Chapter XNUMX Do Not Kill!

“If this guy leaves like this, it seems to us a lot of trouble.”

Chang Yunian said with a headache.

“Chang Yunian, what about my stuff?”

Xiao Ruoxu also stared at each other with an uncomfortable look, which was obviously quite uncomfortable. After all, the understanding between Tao hate is quite profound, so once he offends Tao hate at this time, the endless battle of the other party is greeted, and especially now he and the other party The beam is still so terrifying.

“Relax, there seems to be no need to refuse what I promised, you have offended a companion for this matter, and I will naturally express it, after the hunt at this time is over Everything is yours. “

As soon as this word came out, Xiao Ruoxu’s face suddenly began to sink: “Chang Yunian, what do you mean? Do you play me?”

The momentum of this speaking body burst out quickly, and it is more powerful than the strong momentum just now.

“Hehe, Xiao Ruoxu, this is my own reason. Of course, to show my sincerity, I have given you this purple jade arrow.”

After speaking, the fingers of his fingers were flicked, and the purple jade arrow in his hand quickly shot out.


After receiving the other’s purple jade arrow, Xiao Ruoxu’s face calmed down a bit, but it was still quite unhappy. After all, this Tao hate is not just the value of a jade arrow.

“Of course, this is only part of it. When you go out,” Kirin ** “is definitely yours. You don’t need to worry about this. After all, I have offended a black blood demon temple. I do n’t want to offend the cherry blossom demon Temple people. “

“Hmph, hope you can do it.”

Xiao Ruoxu hummed coldly.

“Just don’t you think you need to find something to do these days?”

Chang Yunian said with a smile on his face, but there was an indescribable chill in the smile.

“What do you mean?”

“There is no need to explain killing. This is a battlefield for hunting. Everyone is hunted. Besides hunters, they are prey. I think you should understand that killing people here will not worry too much about the consequences. Yes, and I think there are many things we can seek besides the jade arrows we want. “

“You mean robbing other people, be it Jade Arrow or others?”


Chang Yunian’s finger gave a crisp and pleasant ringing finger: “Very clever, I really think so, after all, if we want to do this kind of thing, as long as we rely on your strength, we can get enough purple Jade arrows, and basically no one can stop us, and many of these people are children, are there any cultivation techniques and treasures we need?

I have to say that Chang Yunian is a good lobbyist, so after hearing Chang Yunian’s suggestion, this Xiao Ruoxu was obviously tempted.

“The most critical point.”

Chang Yunian put out his finger again and said.

After seeing Xiao Ruoxu’s heartbeat, Chang Yunian’s face also overflowed with contented treacherous: “After all, Tao Tao spent a lot of blood before he escaped, but he was absolutely hurt and you think How far can the other party escape in this case? “


At this time, Xiao Ruoxu also responded and said without hesitation.

sou sou ……!

With the sound of two sounds of breaking the air, they suddenly resounded in the void, and the two of them moved quickly towards the direction that Tao hated and ran away in madness …

“Blood tiger roars!”

There was a low drinking sound filled with baleful aura suddenly in the depths of the distant valley. With this low drinking sound, a series of terrifying coercion appeared as if the king came.

With the explosion of the blasting sound, the immediate airflow began to radiate continuously toward all around, and a lot of World’s Essence Qi descended wildly towards moving towards the bottom, forming thousands of streamers.

They landed in a humble cave.

This terrible breath was delayed for about ten seconds, and the suffocating feeling was extremely strong, but at this time, the ground began to make a slight trembling sound.

Hong long long ! !

In the flying sand running stone, within the valley surface suddenly began to emit a terrifying energy, and with the appearance of this energy, countless energy became invisible but full of blasting and destructive power. astral qi.

“Brahma, your beast …”

A cry of sorrow suddenly called out of the cave, a black silhouette suddenly burst out of the cave, and after this shadow, a rays of light of silver rushed away.


Earthshaking’s blast sounded like this.


A tiger-like roar suddenly erupted completely at this time, and it started its terrible destructive power without hesitation.

“Tiger crash!”

It was the clear, low-pitched sound of the drink just now, but the sound at this time was more condensed than before.

Peng peng peng!

In The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the entire cave collapsed instantly.

The two silhouettes that fell 100 meters away suddenly had a sudden meal, and the black silhouette began to yell anxiously: “Brahma!”


The voice didn’t fall, and the countless horrible air currents formed a substantial scarlet swirling sphere and quickly hit the ruins of the cave.

Pā pā pā ……

In a crisp sound of footsteps, a teenager in a black robe came out slowly with a lazy smile, and the blue cross sword mark in the heart of the teenager’s eyebrow seemed extremely charming.

This person is not who Ye Fantian is. After seeing that Ye Fantian has no problems, the fangs on the side slowly breathed a sigh of relief, but then yelled out of anger: “You are crazy Ah, how to practice tricks in this cave! “

Ye Fantian smiled and hehe said with an embarrassment and said: “hehe, it’s safe, I didn’t show it out accidentally, mainly after I realized it, just like this Now. “

“Che, you fucking!”

Wolverine said with envy.

“Low-key, low-key, hehe … there’s just a new understanding.”

After hearing this, the sorrow in Wolf Langya’s heart was so depressed: “Did you realize it again? Didn’t you realize it only a while ago?”

Ye Fantian hearing this was a moment, then he stroked his head and said, “Is there anything wrong with this?”

Wolf Fang: “…”

Looking at his hands, Ye Fantian’s face showed a happy expression. After this time of understanding in his heart, he applied his whole body to True Qi, the power of Xuanjing, Bodhi Spirit Root and even his body. Other energies finally began to wash their whole body once again, whether it was muscle, meridian, or even every drop of blood after a long tempering, and finally reached the current effect, although said and expected It’s worse, but it’s enough to make Ye Fantian’s heart quite excited. After all, the practice of this time has fully increased the defense and strength of his fleshhy body by about three times.

Although it has not yet reached the level of horror that he expected, Ye Fantian believes that even if he is facing a master of the Great Martial Master mid-grade level, I am afraid it is difficult for the other party to break his defense.

With the increase of strength, Ye Fantian has started to feel more and more about the found mystery of “Nine Turns to Xuan Gong”. The terrifying defensive power is simply against the sky!

Holding the right hand tightly, the veins on the fingers are clearly visible, and the Dao astral qi is displayed on the palm with the movement of the mind with no difficulty.

After seeing this change, the face of the wolf fangs changed slightly. This astral qi summon can be done when he comes out, but it is absolutely impossible to do so easily. In this way, serene is as easy as breathing. Absolutely not to the extent he can do it.

“This guy is a monster!”

Wolverine thought sour.

“Sure enough, True Qi is running three to four times faster than before, and it can continue to be enhanced. The physical transformation at this time is really good.”

Ye Fantian said with a smile.

Suddenly, at this time, the faces of Ye Fantian and Langfang Fang suddenly found a rays of light of a scarlet flying fast from here, and the speed was faster than ordinary people imagined.

And the scarlet’s streamer hit the boulder without blinking.


The horrible force shattered the megalith, and then a flesh-colored silhouette appeared in front of the two of them. After seeing this guy, Ye Fantian’s eyebrows slightly raised: “Why is he ?!”

After hearing Ye Fantian’s words, the face of Langya’s teeth showed curiosity, “Do you know?”

Ye Fantian gently nodded: “Forget it, a friend who is not even a friend and even has some contradictions, but also a miserable person.”

The two while speaking have already started moving towards each other.

Sure enough, with the silhouette reluctantly opening his eyes, Ye Fantian said with a smile: “hehe, Tao hate, long time no see.”

After hearing a familiar cry, Tao Hen reluctantly moved towards the other side and looked at him. After seeing Ye Fantian, Tao Hen’s face showed a strange expression, but then he smiled weakly: “Yeah It ’s been a long time since I saw you. I did n’t expect that I would come to you. It ’s up to you to kill you. ”Apparently, Tao Hen did n’t know about Ye Fantian and his inmates, so he did n’t know that he almost died.

Ye Fantian said with a smile: “I remember that you weren’t so pessimistic. Why did you become like this now?”

It seems that I knew that I was hard to avoid calamity this time, so Tao hated not to argue much, lightly saying: “I was overcast by that Chang Yunian, hum, but I didn’t expect my luck to be so miserable, it seems … … I’m still an ominous guy, luck has always been so bad. “

After speaking, he closed his eyes again: “Ye Fantian, dead in your hands, I have no complaints, after all, I used to kill you before.”

With a trace of unwillingness, Tao’s expression began to soften, but at this time a clear voice came out: “What if I don’t kill you?”

Tao Hen’s eyes opened suddenly, and then with an incredible expression on his face, Ye Niu Tian Fan: “You-don’t kill me?”

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