When Nangong Jue heard what the guard said, he turned back to Nangong Jun with an ugly expression: Second brother, what should I do?

Nangong Jun's thoughts changed and he walked to the door: We are the in-laws of your Murong family. We have something urgent to see my sister-in-law Murong Shuang.

The second girl is your sister-in-law?

The people inside the door vaguely knew something about Murong Jiuxiu. After thinking for a while, he replied: Then you just wait here, I'll go ask the second girl.

You...don't you want to open the door? People want to freeze us to death in the middle of the night? Nangong Jue urged the people inside to open the door.

However, no one answered.

Ah~ah~ The Murong family is a good and century-old family, how could they be so disrespectful?

Nangong Jue was so tired and hungry that he almost went crazy.

Several other people glanced at him and were about to persuade him. Suddenly, a gust of north wind blew by, making them all tremble.

I can't wait to rush in to warm myself immediately.

In Murong Jiuxiu's courtyard, several sisters had just returned and before going to bed, they gathered around and told interesting stories from their childhood. M..

I miss my eldest sister so much. I don't know how she is doing in the palace.

I heard that Ming Dynasty has strict rules. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see each other in this life.

Oh~ It would be great if my eldest cousin was the military governor of the Ming Dynasty. Maybe we could go into the palace to see her.

Jiuxiu and the others continued to get drunk and talked about little secrets that they had never told before.

At this time, servants shouted from outside the courtyard:

I wonder if any of the girls have slept?

Who is at this party? Murong Shanshan looked outside the courtyard in confusion.

Xiaojiu guessed: Could it be that my eldest cousin is awake and wants to find us for more food?

Murong Shanshan glanced at several sisters in confusion, and finally fixed her gaze on Murong Qiniang and Murong Xiaoba, and asked unhappily:

Isn't it our eldest cousin who misses someone so much that he can't sleep?

Ahem, it's possible. Murong Qiniang puffed up her chest and replied proudly.

Murong Xiaoba was relatively shy: Could it be your eldest cousin who is going to practice and call us over to help?

That perverted thief Murong Fu is not practicing martial arts. I think he is just taking advantage. Murong Shanshan said angrily.

Third sister, my eldest cousin is not as miserable as you said. Murong Jiu replied timidly.

The sisters were stunned, not expecting these words to come from Murong Jiu's mouth, and they all stared at her.

Tell me, Ninth Sister, have you fallen in love with your eldest cousin? Murong Shanshan asked.

Murong Jiuyi was speechless for a moment, wondering whether it was better to admit it or to continue hiding it.

Okay, you don't know what's going on, so don't make random guesses. Murong Shuang stopped him, got up and walked outside the hospital.

When the servant saw that the person who came out was Murong Shuang, he quickly said: Second girl, someone from outside the house said that your in-laws want to see you.

My in-laws? Murong Shuang frowned slightly and immediately asked, Did the other party register their own number?

They call themselves Nangong Jue of the Nangong Family! The servant thought about it carefully and replied.

Murong Shuang's expression suddenly changed, and his mind went blank.

Murong Qiniang asked: What's wrong, eldest sister? Isn't the Nangong family the family of my brother-in-law?

Are they here to pick you up? Murong Jiu asked.

Murong Shanshan seemed to know something and said, Second sister, if you don't want to go back, we won't go. I don't believe they dare to force it.

What's going on with Third Sister? the other sisters asked in confusion.

You don't know that the Nangong family is a century-old family with many internal rules. One of them is that after the husband dies, the wife must remain a widow and cannot remarry. Murong Shanshan said.

The other sisters were immediately speechless. In fact, this rule was mentioned more or less in every family.

However, their power is not as powerful as Jiuxiu Villa, and no one dares to force themselves.

Only the Nangong family is extremely powerful, and all the major forces in Shu follow its lead.

There are three masters in the family alone.

Then what should we do? They don't want to take the second sister away, right? Murong Qiniang said worriedly.

It's very possible. Murong Shanshan nodded.

Murong Shuangshuang sighed heavily and said: No matter what, I will go see them first. After all, Nangong Liu's body is still in the Gusu realm. I think he hopes to return to the clan.

Several sisters discussed it and decided to go together and ask each other what they meant.

Ah~ I think I'm freezing to death.

Nangong Jue clung to the door of the old house with her body, eager to get some warmth.


Just as he finished speaking, the door was slowly opened, causing him to almost eat a piece of mud.

Just when he was about to get angry, he saw a group of women coming out of the door, as well as a few servants holding torches.

Sister-in-law! Nangong Jue shouted.

The other four people reacted immediately and hurriedly came to the door.

Nangong Jun saluted and said, Wait until I meet my sister-in-law.

Well, no gifts. Murong Shuang showed a faint smile: Why are you guys here during the Chinese New Year?

This... Nangong Jue replied sheepishly: It's a long story. I'm not afraid of your ridicule, sister-in-law. We actually came from Shuzhong half a month ago. However, we accidentally got lost.

Are you lost? If Murong Shuang didn't know that the other party wouldn't lie, she wouldn't be able to believe it.

There are official roads connecting the two cities, and no one will get lost as long as they are not mentally ill.

Nangong Jue glanced at Nangong Jun and said: Second brother said he knew a shortcut, so he took us out, but...

Ahem. Nangong Jun coughed twice, pretending to be indifferent and said: I just miss occasionally.

It's getting late. You guys can go in and I'll ask my servants to arrange guest rooms for you to stay in first. Murong Shuang said.

Then there's Mrs. Lao. Nangong Jun saluted.

Murong Shuang nodded, said a few words to the servants around him, and then walked towards the old house with Nangong Jun and others.

But before they reached the place, a sound of Gulu Lu resounded in the dark night.

Several members of the Nangong family immediately blushed and bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Seventh Sister, are they hungry? Murong Jiu whispered.

But the night was too quiet, and the people present were all warriors, so her words clearly reached the ears of several people.

The heads of the Nangong family were lowered even lower.

Um, are you guys hungry? Murong Shuang asked bluntly.

No... no sister-in-law. Nangong Jun replied harshly.

Murong Shuang was stunned, thinking that he had misunderstood the meaning.

After all, that’s what a bad stomach sounds like.

Haha, ok, then I will take you back. I thought that today the clan is having a royal banquet, and there are still a lot of delicious food left for you to try.

What an imperial banquet! Oh my god, sister-in-law, please give us something to eat! I'm starving to death. Nangong Jue almost knelt down in front of Murong Shuang. He was really starving to death!

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