Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 165 The Blue Dragon Society is coming

Dragon Veins?

Murong Fu looked at Lai Wenjun in confusion. He vaguely remembered that Gong Ziyu only wanted to dominate the martial arts world and did not want to be the emperor.

That's right, Gong Ziyu came to me because he wanted to find the dragon's veins. Lai Wenjun said firmly.

Why? Murong Fu still asked curiously.

I don't know. Lai Wenjun shook his head and said, Anyway, I have a feeling it's definitely not a good thing.

Murong Fu thought for a long time, but couldn't think of an answer. He patted Lai Wenjun on the shoulder: If you don't want to go, just stay here.

Haha, as long as there is good wine, I won't leave. Lai Wenjun joked.

Let's go, let's go out and arrange the manpower first.

However, don't rush into your underground layout. The main thing is to create underground fire for me. Murong Fu said clearly.

Qinglonghui is just a small fight for him.

Gong Ziyu will not start a full-scale war with him at this time.

Don't worry, I can still distinguish the priorities. Lai Wenjun said with a smile.

Haha, let's go. Murong Fu smiled with satisfaction.

The two immediately left the secret place of the old house.

During this time, the Qinglong Society had already spread rumors.

Murong Fu was required to hand over Lai Wenjun within ten days, otherwise, Murong's old house would be bloodbathed.

The entire southern martial arts world was completely in a state of shock.

Arrogant! Mr. Murong is the leader of our southern martial arts world. If the Qinglong Society dares to say that he will destroy his old house, it is clear that he does not take our southern martial arts world seriously.

Yes, if we really let them destroy Murong's old house, it will bring shame on our southern martial arts community.

I don't care about anything else. Mr. Murong saved our lives back then. No matter what, I can't let the Qinglong Club make such a noise.

Everyone in the southern martial arts world was filled with indignation.

No matter what happened, he rushed towards Gusu City.

For no other reason than to calm down the situation for Murong Fu.

There is a huge palace on a large mountain in Bashu.

There are four big characters written on it: The Top of the Clouds.

A man wearing a blue dragon mask looks down the mountain like a man in white clothes who is as carefree as an immortal.


A woman with a nice voice and a nice smile walked up to the handsome man, hugged his arm and said.

Haha, that's right, then why don't you bring him here? Gong Ziyu asked lightly.

Because he was taken away by Murong Fu. Xiaolan is Tang Lan, the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter of the Tang clan in Sichuan.

Murong Fu? Gong Ziyu was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, It's him.

Well, Chunyu Modi used the cover-up order, saying that Murong Fu must surrender within ten days, otherwise, Murong's old house will be bloodbathed. Tang Lan said.

Gong Ziyu stood with his hands behind his back and shook his head: Murong Fu is a good opponent, but unfortunately, he is only thinking about restoring the country, which is boring.

Are we still going to provoke him? Tang Lan wanted to persuade Gong Ziyu to ask Chunyu Modi to take back his order.

Murong Fu was a top figure in the entire southern martial arts world, and she did not want to provoke such a powerful enemy for no reason.

Haha, no, Chunyu Modi likes to play, so just let him play. Gong Ziyu seemed to completely not take this matter seriously.

Under his fierce Qinglong mask, there is an unwavering heart: If he wants to die, let him die.

Tang Lan was stunned, knowing that it must be Gong Ziyu again, and guessed what he was thinking:

But our Qinglong Guild will also suffer a lot.

It doesn't matter, as long as I'm here, it doesn't matter even if all the Qinglong Society dies. Gongziyu said lightly.

When Tang Lan heard this, he didn't know what to say.

Gong Ziyu thought for a while and said, If you are really worried, just ask Yan Nanfei to go there.

Yan Nanfei? Tang Lan was overjoyed. This person was the strongest person in the Qinglong Club besides Gong Ziyu.

I'll go too, just to be sure. Tang Lan said.

If he could almost defeat Murong Fu, it would greatly improve the reputation of the Blue Dragon Society.

Haha, go ahead and put on your peacock feathers to defend yourself. Gong Ziyu said with concern without looking at him.

Tang Lan nodded: Okay, I'll take it with me.

No matter what Gong Ziyu said inside and outside, he would try his best to keep his heart calm.

Otherwise, this body would not be able to support his desires at all.

He looked at the white clouds rolling all over the sky and suddenly laughed: Haha, this world is so turbulent.

Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but once you start, you will fight until death.

Three days, only three days.

Outside the city of Gusu, there were already corpses strewn across the fields and rivers of blood.

Countless chivalrous warriors from the southern martial arts organized themselves to defend Murong Fu's defense line.

Once the Qinglong Society's personality is discovered, they will be killed without mercy, and there will be no compromise.

Chunyu Modi stood in the woods not far outside Gusu City.

Looking at the two sides fighting constantly, his face turned purple with anger.

He punched the tree next to him, creating a big dent.

Bastard, are all these people crazy? I want to kill Murong Fu, not their father!

Six Dragon Heads, I think we should think of another way. The subordinate suggested.

Chunyu Modi asked casually: What can we do?

I heard that the big dragon head and the second dragon head will be here soon. Why don't we wait until they arrive? the subordinate said.

Chunyu Modi turned around and glared at his subordinates.

When he saw that Ye Yao was sweating all over his body, he snorted coldly: Okay, very good, we'll wait.

Inside Murong's old house.

Murong Fu was watching Bao BuTong leading Murong's generals.

After digging for three days and three nights, he finally dug out the underground fire. He said with satisfaction: Not bad, I didn't expect that we can really dig to the bottom of the Gemstone Mountain.

Haha, after my deduction, how could it not be possible?...

Lai Wenjun is now standing aside, and the old god is speaking, his tone full of pride.

Murong Fu asked: When can you bring the fire from the earth?

It will be fine tomorrow. I have asked the blacksmith to forge it on the other side. Lai Wenjun said.

Thank you very much. Murong Fu looked at Lai Wenjun with admiration.

Unexpectedly, this divination master, apart from his careless image, is also really efficient at work.

Lai Wenjun glanced at Murong Fu and said seriously: I made a divination for you yesterday, do you want to know the result?

Murong Fu glanced at Lai Wenjun very calmly and said: No matter what the outcome, I will not die, right?

You... Lai Wenjun was stunned. He didn't expect Murong Fu to be so confident: Haha, it doesn't matter whether you are right or not.

Murong Fu said with a smile: A new restaurant opened in the city today, and the oiran will be selected. Governor Song asked me to join in the fun, how about you come with me?

No, I've thought about it. It's not a good time to go out today. I told you to have pink eyes. You might be in trouble, so it's best not to go. Lai Wenjun reminded with a smile.

Murong Fu burst out laughing: Haha, why should I go and see who can be my disaster?

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