Chapter 70: Awakening and Consolidation (XNUMX)

Under the control of the mind, the true Qi of Ye Fantian’s body within the body has gradually begun to enter a gentle degree, and the original stagnation has gradually disappeared. In any case, the injury at this time is too serious. As a result, the mental energy consumed by the operation is also increased several times than usual.

Therefore, it is just that it has been running for seven or eight weeks, Ye Fantian feels that his body’s exhaustion is more intense and rapid than before.

“too tired!”

After feeling this tiredness, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart.

However, he knew that he could not shrink back at this time. Xi Wu would retreat if he did not advance against the water. In this case, it would be more difficult to consolidate his body if he did not grasp the time.

Inertia is the natural enemy of human beings. For inertia, inertia cannot appear on the body. If Ye Fantian gives up this time, it will be difficult to pick it up again next time.

Forcing the tiredness on his body to fiercely shake away, Ye Fantian started to bit his teeth and slowly started to work.

The mental exhaustion is getting more and more serious. Ye Fantian at this time is also very clear at this time. His big bleeding is not simply replenished by Bodhi Spirit Root. This takes a while. Cultivation can be completely completed. And reach the level of the Peak in the past.

“Yes, why did you forget him?”

Ye Fantian chuckled suddenly, then quickly took out a small jade bottle from the Ghost Ring, and then twisted the lid gently, and a strange sigh of air quickly rose from the bottle mouth. After coming out, with the emergence of this qi, the room was then enveloped by this strong fragrance.

The millennium stone milk, the rare Supreme Treasure, in addition to changing the person’s physique, has a great effect on nourishing vitality and nourishing the body. After feeling this strong aroma in the air, Ye Fantian’s face also began to change It becomes rosy, but the qi in the air has a very nourishing effect, so after it is absorbed, the effect begins to play with the breathing.

Feeling that the cool airflow in his body began to change into countless filaments and completely penetrated into the limbs of the whole body, Ye Fantian’s face also showed a happy smile, and then he dared not care. Keep him calm.

“Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” suddenly started, and after this burst of powerful True Qi, Ye Fantian’s breathing gradually began to stabilize, and more and more World’s Essence Qi began to swim quickly. Walking up, a large number of True Qi walks has once again filled his body with intense energy fluctuations.

The handprints of both hands are constantly changing, and the energy in the body slowly advances under the control of this handprint, slowly agitating into the dantian. After feeling the true Qi of the dantian, Ye Fantian began secretly lamenting the millennium stone milk. Powerful, he has been running his True Qi here for the first time since the injury.

Xuanjing’s moisturizing effect has also begun to be produced. After all, it is the most gentle Xuanjing of water. In any case, it is much better than other attributes of Xuanjing. Although it may be the weakest in power, it is quite Suitable for current Ye Fantian healing.

嗤chi chi…

With the violent sound of friction constantly heard in the air, the surrounding space suddenly began to tremble slightly. It seems that the pressure in the surrounding air is unimaginably strong.

“The Ice Dragon Roar that I used a while ago is obviously not complete. I can only say that 80% of the power has been exerted. In the jade record, the idea of ​​the lunatic was undoubtedly successful, but Among them, about the Water Attribute Xuan Jing, the trick above is that Ice Dragon Roar should use the power of Water Attribute to cause endless qualitative changes, and turn into a strong cold, and then cause damage through this cold. I have reached this point. , And the effect is quite good under the control of the power of the soul, but the word roar has never shown much effect. From the information said by the madman, the word roar should account for a small effect It is obviously an attack on sound waves. If I can increase the power of sound waves again, it will be a greater improvement for my strength, and the control of tricks will be more obvious. stand up.”

Ye Fantian thought secretly, but one thing was clearer in his heart. I am afraid that this move Ice Dragon Roar requires continuous practice to achieve this effect, but it seems that the practice of this move is really quite troublesome. Imagining that it was almost drained in the beginning, Ye Fantian could not help but shiver.

“This trick is simply unbearable, it’s terrifying too much.”

Gradually, Ye Fantian’s mind began to enter a state of contemplation, with the Ice Dragon Roar’s tricks constantly evolving in his mind, and at this time the fatigue of the mind seemed to disappear suddenly.

A powerful trick combined with Ice Dragon Roar began to be displayed in different forms. Imagine that if you find the other four attributes of Xuanjing, the power is definitely pulling the wind. Of course, Ye Fantian is more clear. Now it is just this kind of Water Attribute Xuan Jing that is the easiest to control. It is so difficult to get it. If you really want to master the remaining four kinds of Xuan Jing, it is quite difficult, just like heavenly ascension.

After feeling the waves of Purple Phoenix Feather behind him, Ye Fantian smiled again and again bitterly: “It seems to be terrifying than heavenly ascension … Now with Purple Phoenix Feather, heavenly ascension is no longer a problem . “

Unconsciously, dantian has appeared in front of her eyes, but after seeing the situation in dantian, Ye Fantian’s face could not help but change slightly. It turned out that a lot of cracks appeared on the dantian, apparently it has been affected. Serious trauma, if it is found that it is not timely, blindly use the strength of the body to cooperate with the operation of dantian, then it is clear that there is only one result of its own-dantian is abolished.

After thinking of these, Ye Fantian suddenly felt that the cold sweat on his body began to come out: “Fortunately, fortunately, if it wasn’t found at this time, I’m afraid it would be abolished.”

Subsequently, Ye Fantian started to run his True Qi cautiously, but in the process, Ye Fantian’s expression on the face began to become weird: “This seems to be much stronger than before.”

Yes, the True Qi in this dantian is more refined than the original one. Although cracks have appeared in the dantian, this True Qi ’s walking in the dantian is more compliant than before. Many, if used carefully, can minimize the damage to dantian.

“Mid-grade ?!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth has begun to open, and it is very wide. If he has not responded at this time, then he is really an idiot. In the beginning, he did not notice this because it was completely because He didn’t even think about it.

“Martial Master mid-grade, this is mid-grade!”

Ye Fantian couldn’t help murmuring in his mouth, yes, he was naturally quite surprised at this time. After all, for his age, he can achieve such an effect at the age of sixteen. It is rare. Although the XNUMX-year-old Martial Master is not an absolute feast, it is unprecedentedly rare.

The most important thing is that Ye Fantian seems to have just reached the level of the Martial Master level. How long has it passed? It has once again entered the level of the Martial Master level. It seems that this speed is no longer the same as sitting on a rocket. What a difference.

“Martial Master mid-grade … no wonder ah no wonder. It seems that the confrontation between the opponent and the opponent has led to various suppressive energies in my demeanor, and then began to fall asleep. Involuntarily entered my demeanor. In this way, the mid-grade level of the Martial Master can also be explained. “

The practice speed of monstrous talent level will naturally have a monstrous talent level thinking mode. After a slight sacrifice, Ye Fantian’s mind let it go, and then he began to cultivate in peace.

Although it is said at this time that it has reached the level of the Martial Master mid-grade, Ye Fantian is not afraid to carelessly, after all, it is a breakthrough that occurs in battle, so it is quite weak in terms of foundation and other aspects. Once you do not consolidate yourself, it will have a considerable impact on your own cultivation and future growth.

The most important thing is one point-drop out!

The so-called dropout phenomenon is not uncommon in martial arts. Many people use various abnormal ways to breakthrough in order to seek their own strength, such as taking a lot of medicine pill, or using the help of others. Improper means for promotion, etc. Although these methods can also promote themselves, in fact, when they are promoted, they usually also lay a considerable hidden danger in their bodies-the foundation is unstable!

Once the foundation is unstable, and you do n’t practice hard, then your body will not be able to adapt to this powerful power. The final result will be a drop, and if you want to reach this level again in the future, it will take time. And energy is far from the original, even a few times or even ten times dozens of times.

Ye Fantian, cautiously, immersed himself in the mind, and then began to use it with more dexterity. On the one hand, he began to repair his physical injuries. On the other hand, he was constantly adjusting his state and tempering his dantian. Consolidate the changes brought about by physical breakthrough …

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