Under the shocked gazes of his master and disciple, Murong Fu took out an ancient book wrapped in sheepskin.

It is the legendary medical book [Yu Qing Asks the Difficulties Sutra]

The moment Bian Eryi saw it, his eyes wanted to stick to them, glowing faintly.

It's true! He jumped forward, not caring about the pretense of a master or a miracle doctor.

He looked straight at the medical book, mesmerized, wishing that tears would flow out of his mouth unconsciously.

Murong Fu didn't expect his reaction to be so big, and it took him a long time to speak: Do you know this book, sir?

Bian Twenty-one came to his senses slightly and started talking.

This book has been handed down from ancient times, and it records countless superb medical skills and methods.

Moreover, it contains the theory of yin and yang and the five elements, pulse theory, hidden image theory, meridian theory, etiology theory, pathogenesis theory, disease, diagnosis, treatment, etc.

What's especially wonderful is that behind each of these theories there is a kind of skill. After doctors understand the practice, their skills will greatly increase, and they can hang a pot to help the world...

The more he talked, the more he talked, his mouth was flying, but his eyes never left the book Jade Qing Questions and Difficulties for a moment.

When Su Ying listened to his words, her eyes could not help but shine slightly, and she looked at Murong Fu with a bit of reverence: I didn't expect you to be so powerful.

Murong Fu smiled at her and blinked: Haven't you already experienced the power of my husband?

Su Ying's face turned red, and with a bit of shyness, she hit him gently: Don't talk nonsense!

Ahem, are you selling this book? Bian Eryi struggled in his heart for a long time, and finally said.

I am willing to give you all my life's elixirs. As long as you can give me this book, what do you want from me?

Murong Fu slowly shook his head and refused: This book is of great significance to me, and I cannot sell it easily.

As soon as these words came out, the light in Bian Twenty-One's eyes instantly dimmed, with a bit of loss and reluctance.


As Murong Fu continued to speak, his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

But what? No matter what you ask for, I will agree!

However, I am willing to give this book to Su Ying.

What did you say! Bian Eryi and Su Ying both froze on the spot, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

Su Ying had a look of disbelief on her face and her eyes widened: You actually gave such a precious medical book to me like this?

Compared with you, nothing in the world is as precious as you! As he said this, Murong Fu put the book in her hand and kissed her gently.

Suddenly, her eyes filled with tears, and her heart was moved: Fu Lang...

The two embraced each other again, the man was so talented and the woman was so beautiful, they were a perfect match.

Bian Eryi stood not far away, anxious and sore. Looking at the medical book, his heart felt itchy.


Su Ying finally reacted after his vocal reminder.

She looked at her master's longing eyes and said softly: Fu Lang, can you allow my master to read this medical book together?

Of course! Since I have given it to you, it is yours. You can show it to anyone you want. Murong Fu curled his lips and smiled.

Really? Are you telling the truth? Bian Eryi rushed up and held Murong Fu's hand tightly.

Seeing the latter slowly nodding, he couldn't help but burst into tears: After decades, I finally fulfilled my lifelong wish.

Boy! I have made a decision to be your friend. If you need me in the future, I will do my best.

Murong Fu couldn't help but feel a little funny when he saw his true temperament.

Suddenly, he thought of Luo Tianxi and thought: Old sir, I do have something to ask you.


Do you know if there is any medicine that can restore the soul?

After hearing this, Bian Eryi frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said: There are only a handful of medicines in the world that can treat Yuanshen. Even in [Yaowang Valley], there was only one fairy grass that appeared a few decades ago.

And now, it's even harder to find the medicine! As he spoke, he sighed slightly and shook his head silently.

Murong Fu was shocked and murmured: Is there really no other way...

At this moment, Bian Twenty-one slapped his forehead and exclaimed: Oh! I almost forgot about this.

Before he finished speaking, he took out a tattered book from his arms and found a dark yellow parchment scroll.

When Su Ying saw this, she was a little curious: Master, what is this?

This is the map of [One Hundred Thousand Mountains]. It is said that there is a fairy grass in it called [Purple Bodhi Flower].

It has been recorded in ancient books that this flower has an excellent effect on healing and repairing the soul, which is rare to see in a hundred years.

And the nearest one happens to be within [One Hundred Thousand Mountains]. If you are lucky, you may be able to encounter it.

Bian Eryi handed the map to Murong Fu and attached a picture of [Purple Bodhi Flower].

Thank you, old sir.

Murong Fu was immediately overjoyed and thought to himself: It seems that Luo Tianxi is saved this time.

The night was slowly getting darker. Su Ying and Bian Eryi were sitting in the courtyard. The master and the apprentice were studying the Yu Qing Questioning Difficult Sutra vigorously.

Inside the room, Murong Fu slowly sat cross-legged and entered into meditation.

He closed his eyes slightly and felt the changes after the fusion of the fifth dragon essence in his body.

After the fifth dragon essence was fused, he could clearly feel the veins and bone marrow all over his body, as if they had been purified.

He felt an unprecedented powerful force, guiding the true energy in his body to continuously wash and swim.

From head to toe, from the inside out, a completely new change has taken place.

I saw him exhaling a breath of turbid air, and he suddenly felt refreshed, and his limbs were full of strength.

There seemed to be a faint white light all around him, flickering on and off, sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

He raised his inner strength again, feeling the surging and full feeling in his body, as if he was about to transform into an immortal.

He circulated his luck three times in the body one after another, and then slowly stopped and slowly opened his eyes.

This fifth dragon essence is really extraordinary. It seems that we need to step up our search for these six. M..

Early the next morning, Qin Wu's mansion was extremely lively.

The two extremely embarrassed people supported each other and walked to the door, looking for the seventh prince as soon as they opened their mouths.

As expected, he was stopped by the guard.

Go in and pass the message, our names are Ji Wufeng and Shen Daoren. Shen Daoren's teeth were leaking, and he felt extremely cool as he spoke.

The guard was also tough, and he drew his sword and was about to drive them out: Where did you get these stinky beggars from? You can come to the Fifth Prince's Mansion just as you want?

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