Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 416: Attacking Shaolin Temple

Hmph! Murong Fu snorted coldly, slightly bent his right arm to bring his true energy to his palm, and also slapped a palm.

The strong wind in the palm carried the rotating air current, and it was so powerful that it hit Zhou Zhiruo's palm like a mountain.

There was an immediate crackling sound and Zhou Zhiruo felt that the power in Murong Fu's palm was endless.

Then everyone heard Murong Fu's loud shout.


The next moment, Zhou Zhiruo's charming figure suddenly retreated and was defeated in one encounter.


Zhou Zhiruo's face turned red. She knew that Murong Fu was strong, but she didn't expect that he could be strong enough to force her back with one move.

Master Zhou, if you have nothing to do, you should leave. We will talk about the Yitian Sword later. Murong Fu said calmly.

Other heroes from all walks of life were impressed when they saw this.

How dare a woman yell at Alliance Leader Murong?

You know what the heck, Master Zhou is not weak. Bai Xiaosheng once said that her current strength is enough for women of Gaia's generation.

Hehe, our alliance leader Murong is still very powerful. He is indeed a rare and peerless talent in this generation. He can suppress Master Zhou with his own hands.

Zhou Zhiruo's face couldn't help but turn ugly when she heard the words around her.

After cursing, No man is good, he turned around and left with everyone from the Emei Sect.

Murong Fu was speechless. How deeply was he hurt by Zhang Wuji?

Did you just come up with this?

Wait, that's not right.

Zhao Min has been abducted to his own home. Their love triangle should be broken up.

Why does Zhou Zhiruo still hate men?

Jingxuan pretended to stay at the end and bowed to Murong Fu to express his apology:

I hope Alliance Leader Murong will not be angry, because the Yitian Sword is too important to our Emei Sect. If you can, please return it to us.

Murong Fu took a look at this beautiful nun, but he still refused to let go: I already know what Master Tai said, and whether you want to return it or not will be discussed later.

Thank you!

Jingxuan saw that Murong Fu did not insist on his words, which meant that there was still a chance.

With a polite word, he turned around and caught up with the large army.

Cousin, it seems that Master Zhou will not give up easily. Wang Yuyan reminded Zhou Zhiruo as she looked at him leaving.

When that girl Zhao Min gave me the Yitian Sword, I knew she had no good intentions, so I didn't give it to anyone. Murong Fu chuckled.

Then you want to return it to Master Zhou? Wang Yuyan asked curiously.

It depends on the situation. After Murong Fu finished speaking, he added meaningfully, I heard that Zhou Zhiruo has a bit of an affair with the leader of the Ming Cult, but I don't know whether it's true or not.

There are too many rumors in the world, cousin, it's better not to take them seriously.

Wang Yuyan looked at Murong Fu with a slight smile. She didn't know when her cousin started to care about the gossip.

Let's go, let's go to Shaoshi Mountain first.

Murong Fu raised his head and looked in the direction of Shaolin Temple, knowing in his heart that Zhou Zhiruo's strength was not as bad as outsiders imagined.

She has learned the [Nine Yin Manual], plus the Emei Sect's [Nine Yang Manual]. Although she has not yet mastered the yin and yang, her strength is definitely not low.

Among the younger generation, ranking in the top ten is more than enough.

In addition, the Mingjiao sect advocates Wuji, which leads to a dispute that cannot be resolved and becomes chaotic.

In the entire world, there are probably no more than five people who dare to offend her.

From this point of view, it is no wonder that he, the leader of the martial arts alliance, is not taken seriously.

On Shaoshi Mountain.

Famous martial arts sects gathered here as if they had made an appointment.

Each sect held a big banner and stood in a distinct line.

Among them, the most bewildered one is the Xingxu Sect.

A senior brother, the leader, stood in front and shouted slogans.

The other disciples were following behind and shouting, Old Immortal Xingxiu's magic power is boundless....

Familiar taste, familiar recipe.

Murong Fu looked at everything in front of him and smiled softly.

He walked past the crowd and walked up to the Shaolin disciples who were confronting many sects, and said politely:

Murong, Murong Fu pays homage to Master Xuanci, abbot of Shaolin.

The Shaolin disciples who were fighting against the crowd had obviously heard of Murong Fu.

Everyone looked frightened and looked back.

Amitabha, I didn't expect Alliance Leader Murong to be here too. I'm disrespectful. I'm disrespectful.

Xuanji clasped his hands and walked up to Murong Fu while chanting Dharma chants.

Obviously, it was not as unexpected as he said.

Murong Fu glanced behind him and said, I would like to meet Abbot Xuanci. Is it convenient now?

Senior Brother Xuanci said that all the sect leaders can enter the temple today, and naturally King Yan can also enter. Xuanji said.

The other leaders looked at each other and said, We have entered, what will the disciples do?

Amitabha, I'm sorry everyone, our Shaolin temple can't accommodate so many people. Xuanji said bluntly.

Murong Fu smiled softly and said, Is it possible for my wife to come with me?

Of course, you can. Xuanji glanced at Wang Yuyan and nodded.

After hearing this, Murong Fu said no more and walked into the Shaolin Temple with Wang Yuyan and several subordinates.

When the major leaders saw Murong Fu entering, they naturally followed him.

If they didn't enter before, it wasn't because they were afraid of what Shaolin Temple would do to them.

And there is a saying that goes well: the first shot will kill the first bird.

This group of people are all here to gain benefits, how can they really fight with the Shaolin Temple.

Ding Chunqiu smiled haha, flapped the feather fan in his hand, and walked in.

Everyone followed the little novice monk to the main hall.

Xuanci and other Shaolin elders were among them.

Amitabha, I didn't expect so many donors to come to our Shaolin Temple today. It really makes our temple shine.

Kunlun faction's Golden Claw Divine Dragon asked Xiang Yuan:

Abbot Xuanci, now in the world, many of his disciples are attacked by Shaolin Temple.

What do you think about this matter?

Xuanci recited the Buddha's name and said: Amitabha, all the donors must have figured out this matter. Someone deliberately framed me, Shaolin.

Please give us a few days to find out who is responsible for this.

Xiang Yuan glanced at the other heads and said in a deep voice: I'm afraid...

I'm afraid it's not good. Ding Chunqiu, as an evil sect, was naturally not afraid of confronting the Shaolin Temple and said.

Who is this donor? Xuanci said politely.

Ding Chunqiu smiled and said: I am the leader of the Xingxiu Sect, Ding Chunqiu.

Xingxiu Sect? Huh, who am I? It turns out to be a crooked sect. The head of Bodhidharma Academy Xuannan said displeased.

Ding Chunqiu was extremely arrogant. When Xuannan said this, his face turned extremely ugly.

Hmph, your Shaolin family is well-known and upright, but you go around killing people and setting fires, doing all kinds of evil.

It's not any worse than my evil ways.

You... are talking nonsense! Xuannan walked forward and said angrily.

Ding Chunqiu said disdainfully: If I were talking nonsense, why would so many people come to your Shaolin Temple today to seek justice?

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