Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 919 The Difference between the Mahayana Stage and the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortals

After Murong Fu, Qin Ming and others spent a small amount of money to buy the [Sapphire Stone].

There was an incident in the middle. A few people were so happy that they forgot to buy [Blue Jade].

Qin Ming turned back alone.

Then, they came to the [House of Internal Affairs].

He took out the personal disciple token of the main peak and exchanged it for a good cave.

The herb garden, hot springs, palaces, and mountain protection formations are all complete inside.

Mo Hen looked around and nodded with satisfaction:

The aura is not low, it can be considered a good product.

“The only drawback is that it is a bit far from the main peak.”

If anything happens, I won't be able to support you.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Master, this place is thousands of miles away, and it belongs to me [Canglan Sword Sect]. What can happen?

Mo Hen said: You don't know that among various factions, there will always be assassinations.

I will specifically kill evil disciples like you.

Fang Qian asked anxiously: Isn't Fu Lang very dangerous?

Qin Ming chuckled and said: Haha, the path to becoming strong is naturally a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Luck alone is not enough, you also have to dare to fight and kill!

If you're afraid of death, don't practice. Just wait until you die of old age.

Mo Hen nodded and said: That's right, we sword cultivators are even more determined to move forward.

Kill him and make the flowers bloom, kill him and make him rich, kill him and make me proud!

Fang Qian's expression changed when she heard the second elder's words.

But she has lived in [Daru Realm] since she was a child.

Naturally, he understands the principle of survival of the fittest, and knows that what the two elders say makes sense.

He shut his mouth obediently and just hoped that Murong Fu would be safe and smooth.

Murong Fu felt the killing intent when Mo Hen spoke.

He couldn't help but become curious, Mo Hen was not practicing the guarding sword, Qin Ming was practicing the killing sword.

Why is it that the former is more aggressive when speaking than the latter? He replied:

Thank you two masters for your guidance, my apprentice knows it!

Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction, looked at Mo Hen and said, Old Mo! Stop hiding it.

For our good apprentice, please change the formation.

Mo Hen smiled hehe and said:

Don't worry, we are stingy to others, but we are very generous to our apprentices.

As he spoke, a few more tortoise shells appeared in his hand, and he threw them into the sky.

The tortoise shell flew to the four corners of the cave sky, and then slowly fell into the ground.

Then he clapped his hands, took out a token and handed it to Murong Fu, saying:

My master has set up a [Four Directional Xuanwu Formation] for you.

He can absorb spiritual power and operate on his own.

Once a strong enemy appears, just activate it!

Murong Fu asked curiously: Master, how powerful can this formation be.

Haha, this formation originated from the Mo family. The power of four tortoise shells can withstand three Mahayana monks attacking with full force for half an hour.

Half an hour! Murong Fu's eyes lit up. From this point of view, this battle is definitely a treasure.

Although he has never seen the strength of Mahayana monks, they serve as the ceiling of [Daru Realm].

The strength is obvious.

Just the random aura revealed by the previous sect leader Yun Tianpeng could make him breathless.

Not to mention, what it will be like when he really breaks out.

It can be imagined how powerful this formation's defensive power can be if it can block three Mahayana masters.

Haha, are you thinking about the sect master? Qin Ming seemed to have [his mind] and could see through Murong Fu's thoughts at a glance.

Murong Fu nodded and said: Master Mingjian, the only Mahayana disciple I have ever seen is the sect master.

Qin Ming smiled: There are also strong and weak differences in the Mahayana period.

If you compare the sect leader with others, he is overqualified and underqualified.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Is it possible that the sect leader is also a Nine-section Immortal and has been promoted to the Mahayana stage?

Qin Ming and Mo Hen looked at each other and shook their heads:

Not the sect master, he has directly experienced the baptism of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation.

Climb to the sky in one step and enter the Mahayana stage.

Murong Fu was puzzled and said: Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal is more powerful when he advanced to the Mahayana, or someone like the sect master is the strongest when he advanced to the Mahayana.

Qin Ming smiled and said: Let me tell you this, the strength of the advanced stage is determined by the amount of heavenly tribulation he has absorbed.

The Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation is the strongest type of Heavenly Tribulation in this world, with eighty-one in total!

The Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal is to absorb the power of this heavenly tribulation nine times.

But in the ordinary Mahayana period, you only need to resist the first forty.

Murong Fu immediately understood that the advancement method of the sect leader Yun Tianpeng was the most standard method.

And his two masters were a kind of cheat.

They are confident of breaking through to the Mahayana stage.

But I was not willing to be an ordinary Mahayana person, so I used this method.

Haha, from the look in your eyes, I know you figured out the key. Qin Ming praised.

Murong Fu added: If both masters are at the ninth level, doesn't it mean that they have already experienced eighty-one heavenly tribulations?

Qin Ming shook his head and said: Only three heavenly tribulations fell in the first three tribulations, and nine in each subsequent tribulation.

Mo Hen joked: If you survive nine heavenly tribulations in a row, you will be a loose immortal of three tribulations.

Murong Fu said Oh:

That said, age cannot be defined by the fate of a Sanxian.

Mo Hen laughed haha and said:

Who cares about age in [Daru Realm]? Everyone cares about blood.

Otherwise, your little wife is almost a hundred years older than you.

When Murong Fu heard this, he looked at Fang Qian. When the latter heard this, her delicate little face immediately turned red with embarrassment.

Murong Fu scratched his head in embarrassment, thinking about the age gap.

Fang Qian and he are still young.

Aunt Xiao Xiao Qing was the oldest one to him. They were probably thousands of years apart.

However, the advantage of Xiao Qing is that she is more shy and interesting when she cooperates with him.

Especially the time on the third floor of [Daqian Headquarters] was even more memorable.

Qin Ming and Mo Hen had such sharp eyesight that they could see Murong Fu's elated look at a glance.

He laughed a few times jokingly and said:

Okay, you go and polish the sapphire into fine surfaces first. The finer the better.

As ordered. Murong Fu replied: Master, there are so many rooms here, you two go to rest first, and I will come back when I go.

Qin Ming's consciousness swept away, and the scene of this cave appeared in his mind.

He pointed to a mountain peak not far away and said, The two of us went to live there.

After you finish the [Sapphire], you just need to send a message to us.

I will teach you how to deal with it when the time comes.

Murong Fu said gratefully: Thank you, Master.

The two elders didn't talk nonsense and disappeared in front of them.

Murong Fu smiled hehe and said:

The two masters are really quick to talk and leave as soon as they say it.

Fang Qian said sheepishly: Sister Yao'er is not here, so I got an advantage.

Murong Fu pinched Fang Qian's little face and said:

What are you talking about? She is also my Murong Fu's woman, so you will naturally share in the benefits.

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