Chapter XNUMX The Sad Chang Yunian

In a dense layer of forest, a stream of silver white flashed quickly, and the terrifying matchless breath on the body also made the surrounding demonic beasts start to retreat.

This can be regarded as a deeper place in the Valley of the Wind. Whether it is the denseness of the layered forest or other aspects, it is much more unusual, and the demonic beast here has basically reached the level of Level 4, and even There is the Demonic beast of Fifth Level hidden in it.

Staring at this stream of light, many powerful demonic beasts have begun to spit, apparently for the aliens who want to devour them.

Soon this stream of light suddenly stopped, and then the other’s appearance appeared immediately.

This is a full-scale silver giant wolf with the size of a horse. It is quite strong both in body shape and on the limbs, especially the pair of wolf eyes of the other party, extremely cold, even if they know to hide here Demonic beast, which is more powerful than himself, but has never exposed the cowardly rays of light, but has become more eager to try it.

On the other’s back, a fit man sat with anxiety on it, and in his hands he clearly carried a weak-spirited man, who looked immensely immature. -16 years, and there is still a large pool of blood on the chest.

This combination is the Ye Fantian, Silver and Wolverine that just fled from the Martial King powerhouse.

“Hu hu hu … perverted, perverted, your kid’s strength is really perverted, but that’s a Martial King-level powerhouse, and you dare to provoke it, and you also fight against each other.”

While speaking, Ye Fantian’s eyes barely opened, and then said helplessly, “You think I’m willing, this guy is also really shameless. A dignified Martial King-level powerhouse actually bullied me. The little martial arts master who has reached the Martial Master level, but I am only sixteen years old, and according to this Xuantian continuous 18 years old adult record, I am not yet an adult. “

The Ye Fantian while speaking has already climbed to the silver, but there is no dissatisfaction with the silver of Ye Fantian’s actions, but he is extremely excited, obviously because he got a bodhi fruit from Ye Fantian, this Guys’ gratitude to Ye Fantian is a strong one.

“We seem to be staring at something.”

The spirit of the soul in the eyebrows felt the breath released by the demonic beasts around him, but Ye Fantian lightly saying, but there was no care in that tone. At this time, he could barely play the spirit of a fierce soul. Although the consequences were definitely serious after the fact, he didn’t care about these guys even so.

“Yeah, these idiots are indeed eyeing them, but it’s still our luck. It is said that there is this powerful Demonic beast here. Now it seems that these Demonic beasts are all sleeping. For these Levels, 4 Fifth Level Demonic beast, I do n’t care, I can deal with them with my current strength and the speed of silver, but to save time, I still use that treasure. Your injury is quite serious now. The treatment will have unpredictable consequences. This damn Martial King, Martial King is awesome, I know that I have bullied some juniors. “

While speaking, the wolf fangs took out a sensible white bone from his arms. This white bone was similar to the Sacred Beast bone he gave to Ye Fantian, but it was smaller and the secret patterns on it. More and more complicated.

“This is the inheritance treasure of our Dahuang tribe. Basically it is the number of hundreds. Every young kid of the Dahuang tribe will have it, hehe, but it can be worn for ten years. After ten years, Will be taken back. “

After taking out this bone from the other party, the evil spirit in the center of Ye Fantian’s palm has begun to produce a slight shake. This seems to be a kind of excited wave. After feeling this wave, Ye Fantian couldn’t help wondering Said: “What is this?”

The wolf fangs slowly stroked the bones in his hand and a smug expression appeared on the face, saying: “This is what a Senior of our Great Desert tribe left after his symbiotic Totem, symbiotic Totem The relationship with the owner is quite good. Although generally speaking, it can be said to be symbiotic, but it cannot be said to be symbiotic. After all, this symbiotic Totem is also a kind of demonic beast. The life span is longer than that of humans, but once When the owner dies, there is rarely a symbiotic Totem who will survive on his own. Generally, this bone is the bone on the Senior’s symbiotic Totem. This symbiotic Totem has reached the level of 9 Demonic beast. So the fur, blood, and bones on its body have a powerful deterrent. “

Seeing Ye Fantian’s eyes were not right, he hurriedly explained: “Don’t get me wrong, but we are not so cruel to let the other’s corpse pass, just thousands of years after the other’s death, wait for all the flesh After disappearing, we will remove part of the bones of the other party, and then make it look like this, and then use secret methods to refine it into the current posture. “

While speaking, this coyote suddenly poured its True Qi into it, and suddenly this little white bone suddenly sent out a strange rays of light: “roar !!”

A roar full of majesty suddenly erupted at this time. Although this roar is not big, but with a natural coercion, it seems like a king. Although there are not many words, but the king The breath can’t be ignored.

A mini-shaped strange creature suddenly illusionized from that weird rays of light, and after seeing this creature’s phantom, Ye Fantian’s face could not help but change slightly, because the appearance of this guy seemed to be memorized with himself The legendary unicorns seen in the previous and past lives are quite similar.

The phantom of this unicorn creature just appeared, and suddenly there was a burst of rapid friction sounds around them. After these friction sounds, the sound of breaking air quickly resounded, and the direction of the sound was clearly moved towards all around The laser shot receded.

After feeling this powerful breath, Ye Fantian’s face suddenly showed admirable expression, and he was able to deter these powerful demonic beasts in an instant. This strength is no longer unimaginable.

This is still the power after the death of the other party. Ye Fantian is very doubtful if this guy is alive, how terrible it is.

“Finished, this white bone is called Linshen Bone. It can only deter those Level XNUMX Demonic beasts. Level XNUMX Demonic beasts have little effect, and Level XNUMX Demonic beasts. There is no possibility of deterrence at all. . “

The Wolf Fang said with some dissatisfaction.

“What else do you want? If those guys outside knew that you were carrying this stuff, I’m afraid they would be jealous of death.”

Ye Fantian said scornfully.

“Hehe, it ’s safe. This thing is just a way of doing things. I usually rarely use it. With my strength plus the strength and speed of silver, I wo n’t be afraid of the existence of these things, but now I ’m afraid of extracurricular branches. . “

Immediately looking at Ye Fantian’s increasingly pale face, he said again in a hurry: “The cave in front of me is very secretive, and the environment is not bad. It ’s quite good for you to practice. Go there and heal. . “

Ye Fantian gently nodded …

In the Valley of the Wind!

The purple rays of light flickered quickly. The rays of light started in three directions, clearly being east, west, north, and as far as the south, only five golden rays of light flickered.

“Hehe, this one is pretty good. If these purple jade arrows are shot out in different directions, they can spread the range of the contestants, and then test them again. If you want to get more purple jade arrows, What is needed is constant fighting. “

A Great Martial Master-level powerhouse hidden in the dark said with a smile.

“But the smartest people will choose to find the golden jade arrow. After all, although the golden jade arrow is not as good as the purple jade arrow in points, it has few competitors and it is the most real thing to hold it in your hands. of.”

Another Great Martial Master-level powerhouse looked at the running direction of a samurai youth, and could not help showing an expression of appreciation.

“It’s another month, damn it, but I’m exhausted. After returning to the mansion, I must find a few women to be comfortable.”

An apparently seemingly insignificant man said with a laugh, but this statement was suddenly attacked by everyone’s eyes …


Chang Yunian’s palm hit fiercely on the body of a man competing with himself for jade arrows, and then quickly grabbed the purple jade arrows on the ground, and quickly moved towards the distance and fled.

At this time, where did he still have the original look of pride, and the look of the wolf howled with that worn robe, it looked no different from a beggar.

But the twist and hatred on that face were quite strong: “Damn inmate! I waited for him for so long, but in the end it didn’t come out. It seemed to be dead inside, and that mask The guy even stole the four petals of Bodhi fruit, which should have been my treasure, purple jade arrow, these should be mine. There is nothing omitted in the plan itself, why? Why did it happen at this time? Such a thing! “

Every time I think about the original plan and those treasures at his fingertips, his heart starts to grow more angry, especially as long as that time passes, he can have the opportunity to get the Bodhi Sacred Fruit and even get promoted. To the point of Samurai top grade Peak, but nothing in a blink of an eye.

This makes him always proud of how he can withstand.

“Ye Fantian, hum, the only good thing at this time is to kill you, fight with me, you are still tender. I will also frequent your Ye Family, because of you I only liked Ye Family. I wanted to see if you lost Ye Family, can your Ye Family stand up, and Situ Chengbi, your woman, this Young Master, and after the game, watch How did Ben Young Master kill that woman! “

When it comes to this, Chang Yunian’s face has become more gloomy and distorted.

But if this Chang Yunian knows that the dead guy he said is just the person who is extremely resentful in his heart and who is fighting for the Bodhi Sacred Fruit, and who has taken away the four petals of the Sacred Fruit, he is the same person. I do n’t know what to do Feelings, and Ye Fantian is not only dead, but even more moisturized …

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