Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 928 The ceremony ends

You... Fan Xianghu looked at the sword in his hand in horror.

On top, there was white smoke rising from Murong Fu's sword.

Too strong. How can this kid be so strong?

Just one move [Basic Sword Technique] can defeat Fan Xianghu's full sword.

No wonder this kid can come out with Yun Tianpeng and Xiang Mole.

Not simple, not simple!

Murong Fu took the [Taiyi Split Light Sword] in his hand, pointed it diagonally at the ground, and said with a smile:

How about it, friend, are you still fighting?

Fan Xianghu's face turned pale, and he still had no desire to fight. He shook his head and said:

I am no match for you. I lost today's battle.

Murong Fu smiled, said you're welcome and turned away.

The opening ceremony is very simple and ends with one person playing each game.

He can be regarded as completing today's mission.

The rest of the game was basically nothing to watch.

It ended perfectly in about half a day.

After Zhao Ru announced everyone's rank, he saluted everyone present and said:

Thank you all for participating in this sect's annual initiation ceremony.

Everyone present hurriedly returned the gift, but their thoughts were still unfinished.

I wish I could watch a few more shows.

Especially Murong Fu's competition made them full of curiosity.

It's a pity that the boy is too strong, so he didn't use all his strength.

Otherwise, it will definitely be more interesting.

Yun Tianpeng patted Murong Fu and said, Boy, I never expected that I could cultivate Xiaocheng Sword Intent.

That's right, that's right. From now on, the new generation of my [Canglan Sword Sect] will rely on you.

Murong Fu said humbly: It's just a fluke, the sect leader doesn't need to praise me.

Yun Tianpeng said happily: Haha, good, good, good, you still know how to be humble now.

Xiang Mole added: Your master will be in seclusion in the future. If you have anything to do, just come to me and the sect leader directly.

Thank you, two sect masters and great elders! Murong Fu said quickly.

Yun Tianpeng said: Go, go!

Murong Fu did not hesitate, walked with his sword, and followed Zhao Ru to the [Internal Affairs Office] to collect the things.

[Canglan Sword Sect] has many treasures, and he is his direct disciple.

I can get three top-quality magic weapon-level Taoist robes, a sword, some elixirs, and spiritual stones.

Seeing this made Zhuge Qingyun envious.

Hey, Brother Murong, we are also our direct disciples, how come your treatment is so much better than mine?

Murong Fu was stunned and said: Aren't you an inner sect? Why did you become a direct descendant?

Zhuge Qingyun said proudly: My master is also the great elder of [Broken Heaven Peak] after all.

As his disciple, I can be considered as one of his direct disciples.

Murong Fu shook his head: This is the main peak, and you are still at the inner sect level.

You'd better take care of yourself.

With that said, he turned around and returned to his cave.

It was on this day that Murong Fu's name resounded throughout the [Daru Realm].

I hope they can hear my name and come to [Canglan Sword Sect] to find me quickly.

He was not worried before Jingyu, this guy was a little goblin who had lived for a thousand years.

As long as you're not stupid enough to mess with decent people.

With her ability, she is already Amitabha without harming others.

Dongfang Bubai and Su Ying were the ones he was really worried about.

Fu Lang! Murong Fu was thinking about how to find the second daughter quickly.

Fang Qian came up and said, Yao'er is back.

Lu Yao? Murong Fu chuckled: I thought it would take a long time to see her.

Fang Qian said: She came with her mother.

Haha, the aunt who looked at him is sorry to see me. Murong Fu stood up quickly and walked out of the cave.

Now that he has no servants this winter, he has to do everything by himself.

As for the medicinal field, he didn't touch it.

After welcoming Lu Yao and Yu Tianshu in, the two sides exchanged a few polite words.

Lu Yao then hugged Murong Fu's arm and asked:

How are you? Have you missed me lately?

Murong Fu raised his hand and scratched Lu Yao's nose, and said fondly:

Of course I miss you!

Hey! Lu Yao kissed Murong Fu without any scruples.

Ahem! Yu Tianshu joked: You kid is really getting more and more unruly.

Because my mother is here, are you so presumptuous?

Lu Yao looked shy and said, Where is it? Where is it? I just want to show it to my mother.

How loving Fu Lang and I are.

I see it, I see it! Yu Tianshu smiled helplessly.

Murong Fu listened to the conversation between mother and daughter, feeling a little embarrassed, and saluted, Senior will laugh.

Yu Tianshu replied: I heard that your masters are two supreme elders. In terms of seniority, you are still above me.

Murong Fu shook his head and said, I wouldn't dare.

Me and Yao'er go first, so let's go according to our seniority.

Yu Tianshu saw that Murong Fu was neither humble nor arrogant, and did not become arrogant because of something.

He couldn't help but look at the other party a little higher.

I didn't expect you to become my direct disciple. It's beyond my expectation.

But I'll feel relieved when Yao'er follows you from now on.

Don't worry, aunt, I will take good care of Lu Yao. Murong Fu promised.

Yu Tianjiao said hmm:

My Yu family is in [Jiejian City] and has some influence.

You are not a small cave. If you need help in the future, just say it.

Murong Fu was so cunning and cunning that he naturally understood what Yu Tianshu meant.

There is no servant in his cave yet. If he is looking for someone, he should go to her Yu family to choose one.

It doesn't matter whether it's money or not, the key is this opportunity.

Being able to join the [Canglan Sword Sect], even a handyman disciple, will be a step above certain sects.

This is a way to make friends and build trust.

Haha, I remember what my aunt said.

However, I am not in a hurry to find someone to take care of the cave right now. I will wait until some time later.

Yu Tianshu was stunned. She did not expect that Murong Fu would reject her kindness.

But I'm not angry, after all, everyone has different ideas.

She was afraid that she was out of her mind to get into trouble with the other party over such a trivial matter.

Lu Yao didn't know, in just a few words, her mother's thoughts about Murong Fu were revealed.

He changed it again and again, but urged:

Fulang, I came to the mountain and I haven't had any meat for several days.

Hurry up and give me something to eat.

Now? Murong Fu didn't react for a while, thinking that this little girl was playing tricks again.

When he saw the strange expression on Yu Tianshu's face, he immediately changed his words:

You want to eat barbecue, right?

Lu Yao and Murong Fu are an old couple, and they have a perfect tacit understanding.

Naturally, I understood what Murong Fu meant by the word now.

He was so ashamed that he wanted to crawl into the cracks, and said angrily:

Of course it is now. I will go back with my mother in a while!

Haha...haha... Murong Fu rubbed his head in embarrassment and quickly took out the barbecue object from the system space.

Start to show off your skills for a few girls.

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