Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 961 Entering the palace to pick a spiritual beast

Murong Fu swore that he was a good young man who was enthusiastic about helping others and was definitely not coveting those treasures.

Especially those spiritual beasts in Qian Palace, all of them are good mounts that are hard to find!

He didn't want spiritual beasts and treasures. Qin Yi had forced them on him, so he had no choice but to accept them respectfully.

Hahaha, it’s just a casual thing anyway, so why not do it?

Thank you, Brother Murong! Qin Yi was overjoyed, his worried face slowly unfolded, and he thanked him repeatedly.

He didn't know what Murong Fu had in mind, let alone that he was being tricked.

He suddenly seemed to have thought of something and his face changed slightly again: By the way, I recently investigated the matter of my father's poisoning, and I also had some eyebrows.

When Murong Fu heard this, he immediately became interested.

He had heard Bian Eryi talk about that kind of poison. It was definitely not an ordinary thing in the world. There must be someone behind it.

What did the eldest prince discover?

Qin Yi looked around mysteriously and whispered: Everyone in this huge Qian Palace is listening to the throne.

Not just the princes, but also those in the dark...

Early the next morning, Qin Yi took Murong Fu into the palace, and the two of them came to the [Beast Royal Palace].

Brother Murong, this place is far away from [Hundred Thousand Mountains]. Normally it would take three to five days.

And the spiritual beasts in this [Beast Taming House] are all top-notch mounts, capable of traveling thousands of miles in a day.

This time, I must choose one for you to show my sincerity.

Qin Yi kept introducing him along the way, hoping to deepen his friendship with Murong Fu.

He knew that if he wanted to fight for the throne, he would have to have capable warriors around him to help him.

And the young man in front of him looked like he was not in the pool at first glance. He would not give up such a good partner.

Murong Fu also guessed his little Jiujiu, smiled and said nothing, and looked like he had no desires or desires, which made Qin Yi a little confused.

The two passed through most of the Qian Palace before arriving at the southeast of the Qian Palace. .

As soon as you get closer, you can hear the roars and screams of spiritual beasts coming from far away.

Some cried blood, some were majestic, and some sobbed low...

When Murong Fu was confused, Qin Yi opened his mouth and explained to him: This [Beast Taming Institute] is dedicated to taming the royal mounts and spirit beasts, and all the animal trainers there are not easy to mess with.

Also, not to mention some low-level spiritual beasts, there are many rare species like the Fire Sparrow.

If you really want to make it bow its head and recognize its master, you must surrender it and make it willingly become your mount.

Otherwise, even if they die, they will never be driven by others...

After hearing this, Murong Fu couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It seems that there are a lot of good things here!

Suddenly, a glint flashed in his eyes: First Prince, then don't try to fool me with low-level spiritual beasts.

Haha, what are you talking about? Qin Yi smiled lightly and continued:

With Brother Murong's strength, he will definitely be able to subdue the rarest spiritual beast among them!

The two people walked into the [Beast Control Center] while talking.

My eldest prince, I wonder what you are doing here today? A man in a black gown came towards me, bowing slightly to say hello.

Murong Fu looked at the visitor, his eyes changed slightly, and he couldn't help thinking in his heart: This person is not good!

Although the person in front of him bowed to say hello, his forehead never lowered and his eyes looked straight.

A flash of displeasure flashed across Qin's face, but he still spoke politely: Steward Wu, today I am here to accompany Brother Murong to choose a good spiritual beast.

Wu Jinghong had a smile on his face, looking at Murong Fu up and down, and then looked away with disdain.

First Prince, it's not me who said so. Our [Beast Control Center] is for the royal family, and not just any cat or dog can come in.

After hearing what he said, Qin Yi became even more angry and said in a bad tone: Mr. Wu, you are so rude to me, what do you mean by the third brother?

How could it be? The third prince has always admired you. It was just a small rudeness.

Although Wu Jinghong apologized, his eyes showed no sign of admitting his mistake.

Qin Yi slowly clenched his fists, glanced at him coolly, and after a long time he said in a deep voice: Take us to see the spiritual beasts!


Wu Jinghong led the way and brought the two of them to a huge palace.

Murong Fu looked around and secretly admired: It is indeed the [Qian Palace], it is really rich and powerful.

This palace is gleaming with gold, and every part is made of gold. There are three floors in total.

There are hundreds of spiritual beasts imprisoned on each floor, and their screams are endless.

Suddenly, I saw a fierce wolf howl coming from the depths of the second floor, and then I saw a man and a wolf fighting fiercely.

Back and forth, dozens of moves passed in the blink of an eye.

At first, the wolf could still get some advantages, but slowly he fell behind.

I saw the man strike down with his palm, and a faint blue light emitted immediately.

Great! Congratulations to Mr. Zhang for successfully taming [Blue Flame Wolf King]

The middle-aged man held the giant wolf tightly in his hands.

He gently made a cut with his finger, and blood dripped into the mouth of [Blue Flame Wolf King].

The giant wolf kept struggling, roaring and wailing from its mouth.

However, within a few breaths, it had already stopped, and the whole body was emitting a light blue light.

Immediately, the man let go of [Blue Flame Wolf King] with a slight smile on his lips.

At his feet, the giant wolf was lying on the ground, whimpering to show his submission.

When Wu Jinghong saw this, he looked at Murong Fu and said arrogantly: You see, this spiritual beast cannot be tamed by just anyone.

I see, some people should stop humiliating themselves.

Murong Fu didn't know why this man was so hostile to him, he just felt a little baffled.

Before he could speak, Qin Yi took the lead and snorted coldly: Manager Wu, have you ever heard of a saying that dogs look down on others?

What do you mean, eldest prince! After hearing this, Wu Jinghong looked straight at him with a hint of provocation.

He was the third prince's closest confidant, so how could he give the eldest prince a good look?

Tsk, tsk, tsk! Could it be that Manager Wu's ears don't work? Or was his cerebellum eaten by a spiritual beast?

Murong Fu smiled and continued: The eldest prince is calling you a dog, why don't you thank me!

You! Wu Jinghong had never been so insulted before, and he slapped Murong Fu angrily.

The latter had a thought in his mind, and a look of excitement appeared on his face, just waiting for you to take action!

He wanted to see what the people in this [Beast Control Center] were capable of, daring to be so arrogant in front of him.

Wu Jinghong saw himself getting closer and closer to Murong Fu, and a sneer appeared on his lips: You will die!

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