Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 192: Giving out rice on New Year’s Eve to receive blessings and pray for good harvest

The second day, the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month is also called New Year's Eve.

To eradicate the old and bring forth the new, worship gods and ancestors, drive away evil spirits and eliminate disasters, receive blessings and pray for a good harvest.

The entire city of Gusu is filled with festive joy.

Every household posted Spring Festival couplets and hung red lanterns, people smiled brightly, and every scene was happy and harmonious.

The sound of firecrackers eliminates one year old, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tusu.

Thousands of households are always replacing old talismans with new ones.

Murong Fu stood at the door of the old house, reading Yuan Ri, turned his head and asked: Are you ready?

Ready, Master, 300 dan of rice, 300 dan of white flour, and 700 jin of candy. Bao BuTong replied standing aside.

Wang Yuyan and his daughters on the side said: This year something big happened in Gusu City. Thirty thousand kilograms of food may not be enough. It would be great if we could get some more.

Madam, this is difficult. Our food is bought from other provinces and is very expensive. Bao BuTong said awkwardly.

It will be good if this year is over. I have asked Brother Bao and Yaoshi Hu to hire many refugees to open up wasteland. There will be enough food for us in the coming year. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Bao BuTong echoed: What Mr. Master said is that if next year is a good year, there will be enough food for us.

Well, I hope so. Murong Fu nodded: It's time to release the food. Let people organize the manpower and don't take more than one share per person.

Okay! Bao BuTong waved his arm, and the news that Murong Mansion had started releasing grain spread throughout Gusu City. .

Countless people rushed away, some of them not just for food, but because they wanted to see Murong Fu and say a word of gratitude and heart-warming words.

Master Murong, thank you for protecting our Gusu City.

Yes, if it weren't for you, our Gusu City would have been completely destroyed by corpse poison.

Long blessing, Mr. Murong, and Mrs. Murong will stay young forever. You are both the great heroes of our Gusu City.

Listening to the cheers of the people, Murong Fu's women all had proud smiles on their faces.

Especially Wang Yuyan, who smiled the most happily.

She knew that she had not married the wrong person in her life, she had not married the wrong person, and she loved the right person.

Each of the refugees also received three kilograms of rice. Three pounds of white flour and some candies for the Chinese New Year.

Although these things are not much, it is enough for them to survive this winter if they live frugally.

Some sloppily dressed children were given a piece of candy, enough to keep them sweet until next year.

A refugee man who had just received food said to his children and grandchildren:

You guys, you must remember Mr. Murong. If it weren't for him, our family would probably freeze to death in this city this year. When you grow up, join me in the army to repay his life-saving grace.

The children seemed to understand, but they all nodded blankly.

Some even knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Murong Fu from a distance.

At this moment, something extraordinary seemed to be imprinted in their hearts.

Haha, if you are poor, you can be good for yourself, but if you are rich, you can help the world. Brother Murong, your abilities are getting bigger and bigger. In the future, don't just focus on this one-third of an acre in front of you.

Lai Wenjun didn't know when, he was drinking from a wine bottle and ran to Murong Fu's side, saying with a smile.

Brother Lai, you are also a famous person in the world, why do you always look so careless?

If your descendants know about it, I'm afraid it will affect your glorious image in their hearts. Murong Fu joked.

Haha, it's just skin, no problem, no problem. Lai Wenjun laughed a few times.

Murong Fu shook his head and did not argue with him.

After all, who can tell Lai Wenjun better than him after drinking.

Not long after, Song Yongsi, Li Qingluo, Ding Chunqiu and others also arrived at the house one after another.

Haha, brother Murong, you are really the great savior of our Gusu City.

Originally, I, the parent official, should be the one to do things like opening warehouses and stocking grain. Song Yongsi said with his hand.

Murong Fu shook his head: Brother Song, there is no need to be polite. We are officials in the same court as me. There is no need to distinguish between you and me.

Well, Brother Murong, you are right. Song Yongsi nodded and said happily.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Brother Song, why don't you come and distribute some rice?

When Song Yongsi heard this, he was immediately overjoyed: How embarrassing is this? Isn't it the result of greed for heaven?

It doesn't matter. There will be many opportunities for you and me to cooperate in the future. What does this little thing mean? Murong Fu said.

Okay! Song Yongsi was overjoyed. He quickly called to his wife and children, and followed Wang Yuyan to distribute rice noodles.

Haha, boy, I'm just a prefect, why do I need to be so fawning? Ding Chunqiu stood aside and said disdainfully.

Murong Fu shook his head. The old guy had lived his whole life and knew nothing about politics.

No wonder, at the end of the novel, he was imprisoned in Shaolin and said:

The rivers and lakes are not just about fighting and killing, there is nothing wrong in the rivers and lakes, and human relations are sophisticated.

You are old, you don't want to live in the world, you really need to study more.

Ding Chunqiu said disdainfully: When your strength crushes everything, you will know that I am right.

Haha, Zhang Sanfeng has already crushed the current generation, and I haven't seen him stand up and make any noise. Murong Fu rolled his eyes at Ding Chunqiu.

Hmph, he is too lazy. If it were me, I would have unified the martial arts world a long time ago. Ding Chunqiu said loudly.

Li Qingluo saw the two of them arguing endlessly and said, Dad, let's go in first.

Let's go. Ding Chunqiu smiled.

Murong Fu asked his servants to take the two of them in, and then personally handed out the rice.

It was not until almost noon that he and several ladies went into the house and knelt down to worship their ancestors.

Things originate from heaven, and people originate from ancestors. Praying for good luck, offering sacrifices, and respecting heaven and ancestors are the origins of repaying the origin and turning back to the beginning.

No matter where they live, they all value their ancestors.

Especially for a big family like the Murong family, there are dedicated clan elders who study etiquette.

After everything was over, it was just time for dinner.

Haha, everyone, don't be polite. Today is the Chinese New Year. Let's eat and drink well.

Murong Fu raised his cup and drank the congratulations in one gulp.

Others quickly followed suit and praised him.

Murong Fu nodded, then came to Mrs. Liu and the shopkeeper and said, Today, I would like to thank you both for your efforts for me, the Murong family.

Haha, I don't have much credit. Mr. Murong is too polite. If you want to thank me, just thank Madam Liu. The shopkeeper said politely.

Haha, this is natural. Murong Fu turned around and took out two gift boxes and presented them to Madam Liu and the big shopkeeper respectively.

Madam Liu opened the gift box and was startled by the pearl necklace inside:

This is the first time I have seen a pearl as big as an ox's eye. Master Murong's gift is too precious.

Gold leaves? The shopkeeper opened the gift box and was a little surprised.

Mr. Murong's offer was too generous, and he didn't intend to accept it originally. However, the gold leaf carving was very exquisite, and it was priceless.

If he can get Yiye, he will be able to live a happy life without working for others.

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