Chapter XNUMX Record of the Soul of the Soul!

Having achieved the title of King of the Hunt, Ye Fantian has nothing to be excited about because of this. I am afraid that he is most happy that he is also a realm who has advanced to the Martial Master level.

For Wu Xiu, fame is only a superficial existence. Only this strength is the most real. Therefore, this performance of Ye Fantian is rather normal, but this indifferent atmosphere really makes the surrounding people People are secretly nodded.

Soon all the results have been counted one by one. In this case, Ye Fantian, who has six purple jade arrows, became the king of hunting without any doubt, and then came second and third. Until the tenth place, in addition to the top ten people, they will also have certain rewards.

“Everyone can take a break now.”

Martial King’s voice slowly resounded. At this time, the poisonous man came to Ye Fantian’s side and gently nodded at him: “Yes, it really is superman.”

Feeling the slightest concealment from the other party, Ye Fantian was a little embarrassed.

“Qin Shuang, take him to take a good rest first. If you like, go to the capital and have a good two days. After a while, we will send someone to invite you to enter the capital. Just now Super Supervisor Wang has sound transmitted to me, Changlong. The emperor will meet you soon. “

Qin Shuang respectfully nodded: “Yes, sir.”

Duan Wanjie gently pats Ye Fantian’s shoulder, then leaves here with a smile.

After looking at Qin Shuang’s look of excitement, Ye Fantian couldn’t help feeling warm, and then said respectfully, “Tutor has worried you.”

Qin Shuang gently waved his hand and said, “hehe, it’s okay, it’s okay. I didn’t expect you to have reached a Real Master of Martial Master level. This really made me unexpected. It was originally based on my inference. It is beyond my expectation that you can reach the samurai top grade Peak, and I do n’t have much expectation about the title of King of the Hunt, hehe, Brahma, you really gave me a big surprise. “

Qin Shuang’s words of praise were not revealed in the slightest concealment.

After the two exchanged again for a while, Qin Shuang took Ye Fantian moved towards 10 li and drove away.

There are very few people living on the outskirts of the Valley of the Wind, so if you want to live, there is only a place outside this 10 li, where there is a small town.

After taking a hot bath, Ye Fantian’s customized meals were also brought up, and then the Little Bai and Lumang Tu guys started to stare at the food in Ye Fantian’s hands and got drooling.

Ye Fantian’s food is really good, but it will be tiring when eaten often, so these ordinary foods now attract the attention of the two of them.

For these two gluttonous guys, Ye Fantian is quite helpless. Therefore, a full meal for four people was called again, which made the two Little Brats picky and full.

After slightly adjusting his breath for a while, Ye Fantian started searching from that Ghost Ring. This time he got a lot of things, even beyond his imagination. After all, most of the people hunting here are rich and rich. People, otherwise, have no means, without financial support, they are very difficult to reach the level they are now, and it is impossible to have a good cultivation technique.

When these people confronted Ye Fantian, it was naturally when they were killed. Ye Fantian could not let the treasures on them be thrown away for nothing, so there were many treasures.

After a closer look, Ye Fantian found a lot of good things from it, of which the cultivation technique accounted for a large part.

Suddenly a strange object appeared in front of him. This was a golden object like jade non-jade. Its size was not the size of a slap, and the whole was engraved with a strange pattern, which looked quite strange.

The golden jade was found on the body of the disciple.

Looking at this jade lightly, Ye Fantian’s face could not help revealing a more curious expression. These strange patterns on the jade are very out of the ordinary, because a strange wave appeared in the touch immediately. .

I flipped through the item of the inmate again, and then found the booklet recorded by the inmate.

The disciple is a very careful person, so he records all his experiences in his booklet, and he has a detailed record of this golden jade, which is an inconspicuous one in one place Found in the ruins, in addition to this, there is a powerful cultivation technique “jade hand”. The power of “jade hand” is somewhat different from the cultivation technique developed by Ye Fantian, but it is also a kind of A rare martial skill.

When practicing, you need a lot of jade and demonic beast as the support, so the power is extremely huge. The reason why it is not as good as Ye Fantian’s cultivation technique is not in power, but in terms of getting started, compared with Ye Fantian’s cultivation technique It is easy to get started, and this “jade hand” is not the same. He needs you to prepare a lot of jade during cultivation, otherwise, the cultivation technique will be completely lacking in the help of jade during cultivation. The failure needs to be cultivated from scratch, and this demon crystal is also one of the best practice materials than the jade.

It’s just that the number needed is too much, so the disciples have never practiced.

After reading this record of “jade hand”, Ye Fantian can’t help but be somewhat inwardly shouted. Fortunately, if the other person has practiced this cultivation technique, I am afraid that it is really difficult for him to deal with him.

As for this golden jade, some of the jade records are also recorded. This is an extremely unique jade. According to his records, this jade is a kind of existence of stored information. Only then did the priests learn about the land of evil spirits.

Try to input this jade into True Qi, and then the jade in Ye Fantian’s hand quickly emits strange rays of light. With the generation of rays of light, it suddenly appeared in the range of ten meters around it. It was quickly shrouded in golden rays of light. Fortunately, it is not night here, otherwise it wo n’t matter. Even if this kind of rays of light does not cause everyone’s suspicion, it is quite troublesome.

The rays of light radiated quite quickly, but it was only an instant. Rays of light shrank back quickly, and Ye Fantian’s heart was slightly relaxed a lot, but at the last time, he suddenly suddenly Change, and then the wonderful symbols of golden quickly appeared from his mind.

With the generation of rays of light, Ye Fantian’s mind also has a lot of information. This experience is not the first time in Ye Fantian, so after having such a process, he also began to have in his heart A process of adaptation.

Soon in this change, Ye Fantian began to gradually absorb the information here, and gradually organized it.

On this jade, Ye Fantian found what he wanted. The owner of this jade put some of the memories that he has here, and the memories described in these memories turned out to be the way of the evil land. , Process and role.

Soon Ye Fantian’s face showed an expression of surprise. In the records of the other party, Ye Fantian even found how to use the spirit of the fierce soul.

The weird expression began to appear slowly on Ye Fantian’s face. It turned out that the reason why this evil land appeared completely was not to curse or hurt other people. Although the method is quite evil, it is actually to Helps cultivate.

The method of this practice is very simple, and there is only one purpose, which is the spirit of the fierce soul.

The power of the evil spirit is extremely powerful. If it can be completely conquered and used for its own purposes, I am afraid that anyone will be crazy for it.

However, the process of receiving the evil spirit was not recorded by the other party, but only the method used. Ye Fantian is more and more fortunate. If the inmate finds the method of conquering, he will definitely be very happy. Miserable.

Of course, for this method of recovery, for Ye Fantian, there is no pressure at all, because he is now considered to conquer the spirit of the fierce soul, and what he wants is the method used.

But after seeing the method used, Ye Fantian began to tremble all over his body, for no reason. The method used was to rely on a treasure, and then based on the appearance of this treasure, he ordered again. This vicious spirit is under control.

Ye Fantian himself was not surprised by other reasons, but the description of the treasure in front of him was somewhat familiar to him.

Xuan Jing!

Yes, Xuanjing!

The above description and the various features are not different from Xuan Jing, and even the steps of Xuan Jing are completely explained.

“Each type of mysterious crystal corresponds to a method of control, and the power is also very different, and the effect is different.”

Ye Fantian carefully read the records in which a clear comprehension appeared on his face, but after seeing the last bit of memory of the other party, Ye Fantian’s face showed a weird expression: “Take this This kind of wonderful spar is the core of control. It is only an idea for me to completely control the spirit of that evil spirit. If there is no absolute certainty, it is not recommended to try. “

After seeing this last sentence, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but said softly, “Your sister!”

Ye Fantian is very speechless, even extremely angry, because for a long time, she just said that she had no absolute confidence at all, it was just a speculation, which really made people feel uncomfortable. This situation and a beautiful and alluring Woman bowed her head in front of herself for a long time, but when she was about to get on the gun, the other person said with a smile-sorry, today’s aunt is here, next time!

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