Chapter One Hundred and fifty Powerhouse Strikes

The wolf-fangs stared helplessly at Ye Fantian and said, “What else do you say, I am looking for you but it is quite hard. If it were not for the help of silver, I really could not find you Traces, especially your walks around, made me find a lot of places. “

The two knew each other? !!

The yellow clothes, Liu Ting, and Guan Muran couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath, not to mention that it was the fangs, even the breath of the giant wolf that was similar to the horse was not something they could provoke. The feeling of horror is just like they are facing their elder masters, which is heavy and stressful.

“Being able to compete with such a master, how bad is the strength of this mysterious boy?”

After thinking about this, the fluke in their hearts began to expand immediately, and a secret decision was secretly made in their hearts. In the future, it is better to be honest with those guys who are mysterious. Finally I’m afraid I don’t even know how to die.

“What? Your friend?”

After seeing the yellow clothes, the wolf fangs showed a touch of curiosity, and then looked at the yellow clothes again. The look was strange, and he couldn’t help saying, “The kid is really a romantic Seed, seduce beautiful women everywhere. “

Ye Fantian helplessly said: “It just happened, let’s go.”

Ye Fantian, while speaking, said lightly to the yellow clothes again: “You can go.”

Unexpectedly, Ye Fantian didn’t even bother to find himself again, and he didn’t even snatch the jade arrows on his body. This made the yellow clothes’ hearts suddenly surprised, and then quickly nodded, and turned and started to leave …

After looking at the three of them, Wolverine’s teeth could not help revealing a curious expression, and Ye Fantian explained what happened, and then a very depressed expression appeared on his face.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

After listening to Ye Fantian’s narration, the wolverine teeth on the side couldn’t help laughing, and the crazy laughter even began to shed tears.

“Looked at the Spring Palace … Ha Ha Ha.”

Ye Fantian’s expression became more depressed: “Is it so funny?”

The silver on the side was fiercely moved towards the wolf fangs, the wolf fangs showing unpleasant expression, and the laughter of the wolf fangs was really terrifying.

“Okay, okay, I don’t laugh anymore, but your luck seems really bad.”

Wolverine repressed his laughter reluctantly.

After collecting the silver back, Ye Fantian could not help but said with curiosity: “Is there any news about Qing Yunruo and Tan Xingchen?”

Wolf the Fang shook the head: “After I got the Bodhi Fruit, I went looking for two people, but I did n’t find them, so I had to look for you. I did n’t expect you to be wearing Supreme Treasure Feather, Laozi this Time owes you a great deal of affection. Otherwise, if it is true, it is really impossible to get the Bodhi fruit, and it is even more impossible to break through to the Martial Master level. “

While speaking, the wolf fangs took out a finger of snow white from his arms and handed it to Ye Fantian seriously: “This is a gift from our Dahuang people, only to our true friends. This is a big wild people The treasure in it is called Sacred Beast. Our Dahuang people are not optimistic about other races, so if you have his word, any people in the Dahuang people will give up any alert to you when they meet. If there are difficulties, the people of the Dahuang tribe will do their best to help you. Don’t reject Lao Tzu, this is the first time Lao Tzu sends out the Sacred Beast bone. “

Ye Fantian took this bone with curiosity. Although the length of the bone is only the length of the fingers, there are countless strange patterns carved on it, and there is no dazzling feeling in these complicated patterns. The opposite is here There was also a hint of mystery, which seemed very comfortable.

“The pattern above is the mysterious part of our Dahuang tribe. The pattern of Totem and the pattern of this Sacred Beast bone are the same. Hehe, of course, the beauty of this Sacred Beast bone is Some, just because they are so old, so far we do n’t know much about found mystery, and you still need to control it yourself. “

Ye Fantian gently nodded, and then asked the wolf fangs: “I calculate that there are more than thirty days left to be the date of the valley.”

The wolf fangs revealed a forceful smile and said: “Yeah, Lao Tzu has spent so long here, and the most gain is that he has been promoted to the Martial Master level in this place. Among the clan, hehe, Lao Tzu is also a super master, I am afraid that Lao Tzu is the first one to be promoted to the Martial Master level in the younger generation. “

Obviously, the heart of this coyote between words is quite happy.


Suddenly there was a strange sound in the air, and with the appearance of this sound, a wonderful breath appeared in the entire space.

“roar! !”

As if a sleeping tiger suddenly awakened, the terrible roar burst out suddenly, and the boundless coercion began to move wildly towards all around.

“What’s going on? How could this breath be so powerful?”

Ye Fantian said solemnly on his face.

“I don’t know, but Yinzi now sends me a trembling feeling. How is this possible? Yinzi never knew the title of the book was scared, but now it bursts out like this?”

Suddenly their faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

suddenly! His complexion is stiffened. I had to stop because the ground suddenly began to shake violently.

“Earthquake ?!” A single thought came to his mind, but he was immediately denied.

Just in doubt, there was a loud noise in the distance.

“Dong!” “Dong!” “Dong!” …

The thunderbolt was getting closer and closer, and the ground was shaking more and more.

Suddenly, a mighty momentum dripping from the sky enveloped the entire space, and then a very arrogant voice spread through the valley of the wind: “hmph, is this the essence of the gale dynasty? Old man seems nothing more than that! “

“So terrifying, crazy ?!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes widened, his eyes filled with incomparable shock, his heart started beating fiercely.

What kind of master really has such a breath, being overbearing, arrogant, and indifferent to everything, it is just like an unscrupulous lunatic madness, which makes him almost unable to stand upright.

His strength has just reached the level of Martial Master level, even the Powerhouse of the Great Martial Master level top grade Peak cannot give him such strong pressure.

“Martial King !!”

Ye Fantian and Wolverine looked at each other, clearly seeing the same belief in each other’s eyes.

“The King is coming, the meaning of terror, murderous aura, like the surrender of beings!”

Wolverine’s mouth couldn’t help murmuring.

“Hmph … what about Martial King, who wants to suppress us?”

Ye Fantian’s face showed a color of perseverance, and the muscles of his body were shaking madly at this time, the blue cross sword mark in his eyebrow suddenly burst into blue, and the endless breath began to be in him The body around him was bursting out like liquid.

Pā pā pā ……

The muscles and skeleton of the body continued to make harsh vibrations. It was also at this time that Ye Fantian slowly straightened his body in the astonishing eyes of Wolverine Fang, and the proud gesture on his face was more than Let the king do nothing for you!


Ye Fantian fiercely grabbed the arm of Wolf’s Fang, and said lightly, “Go! Let’s go and see!”

After seeing Ye Fantian’s unattended appearance, the wolf fangs were stunned at first, but soon showed a crazy smile, and the momentum of his body began to erupt suddenly: “Ha Ha Ha …… go Lao Tzu wants to see what kind of master this is, and he wants to sacrifice in the Imperial Court of the Wind, Martial King, so what ?!

“Ha Ha Ha!”

The crazy laughter of the two came out quickly …

From that proud roar just now, it is clear that this person’s identity is not the person of the gale dynasty, and it is exactly the same. At the moment when the momentum of the other party appeared, angry roar suddenly burst out: “In the hunt , And people dare to be so impudent! “

This loud roar rang through the world, sweeping like a shocking thunderstorm, splashing and billowing.

After this roar rang through the whole valley of wind, dozens of powerful momentum suddenly exploded, and then the silhouettes of the dozens of roads quickly appeared beside the people.

This is a human wearing a dark black robe, at this time he is standing on a boulder up to 1000 meters.

The man looked like he was in his thirties, with two light red eyebrows plunging into the corners. The dark brown head was cluttered over his shoulders. The tall bridge of the nose, gray eyes, and slightly thick lips are like sharp edges and sharp cheeks, indescribable murderous aura.

The wide body is close to two meters. On the dark black samurai robe, a whole body of red bloody python embroidery is vivid. There is an insane and ferocious breath of mass and heaven, which is enough to shock the spirit of all martial arts present at the world.

More than a dozen old men in gorgeous robes surrounded this man coldly. Although this man looked very young, the age of martial arts, especially the powerful age of martial arts, looked a lot in appearance. Not coming out.

Especially the guy in front of him, the horrible atmosphere shows that this guy’s strength is no longer described as Great Martial Master!

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