Haha, almost. Mo Hen said: Strength, luck, and background are all indispensable things for a cultivator.

Remember to make more friends in the future.

Disciple knows. Murong Fu held his hand.

Qin Ming reminded: Disciples within the sect have tasks every year.

If you have nothing to do, you can go do a few tasks and get some points.

Otherwise, you won't be able to convince the public just by relying on the name of a direct disciple.

Murong Fu came out of seclusion just to go out for a walk.

The first is to find the elixir to resurrect Luo Tianxi.

The second is to send Hong Lanwen back to [Tianming Sect] for burial, cupping his hands and saying:

Don't worry, two masters. This disciple comes out just to see the world.

Okay, man, go out for a walk while you're young. Mo Hen laughed.

When Qin Ming saw this, he explained what he should pay attention to when going out.

It's not scary to go out with a clear sword and a clear gun.

You are my [Canglan Sword Sect] disciple, except for some desperadoes.

Not many people would dare to really hurt you!

But be careful of being poisoned.

Murong Fu was relieved when he heard this. He inherited [Yu Qing Asks the Difficult Sutra].

Although he only practices occasionally, with his current medical skills, it is not a problem to identify some poisons, and he replied:

Don't worry, two masters. This disciple has been learning medical skills since he was a child. Ordinary poisons can't hurt him at all.

Qin Ming said seriously: Disciple, please remember that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky.

Don't be careless!

Murong Fu replied: Disciple understands.

Qin Ming and Mo Hen nodded, turned around and headed towards the back mountain.

Murong Fu explained to Fang Qian and left his cave.

Go to the [Hall of Merit] to receive the mission.

Inside the magnificent [Hall of Merit and Virtue].

Hundreds of disciples gathered, and it was very lively to welcome and send them off.

Stepping into the main hall, Murong Fu raised his eyes and looked up.

In the middle of the hall, there stand nine sky-reaching stone pillars, green in color and red in color, each carved with a flying dragon flying in the clouds and mist.

Going inward from the stone pillar, there is a jade wall every thirty steps, and the jade wall is covered with paper.

In front are the tasks assigned by the sect now.

Brother Murong, you are here too.

A man walked in from outside the main hall. He was considered to be the same generation as Murong Fu and his name was Zhao Gongqing.

He had seen Murong Fu's martial arts and had long wanted to make friends with him.

It was hard to see the real person, so naturally I didn't miss this opportunity.

He bowed respectfully.

Murong Fu looked at Zhao Gongqing and saw that he was neither humble nor arrogant.

He wasn't very annoyed, so he responded politely: It turns out to be Brother Zhao.

Zhao Gongqing was slightly surprised: Brother Murong knows me?

Haha, of course. Murong Fu was arrogant but never arrogant, no matter what the other person's background was.

He would not say bad words first, saying:

I've seen Brother Zhao's competition, it was very good.

Zhao Gongqing looked surprised. He did not expect Murong Fu to be so humble and said with a smile:

Brother Murong is here to take over the mission?

Murong Fu said truthfully: After practicing for several months, I felt a little irritable, so I came here to take a look.

Zhao Gongqing smiled and said: Murong Fu is already a genius among his disciples, yet he is still working so hard.

I admire you.

Murong Fu smiled: It's all superficial, superficial.

Zhao Gongqing said without any nonsense, It must be Brother Murong's first time coming to the [Hall of Merit and Virtue].

I don't know much about the sect's mission. How about I tell you.

Thank you! Murong Fu really wanted to ask about the situation.

Zhao Gongqing said hmm and said neatly:

There are actually two types of sect tasks. One is the bounty tasks entrusted to the sect by other forces.

For example, if a small family cannot do something, they can spend a large amount of spiritual stones to entrust the sect with it.

The other type is the tasks assigned by the sect itself, also called intra-sect tasks. The rewards for intra-sect tasks may not be as high as bounty tasks, but you can get sect points.

That's it. Murong Fu nodded.

Zhao Gongqing continued:

Also, the tasks are divided into several levels according to the difficulty.

They are first-level tasks, second-level tasks, and third-level tasks.

The third-level missions go up to the elder-level missions, which are no longer something we can complete.

Look, the color of those jade stones can tell you the level of the task above. Zhao Gongqing pointed to the jade stones in the hall and said.

Hearing this, Murong Fu looked over carefully and found that the two jade stones near the door were white in color, and the tasks posted above should be first-level tasks.

According to the rule of large left and small right, the ones on the left side of the door are sect tasks, and the ones on the right side of the door are bounty tasks.

After that came two gray jade walls, and after the gray jade walls there were two black jade walls. There were the fewest disciples standing there.

There are only about thirty of them, and most of these disciples are in the Yuan Shen stage.

By the way. Zhao Gongqing reminded: In addition, tasks of the same level are also divided into difficulties.

They are one-star difficulty, two-star difficulty, three-star difficulty, four-star difficulty and the highest five-star difficulty.

If you encounter a four-star or above mission, I suggest you choose to complete it as a team.

Let's form a team? Murong Fu felt something was wrong and resisted instinctively.

It was actually because he felt that he had just arrived and had no one he could trust.

Instead of forming a team, it is better to do some tasks with lower difficulty, which is more cost-effective. He said:

Thank you, Brother Zhao, for helping me resolve my worries.

If there is a chance in the future, I will treat you to a drink.

Zhao Gongqing smiled and said, Since Murong has understood it, I won't be nagging him anymore.

I still have to go over and say hello to my fellow disciples on that mountain peak.

Goodbye! Murong Fu thanked him again.

After Zhao Gongqing left, Murong Fu first came to the white jade on the right and observed the tasks above.

As he expected, the task of the white jade on the right was very simple.

The rewards obtained are also pitifully low.

Looking down from above.

On the first piece of paper, there is a black ghost head drawn with words below the ghost head.

[Mission: Destroy the Ghost Head Caravan]

[Evil deeds: robbing passing merchants, killing people and stealing goods, insulting women, heinous crimes]

[Strength Analysis: The leader of the Guitou Cavalry Gang is at the peak of the late Yuanshen period]

[The second leader is a wise man who is in the late stage of Yuanshen. He has eighty golden elixirs and dozens of magic bows under his command. 】

[Task difficulty: five stars. 】

[Task reward: 30,000 low-grade spiritual stones. 】

[Recommendation: Ten late Yuanshen disciples should take it]

After reading this, Murong Fu's eyes lit up. Although this five-star white level mission was difficult.

However, it is suitable for him to practice sword killing.

Moreover, the caravan has been committing crimes for decades, so the treasures it must have hidden are countless.

However, when he first arrived, he went straight to a gang.

If you are a little bit careless, you will not die easily because you are afraid of suffering a loss.

More importantly, the location of this group of horse bandits is a bit far away from [Tianming Sect].

It's not worth the trip.

Forget it, I'd better look at other tasks.

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