Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 952 The Benefits of [Tianming Sect]


[Tianming Sect] Everyone, including Murong Fu, felt incredible that they had not surrendered before but now they surrendered.

Almost two-thirds of the sect's combat strength was wiped out.

Isn't it stupid so early?

That's not right! Murong Fu frowned. When he was about to kill Ling Lanwei, he happened to see her strange behavior of smiling but not smiling.

Suddenly, he thought of a terrible thing.

Could it be that...she was using her own hands to kill these sect elders?

Please, fellow Taoist, take back your magical powers. I, Ling Lanwei, am willing to lead the entire [Tianming Sect] to surrender!

Ling Lanwei shouted again, and the loudness of her voice spread throughout the sect.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment, and with a thought, he transferred the power of the wooden sword to it. In an instant, the top of the mountain was frozen and turned into a snow mountain.

When everything was settled, he recited a spell to take back the wooden sword.

Looking at the slightly cracked sword body, I felt somewhat comforted and muttered:

Fortunately, only one-fifth of the power was used this time. Otherwise, Master's kindness would have been wasted.

Seeing this, Ling Lanwei fainted and collapsed on the ground. Her delicate appearance was pitiful.

Murong Fu stood down from a high position and said in a cold voice: Sect Leader Ling, what kind of drama are you singing in?

Ling Lanwei still looked as cold as a thousand-year-old snow-capped mountain, and said: My sect's skills are inferior to others, so naturally I don't want to see the entire sect wiped out by you.

Therefore, I am willing to surrender to my fellow Taoist disciples and obey my orders.

Murong Fu said contemptuously: You believe me when you say you will surrender?

Ling Lanwei raised three fingers, raised her head and said: I, Ling Lanwei, swear to God that I am willing to lead the [Tianming Sect] up and down to Murong Fu, and from now on, I will regard him as the master.

It is important that he does not do anything to disgrace our sect, and he will not change his behavior in this lifetime.

This... Murong Fu was a little confused by Ling Lanwei's operation, and the disciples of the high-grade sect accepted the high-grade sect as a vassal.

This is a completely normal thing.


No matter how he looked at it, he felt that he was being plotted against.

It seems that Ling Lanwei did this on purpose from the beginning.

What? Seeing Murong Fu's hesitation, Ling Lanwei asked, You still don't believe it?

No, I believe it! Murong Fu landed in front of Ling Lanwei and said, Sect Master Ling, won't you take me to find a place to sit down?

Okay. Ling Lanwei gritted her teeth and slowly stood up and made a gesture of invitation to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu looked around at the many elders of the [Tianming Sect] who were frozen, and followed Ling Lanwei away with a stern expression.

After walking for a while, the two came to the main hall of [Tianming Sect].

All the furnishings here were extremely simple, except for a portrait of an old man riding a deer hanging directly above, which caught Murong Fu's attention. .

This is the founder of our [Tianming Sect]. Ling Lanwei noticed Murong Fu's eyes and explained.

Murong Fu walked up to Ling Lanwei nonchalantly, stared into her eyes sharply, and said coldly:

Sect Master Ling is so good at it. He just killed the entire sect's elders, but now he can still face the ancestor so calmly.

Just because of this calmness, I, Murong Fu, have to write the word submit!

You... Ling Lanwei was called out by Murong Fu and took a step back subconsciously. It was this step that immediately confirmed Murong Fu's suspicion.

This woman was quite cheerful and admitted openly: Haha, fellow Taoist is really smart. He can see the tricks of our sect at a glance.

He is truly a genius disciple of the Sword Sect.

Sect Master Ling, I need to remind you that you have sworn allegiance to me now, so you have to call me master.

Master? Ling Lanwei's face darkened with anger, and she whispered: I am willing to lead the [Tianming Sect] to be loyal to fellow Taoists, but please don't go too far.

Haha, what can you do if I go too far? Murong Fu's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, he grabbed Ling Lanwei's jade neck and said: How can you, a small sixth-grade sect, not be taken care of by me, Murong Fu? In the eyes.”

I can destroy your orthodoxy at any time, do you believe it?

Ling Lanwei's eyes showed panic for the first time at this time, because she clearly sensed that Murong Fu was not joking. are a righteous person. If you destroy my sect, aren't you afraid of being looked down upon?

Haha... Murong Fu looked at Ling Lanwei as if he were an idiot: Do you think you are the only one in the world who can do tricks?

[Tianming Sect] wants to kill me after seeing Cai Cai, so why can't I kill him with my backhand?

Ling Lanwei stared at Murong Fu's eyes closely, trying to find any flaw in his eyes.

However, after several breaths passed, she did not see any sign of retreat in Murong Fu's eyes.

On the contrary, she could not bear Murong Fu's murderous intention and lowered her noble head.

Tell me, why do you want Hongdatian and the others to die? Murong Fu asked.

Ling Lanwei was silent for a moment, gathered her thoughts, and replied: Hongda Tian and the elders, relying on their family's deep-rooted relationship within the sect, have never taken my sect leader's lineage seriously.

If we don't kill them, my sect leader will be just a puppet who fails to fulfill the government's orders.

So you used my hands to kill them? Murong Fu said.

I didn't expect you to be able to kill them. Ling Lanwei said truthfully: My plan is to catch you first and force you to find out the inheritance of Hong Lanwen.

After that, find someone to pass the news back to [Canglan Sword Sect]. When the time comes, you will kill them to discourage them.

The most I can do is compensate you with some treasures and become a vassal sect of [Canglan Sword Sect].

Murong Fu was stunned, he didn't expect this seemingly cold woman to be so calculating.

He has always believed that people in this world are full of predatory minds and have no regard for conspiracy and conspiracy.

Unexpectedly, the former second-grade sect master taught him a lesson and lightly praised: Very good, very good.

As he spoke, his expression changed, and the strength of his grip on Ling Lanwei's fingers increased a bit: You don't think that if you tell me so openly, I will let you go easily?

Ling Lanwei's face turned red from being squeezed, and she struggled to squeeze out the words: How do you want to let me go, let [Tianming Sect] go?

Murong Fu looked at Ling Lanwei, who was almost crushed to death by him, and made quick calculations in his mind.

Now that he has the [Canglan Sword Sect] as his back, he doesn’t need this trashy [Tianming Sect], so he just pushed it down:

Tell me, what benefits can [Tianming Sect] bring to me?

The corner of Ling Lanwei's mouth raised slightly. She had already guessed that Murong Fu would ask this question and said calmly:

Although our [Tianming Sect] has fallen to the sixth level, we still have some advantages that other sects do not have.

Murong Fu said disdainfully: If you have an advantage, how can you be a sixth-grade sect?

Ling Lanwei said with firm eyes: Knowledge, information, and history may seem useless on a daily basis, but in fact, they can help you at critical moments.

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