Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 957 Broken fingers and lost teeth

Ah! My hand, my hand! Ji Wufeng yelled crazily.

Shen Daoren's face hardened, and he looked at Murong Fu who was about to kill him, worried that he would kill him.

Determined to use all his strength to defeat it.

I saw his eyes change slightly, with a bit of murderous aura in his eyes, and an ink-colored aura rose up around him.

The next moment, Shen Daoren roared and moved his hands quickly in front of his chest, as if he was about to form a seal.

Boy! Let you taste the power of my [Mo Ran Ghost City]!

As soon as he finished speaking, tens of thousands of sword blades seemed to have received some kind of summons.

The sword twisted and twisted like a demon, surrounded by black gas, and quickly attacked Murong Fu.

No! This is Shen Daoren's lifelong secret! When Bian Eryi saw this, he secretly said something bad.

After hearing this, Su Ying immediately panicked and stood there with a pale face.

I'm here to help you!

Hearing Bian Twenty-one's roar, he wanted to step forward to fight.

However, before he could make any move, Murong Fu's hearty voice came over.

Hahaha, old gentleman, you are just an ant, why do you need to take action?

Before he finished speaking, a figure quickly passed through the sword formation, and was immediately annihilated by countless black hurricanes.

Bian Eryi and Su Ying looked over worriedly, but they could only see countless black smoke, and Murong Fu could be vaguely seen.

In the billowing black smoke at this moment, Murong Fu was surrounded by countless ink swords.

It was like weaving a fine and huge net, trapping him tightly in it.

Suffer death! Shen Daoren roared, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

In an instant, ink swords from all directions attacked simultaneously, pointing straight at the only center of the circle - Murong Fu.

Fulang! Be careful! Su Ying stood outside anxiously, her pretty little face even looking like she was about to cry.

Just when tens of thousands of sword blades were about to pass through Murong Fu's body, they all suddenly stopped.

It stopped only three inches away from him, unable to move any further.

Shen Daoren's expression changed, his heart sank, and the movements of his hands became faster and faster, urging Mo Jian as if to urge him to death.

Hey, you have so little ability and you still want to take my life? What are you dreaming about?

Murong Fu made a joke, and then looked coldly into the distance with bright eyes.

Shen Daoren was a little dazed by his gaze, and his heart even skipped a beat.

At the moment when he lost consciousness, Murong Fu's figure disappeared visibly from the spot and could never be found again.

Ji Wufeng, who was in unbearable pain in the distance, had a bad premonition in his heart and quickly spoke loudly:

Brother Shen, be careful! He...

Before he could finish his words, Shen Daoren felt a faint gaze on the left side behind him, like a light on his back.

He subconsciously controlled the sword and left, but unexpectedly he was already a step too late.

Bang! Shen Daoren's chest was hit hard, as if his ribs were broken.

I saw that Murong Fu, who had disappeared, hit him with a set of [Thirteen Thunder Fists], which made the wind blow and hit the flesh.

It hit Shen Daoren in the face with the wind, and with the flying teeth, there was an ultimate violent beauty.

Cruel! Too cruel! Bian Eryi shook his head while watching.

In my heart, I felt a little admiration for the young man in front of me.

There are probably not many people in this world who can defeat Shen Daoren [Mo Ran Ghost City] so easily.

This person is definitely not a thing in the pool.

With the last punch, Shen Daoren hit Ji Wufeng hard like a kite with its string broken.

The latter's expression changed and he ducked away in panic. Shen Daoren threw a dog and gnawed its shit.

Hahaha! Two dabblers who know nothing dare to challenge me, Fu Lang. Su Ying smiled heartily and spoke sarcastically.

The two people who had been frustrated one after another had never been so insulted before. Each of their eyes seemed to be able to spit out fire. .

Especially Shen Daoren, whose two front teeth were missing, his mouth was leaking, and he spoke vaguely:

Brother Ji, we must not let this be the humiliation we have suffered today!

That's right! Let's go together!

The two men said they wanted to go forward, but each was more honest than the other, and no one dared to take the lead.

Suddenly, just then.

In the palace, a terrifying pressure suddenly came out, making his face become extremely ugly.

Damn it, the Qin family... I hope they wake up and we retreat! Shen Daoren slurred, grabbed Ji Wufeng's arm and turned around to run away.

Seeing the two people fleeing in despair, Su Ying's heart dropped steadily.

She rushed into Murong Fu's arms, looking at him with sparkling eyes with the shyness of a daughter.

Fulang, why did you come to me?

Murong Fu held the soft and fragrant beauty in his arms, feeling in a good mood, and gently comforted her: Don't be afraid, I'm here!

A few steps away, Bian Twenty-one was caught off guard and was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food by two people. He felt a little embarrassed.

Have you forgotten that there is someone here?

Cough cough cough. Bian Eryi coughed twice, reminding the two people who were about to perform a live version in front of them.

Su Ying was a little emotional just now and completely ignored her master.

Now he looked even more embarrassed and wanted to break away from Murong Fu's arms.

However, someone kissed her on the face several times, like a bird pecking at rice.

Bian Eryi didn't expect that today's young people are so good at playing. His old face couldn't help but blush, and he changed the subject: I didn't expect that the man my apprentice is looking for is so powerful.

The old gentleman was ridiculous, but he was just a little aggressive. Murong Fu nodded slightly, neither humble nor arrogant.

That's right! I saw that you just exerted too much force and your qi and blood meridians were blocked. I'm afraid you need to repair it. This is the best Yuanshen Qi Strengthening Pill. You can take it first.

As Bian Eryi said this, he took out a jade bottle from his arms.

This elixir was of the highest quality, and the old gentleman was so generous as to give it to him.

Murong Fu felt slightly moved.

Su Ying seemed to have thought of something, her expression changed, and she said Oh.

If they go and come back, then we...

Bian Eryi gave her a reassuring look and waved his hand casually towards her.

There's no need to worry about this! One of the two men has a broken finger and the other has no teeth. It's too late to run away in a hurry, so how can they come back so easily?

Besides, there are three ancestors who have been sleeping for many years in the Daqian Palace. As long as they wake up, they are not afraid of those people.

After hearing these words, Su Ying breathed a sigh of relief and began to care about Murong Fu's body.

Asking for help, squeezing the shoulders and rubbing the back, serving tea and pouring water, everything is so considerate.

Let Bian Eryi couldn't help but feel a little disgusted: As a master, he has never enjoyed this kind of treatment!

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