Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 198 Meet in Song Capital

When Murong Shanshan heard that Murong Fu was willing to help, she forgot about her pain and said happily:

Thank you, cousin. I'll go find the second sister right away.

Well, Murong Fu, let's go. Murong Fu didn't say much.

After Murong Shan left, Mu Wanqing leaned towards Murong Fu and said, I have something I want to tell you.

Huh? Murong Fu looked at Mu Wanqing for a few times and then said, If anything happens, just tell me.

I want to go home. I miss Master a little. Mu Wanqing said.

Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: Look at my memory, I forgot to let you go home.

It's okay. Master and I celebrated the Chinese New Year at home in previous years. Mu Wanqing whispered.

Okay, if you want to go back, go back.

Murong Fu thought of Mu Wanqing's master Qin Hongmian.

I couldn't help but shake my head, that woman was a pervert.

He vented all his hatred towards Duan Zhengchun on Mu Wanqing.

As a result, Mu Wanqing had low self-esteem since she was a child and did not dare to face her feelings.

Then I...will come back in half a month? Mu Wanqing asked softly.

Half a month? Murong Fu thought for a moment. After half a month, he should not be at home anymore.

Too long? Mu Wanqing thought Murong Fu was unhappy, so she quickly changed her words and said, Ten days is okay. It will take me three days to go back and forth from Gusu.

Forget it, you'd better not come back. Murong Fu denied.

He was going to let Mu Wanqing go to Yingtian Mansion to find him.

What? Mu Wanqing was startled, a trace of panic appeared in her eyes, and she was slightly disappointed: You won't punish me?


Murong Fu said: I will go to Songdu in a while.

Ah! I forgot, you are competing. Mu Wanqing's face turned red, and she actually felt a little happy in her heart.

Murong Fu smiled and said, You can go to Song Capital to find me when the time comes.

Okay... okay. Mu Wanqing nodded: I will go look for you when I get out of home.

Haha, what a good word search. Murong Fu joked.

Humph, you're laughing at me! Mu Wanqing turned her head and looked away, grabbing the corners of her clothes with both hands and looking angry.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes, boldly hugged the woman tightly in his arms, and said gently: Good sister, how can I laugh at you? I don't want to see your cute appearance.

Am I... cute? This was the first time that Mu Wanqing was exaggeratedly cute, and she was a little caught off guard.

Murong Fu held Mu Wanqing's forehead close to his arms: You are not only cute, but also beautiful.

Beauty...beautiful? Mu Wanqing shook her head quickly and said, I am not as beautiful as Mrs. Wang, nor as good-looking as Mrs. Hua. I am even worse than the two little girls next to you.

Murong Fu patted her little head: Your beauty is like a black rose, fragrant and addictive.

Am I as good as you say? Mu Wanqing raised her head and looked into Murong Fu's eyes that were as dazzling as the stars and asked.

Murong Fu said seriously: Believe you, everything I say is true.

The two looked at each other and stared at each other for a long time.

They kissed together unconsciously.

It wasn't until Murong Fu heard the sound of footsteps that he let go of Mu Wanqing's fragrant lips.

First cousin, I brought my second sister. Murong Shanshan happily opened the door of the courtyard, followed by a somewhat embarrassed Murong Shuang.

Murong Shuang has met my eldest cousin. Murong Shuang said a little shyly.

Come here. Murong Fu sat back on the bamboo chair and said bluntly: Murong Xiuxiu has already told me about you. She doesn't want you to return to Nangong's house. What do you think?

Me? Murong Shuang was in a dilemma for a moment.

It stands to reason that she and Nangong Liu have a very good relationship, so it is okay for her to be widowed for him.

However, this feeling of being forced made her somewhat unwilling to accept it.

Sister, just tell your elder cousin what you want, and he will definitely make the decision for you. Murong Shanshan was worried when she saw her second sister hesitating.

Cousin, to tell you the truth, I don't want to go back to Nangong's house. I want to stay with my sisters. Murong Shuang gritted his teeth and said.

Murong Fu looked at Murong Shuang seriously and said, This matter is not without delay, but it needs some action.

Eldest cousin, as long as I'm not allowed to leave Murong's house, I can do whatever you ask me to do. Murong Shuang said boldly.

Me too, eldest cousin, as long as I don't let the second sister follow Nangong Jun and the others back, I can do anything. Murong Shanshan said.

As the saying goes, if you marry your husband, you should obey him. Murong Shuang, you are really a member of the Nangong family now.

If you want to change, there are only two possibilities. Murong Fu said what he had said before.

Murong Shanshan asked curiously: What are the two possibilities?

First, write a letter of severance and completely sever ties with the Nangong family.

Second, refuse to see each other. It is impossible for the descendants of the Nangong family to stay in the mansion for too long. They will leave within three days after lifting the coffin.

Both of these two have their own advantages. Think about it carefully. Murong Fu said.

After hearing Murong Fu's words, Murong Shuang's expression became solemn.

If you choose to write a letter of severance, it will only completely separate the Nangong family and the Murong family.

Murong Fu naturally didn't care about the other party, but if the Nangong family got mad and did something extreme.

According to Murong Fu's character, it would definitely not be enough to just apologize.

It is very likely that the entire Nangong family will be massacred by his murderous eldest cousin.

First cousin, if you choose to refuse to meet me, I'm afraid Nangong Jun and the others will not let you go. Murong Shuang said worriedly.

You don't have to worry about this, I will handle it myself. Murong Fu said calmly.

If possible, I will choose the second one. Murong Shuang said.

Okay, let me ask you, when you married Nangong Liu, did the other party's bride price include anything valuable? Murong Fu asked.

No, A Liu Nai and I are in love. He just gave me a necklace. Murong Shuang said truthfully.

If that's the case, there won't be any trouble. Murong Fu was worried that Murong Wudi would sell his daughter for betrothal gifts and get a huge treasure.

Cousin, what are you going to do? Murong Shanshan asked.

Of course I should return the bride price first, which can be considered as redemption for your sister. Murong Fu said.

This... Murong Shuang and Murong Shanshan looked at each other and said, First cousin, I still have some wealth in Jiuxiu Village, so we can pay for it ourselves.

Don't worry, I'll find someone to talk to Nangong Jun first and see what his attitude is. Murong Fu said.

Thank you very much, cousin. Murong Shuang saluted.

You're welcome, you go down first. Murong Fu reminded: After you go down, you will hide in the house. No matter how people from the Nangong family come to find you, remember, don't come out.

Murong Shuang was stunned for a breath, then nodded and said, I understand, cousin.

Murong Fu watched the two of them leave. He thought for a while and prepared to hand over the matter to Lai Wenjun.

After all, the opponent is the master if luck comes together.

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