Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 948 Anger in the City Lord’s Mansion

I won't bother you with this matter. Xiao Qing didn't care at all what Butler Lu said.

According to the urine nature of the [Blood God Cult], death is meaningless.

Even if you want to take revenge, you will go to your enemy first.

It was Murong Fu who killed Bai Wuji.

He is a disciple of [Canglan Sword Sect].

[Blood God Cult] No matter how vicious and careless they are, they dare not offend the Sword Sect easily.

It can be said that so far, there is nothing about [Dark Sky City] at all.

Haha, that's easy to say. Goodbye, madam!

After saying that, the four major families and Shopkeeper Zhao walked out of the shop one after another.

Shopkeeper Qiu looked at the people leaving. Did the stone in his heart finally fall?

He couldn't believe it even to death that he had brokered such a huge deal.

Congratulations, Elder Xiao and Elder Murong, for buying the most valuable place in [Dark Sky City].

Xiao Qing chuckled and said: Congratulations to Shopkeeper Qiu for buying [Dark Sky City], the most valuable restaurant.

Shopkeeper Qiu was stunned when he heard this, and smiled slightly flatteringly:

Same joy, same joy.

Murong Fu curled his lips, it seemed that he got the least benefit.

However, he didn't care either.

He looked at Xiao Qing and said, Now that the matter has been decided, I will go back to the restaurant first.

We will leave [Dark Sky City] tomorrow and go to [Tianming Sect].

Xiao Qing pretended to be cold and said: Since Elder Murong is leaving, we won't stay.

Farewell. Murong Fu left with a smile.

After Xiao Qing saw Murong Fu leaving, he told shopkeeper Qiu a few words.

He made a random excuse and disappeared into the night.

As for what to do, only she knows.

The lingering sound floated over the restaurant all night.

On the second day, except for Hong Nianci, the other women all had dark circles under their eyes.

Appeared in front of Murong Fu.

What's wrong with you guys? Murong Fu had a happy night and appeared in front of everyone feeling refreshed.

Ye Lingling replied unhappily:

Yesterday, I don't know any woman who wasn't shy and sang all night long.

We didn't even sleep well.

Song? Murong Fu was stunned and replied, Why didn't I hear anyone singing?

Hong Nianci glanced at Ye Lingling, then leaned into Murong Fu's ear and said:

It's the sound of the woman having sex at the end of the attic.

Ah~ Murong Fu scratched his head subconsciously.

Secretly scolding myself for being careless, I really forgot to set up the barrier this time.

Fortunately, the women only heard Xiao Qing's voice and did not realize that the other protagonist was him.

He joked and urged:

The spirit horses are ready, let's set off.

Great, we can go home. Ye Lingling was very happy.

Gold silver nest nest as their own kennel.

Although [Tianming Sect] is not as good as before.

But the disciples all have a strong sense of belonging to the sect.

Hong Nianci glanced at the other junior sisters and asked in a low voice:

Senior, have you heard?

Someone saw Bai Wuji outside the city yesterday.

When Murong Fu heard this, he felt faintly in his heart, and he looked around and said:

Maybe someone is deliberately spreading rumors. This matter has nothing to do with us. It's better to leave quickly.

Ye Lingling echoed: Senior Murong is right, it has nothing to do with us, senior sister, let's go.

How does Hong Nianci know about buying and selling shops? It's right to think about it.

[Dark Sky City] is nominally under the jurisdiction of their [Tianming Sect].

In fact, it has long been ignored by the City Lord's Mansion.

Whether they are dead or alive has little to do with them. He replied:

Okay, let's go then!

A few people left as soon as they could, mounted their spiritual horses and ran towards the outside of the city.

The only one who suffered was Xiao Qing on the top floor of the restaurant. She struggled with her tired body and endured the slightest pain somewhere.

Murong Fu watched him leave and said displeasedly: Bad guy, just eat up and run away.

at the same time.

There was a sound of anger coming from the city lord's palace.

The city lord Gong Liangdingdong said loudly:

That bastard took my advantage and bought two-thirds of the shops in the commercial street.

The deputy commander beside him replied:

I heard it's a woman named Xiao Qing.

Gongliang Dingdong said displeasedly: Have you found out the origin of that woman?

He is an elder from [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce].

She did this all for speculation.

Gongliang Dingdong was so angry that he painstakingly spread rumors for half a year.

Just to acquire the properties of the four major families at low prices.

Take this opportunity to force the opponent out of [Dark Sky City].

Who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would appear halfway.

I didn't get any benefits, but instead made wedding clothes for others.

Damn! Damn it!

I can't drink it, so I'll cut her into pieces.

The deputy capital said: City Lord, the other party is in the stage of becoming a god.

I'm afraid it's not appropriate to have a head-on conflict with him.

You're in the divine transformation stage! Gongliang Dingdong was silent for a moment and said:

Forget it, a foreigner can't make any waves.

As long as we can squeeze the four major families out of [Dark Sky City].

The deputy capital commander said: The city lord is wise!

Gongliang Dingdong was silent for a moment and said worriedly:

Do you think [Blood God Cult] Bai Wuji will attack us [Dark Sky City]?

This... The deputy general said, I can't guess well.

Gongliang Dingdong sighed, he was also feeling uneasy now.

If he stayed, Bai Wuji would take action.

He will definitely not sit still and wait for death, but once he fights back.

He will definitely break up with the [Blood God Cult].

[Dark Sky City] The troubles in the future will never be easy.

But if they don't resist, the power they have today in the City Lord's Mansion will be gone.


It is the greatest portrayal of Gongliang Dingdong.

The deputy governor heard this and said: The Lord of the City is Dharma Heart, and the lucky people have their own destiny.

[Dark Sky City] will get better and better.

Gongliang Dingdong sighed and said:

Forget it! You go down first and pay close attention to Bai Wuji.

I obey the order. The deputy governor handed over his hands and exited the room where Gongliang Dingdong was.

The latter was left with a sad look on his face.

Gong Liang Dingdong looked at the scene outside the window and couldn't let it go for a long time. He patted the table and said:

No matter who wants to take advantage of me, I will not let you go easily.

[Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] just wait, sooner or later, I will deal with you like I dealt with the four major families.

Drive! Drive! Drive!

In a dense forest, several fast horses were traveling through it.

Riding in the front was Ye Lingling, a girl with a childlike face and huge breasts.

She happily pointed to the mountain peak in front of her and said:

Senior Murong, this mountain is the main peak of our [Tianming Sect].

Just a few more moments and we'll be there.

Murong Fu looked around, trying to find a good grave for Hong Lanwen.

You can leave just like that.

Hong Nianci seemed to understand Murong Fu’s thoughts and said:

Senior Murong, we [Tianming Sect] have our own cemetery and ancestral hall.

It might be better if you follow me up the mountain and ask the sect master how to deal with it.

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