When the human race was born, their physiques were far superior to mine. They were born with the ability to control the five elements of the world. Later, they developed exercises suitable for the human race. They could move mountains and fill seas, soar in the clouds and mist, and do anything. Ding Chunqiu's eyes were full of yearning when he spoke. color.

Grandpa is talking about immortals? Wang Yuyan asked.

Ding Chunqiu nodded: That's right.

Is this true? Murong Fu asked half-convinced.

Ding Chunqiu glanced at Murong Fu and continued: When the ancestors reached the extreme level of cultivation, two particularly powerful groups appeared at the same time.

Are they the Jiuli tribe and the Xuanyuan tribe? Murong Fu asked.

That's right, Chi You, the leader of the Jiuli clan at that time, practiced extremely powerful skills and was called a demon by the world. Ding Chunqiu couldn't help but paused when he said this, and took a deep breath, showing great fear: He almost ruled The entire human race.”

Grandpa, aren't you telling fairy tales? Wang Yuyan was slightly startled and asked.

Ding Chunqiu smiled and said: Yes and no, even children know what happened later. Huang Di and Yan Di defeated Chi You and killed him.

Isn't it? Listening to Ding Chunqiu's tone, Murong Fu seemed to be hiding something wrong.

Yes or no. Ding Chunqiu smiled.

Grandpa, stop talking and tell me quickly. Wang Yuyan was worried that Murong Fu was impatient and urged.

Chi You was defeated but did not die. It is said that he gathered more than half of the dragon veins in Jiuzhou and opened a different world, allowing most of the Jiuli tribe to enter it and prepare to recuperate and counterattack in the future. Ding Chunqiu said slowly.


Wang Yuyan glanced at Murong Fu secretly, and seeing that he was silent, she whispered: Grandpa, isn't this a little too mysterious?

Haha, I can't tell whether it's true or false. Ding Chunqiu shook his head.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment and said, Then why can't we see the so-called immortals now?

Well, it seems they used the other half of the dragon vein and ran away. Ding Chunqiu said casually.


Murong Fu was speechless, but he felt that this might be true.

Boy, now you know how powerful that Gong Ziyu is. Ding Chunqiu said: This kind of person who is born to return to his ancestors has a bloodline that is naturally stronger than mine, so he cannot be offended.

Murong Fu said disdainfully: I have offended you, so what's the big deal?

Haha, he doesn't need to practice at all. He only needs to get stronger with time. Besides, he has also obtained a set of exercises that are completely suitable for him. How can you fight him? Ding Chunqiu didn't seem to be optimistic about Murong Fu. , the tone was full of ridicule.

Murong Fu said calmly: Let him force him to be strong, I am happy and not afraid.

Haha, I'm in a good mood, but I have a way to give you a chance to defeat him. Ding Chunqiu flapped his feather fan and said with a smile.

What can be done? Murong Fu asked.

It is said that our Xiaoyao sect is a leftover sect from the ancient qi-refining sect. It has a qi-training method that can be called an immortal to the extreme. Then we can naturally deal with the devil Gongzi Yu. Ding Chunqiu said with a smile. .

Murong Fu raised his brows. The word devil coming out of Ding Chunqiu's mouth was simply a kind of irony.

The old guy has the nerve to tell others that he killed eight hundred people instead of one thousand.

Killing is never about right or wrong, only about mood.

Gong Ziyu had never killed anyone with his own hands, and he only did it for profit.

He is also very friendly to ordinary people.

In contrast, Murong Fu felt that Ding Chunqiu should be killed first.

As far as I know, there shouldn't be many people left in your Xiaoyao sect, right? Murong Fu asked cautiously.

Humph, although the Xiaoyao Sect is dilapidated, you have to know that my master...

When Ding Chunqiu said this, he couldn't help but glance at Wang Yuyan, and quickly changed the subject and said: Anyway, I have a way to help you deal with the scourge of Gong Ziyu, but you have to accompany me to the Shaolin Temple to deal with those bald donkeys first. Please help me get two things.

Against the Shaolin Temple?

When Murong Fu heard this, he almost cursed.

Is it possible to deal with a martial arts master if you think of it?

Not to mention that there are many eminent monks there, but there are only the sweeping monks in the Sutra Pavilion, who are second only to Wudang Zhang Sanfeng.

If we really want to fight, don't say that you, an old guy, are not good enough.

Even if you take me in, it's probably buy one get one free.

Ding, here comes the question, host please make a choice as soon as possible.

One, refuse to cooperate, bridge to bridge, road to bridge, return to the road, I will send you to death, I will enjoy the blessings, reward: Beiming Shen Gong.

Two, accept the cooperation, high risk and high reward, and get 300,000 yuan of Beiliang Iron Cavalry, 300,000 dan of Longya rice, and three shares of Longyuan.

Hold the grass!

This return is too high.

Murong Fu was completely dumbfounded.

The temptation of Beiming's magical skill is indeed not small. It can be said that with it, one's time to become invincible in the world will be greatly advanced.

However, the reward behind was even more tempting. He didn't need to explain how powerful the Beiliang Iron Cavalry was. Everyone knew.

And this dragon tooth rice is the key.

It is a kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure that is grown by being watered with dragon's blood. It contains a lot of it and has become extinct in the world.

Moreover, eating for a long time can also increase talents and stabilize meridians, improve internal strength, and increase potential. The key is that it does not have any side effects.

Even in ancient times and ancient times, it was the food that cultivators dreamed of.

Just a hundred pills can be worth a fortune.

These 300,000 dan, which is about 30 million jins, are not a problem to buy, let alone a city, even the Song Dynasty, which is now in danger.

It’s really high risk and high reward!

As for Long Yuan, he already has five copies, and he is not in a hurry if he adds three copies and still has two copies left.

The proportion of dragon essence is that ten parts can be combined into one, and seven parts can be combined into true dragon essence.

It was still far away from the true dragon's essence, and he didn't bother to calculate it.

How's it going, kid? Ding Chunqiu urged when Murong Fu didn't speak for a long time.

Wang Yuyan was worried that the Shaolin Temple was in danger and reminded: Grandpa, the Shaolin Temple is too dangerous, so don't let my cousin go.

Yu Yan, don't you understand this? The Shaolin Temple is dangerous, but it has a lot of good things. The secrets brought by Bodhidharma alone are enough for me to study for a lifetime. Ding Chunqiu said with a smile.

Murong Fu suddenly smiled and said: Okay, I agree, but you have to tell me what you want.

I won't hide it from you. I want the Yi Jin Jing from Shaolin Temple and the Great Return Pill that can increase one's skill for sixty years. Ding Chunqiu said calmly.

What do you want the Yi Jin Jing for? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Haha, don't worry about it. I have my own uses. Ding Chunqiu said pretending to be mysterious.

Murong Fu snorted coldly and didn't bother to ask any more questions. He said, Okay, but you have to wait until my martial arts contest with King Jinlun is over before I can go with you.

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