just because I am the King of Hunting?”

Ye Fantian said with a laugh.

Xuanhu hearing this, his eyes could not help looking at Ye Fantian quietly, it seemed quite silent, after a long time he said slowly: “Is your kid really only sixteen years old? How do I feel You already look like 18 years old? I think of the most core issues so quickly, well, let me tell you, the reason why this time will call you so quickly, mainly because your record is too After terrifying, the sixteen-year-old has a Martial Master level. According to the XNUMX years old adult, you have not yet reached the adult age, so the potential is even more unnecessary to explain, even before the age of XNUMX and even including the age of XNUMX. It can reach the level of Martial Master, and it can be regarded as a genius amongst geniuses. Therefore, many countries have already sent experts here, hoping to win you over. “

Seeing Ye Fantian’s clear expression, Xuanhu knew that he had said it again this time.

“Your boy, you know everything, but you still ask me.”

Xuan Hu fiercely pulled out a drunk jujube and put it in his mouth.

Ye Fantian pretended to be holding something in his arms, and then took a bag of objects from the Ghost Ring and threw it to him and said, “Well, let me prepare, we will start tomorrow.”

After all, this black tiger has really contributed a lot to his family during this time, and the Asura Martial King also gave himself the Asura Qishalian, which has been collected for centuries, to himself. If such a large amount of capital is not for him, I’m afraid I don’t know why.

Looking at Ye Fantian’s back, Xuanhu had not responded for a while: “This is it?”

While speaking, he slowly opened the bag of the Demonic beast skin, and a strange smell of wine suddenly flew towards him. After a slight take a deep breath, he could not help but yelled: “The demon god brewed ? Fuck, your kid still has a demon god brew ?! I despise you, I have n’t taken it out for so long … “

The second day!

As soon as the sky was bright, Ye Fantian was dragged away by Xuan Hu, because he was still uneasy about the family’s affairs, so Xuan Hu left this poisonous mania here.

An incomparable gigantic python has been quietly hovering on the ground for a long time. The appearance of this python is extremely similar to that of the flying python. It can even be said to be a flying python, but the seven sharp thorns on the opponent’s head But it looks particularly prominent.

“This is a flying python that has reached level seven. It has always been used in special circumstances. Normally, it is carefully taken care of in the Imperial Palace. Hehe, the speed is faster than yours. It’s just at least ten times faster. “

There was a wry smile on Xuanhu’s face, and there seemed to be nothing in between the words.

Ye Fantian didn’t bother to walk this guy, and while approaching the other side, the incomparable gigantic flying python suddenly opened his eyes, and then the two terrifying fangs stretched out from both sides of his mouth. , But in the appearance of Xuan Hu taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, the other party was already hostile to Ye Fantian at an instant, but changed quickly.

It was still Contorts one’s face in agony just now that it quickly collected its fangs, and then cautiously put the huge head on the ground, as if it was greeting its own emperor.

In this case, Xuanhu’s eyes were almost not glared. He shivered and pointed at the corner of Ye Fantian’s mouth and said, “This is a flying python that has evolved to the seventh level …”

Ye Fantian has long been surprised at the attitude shown by pythons after seeing himself. From that ice python to the current flying sky python, it seems that he is completely to the demonic beast of the python. Immune in general, the other party did not even dare to make disrespectful gestures to themselves.


Looking at the stunned black tiger, Ye Fantian couldn’t help urging.

“You are a pervert! A real pervert-like pervert!”

Xuan Hu was righteous and said with a serious expression …

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