Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 163 A name that makes people scared

Murong Fu looked at the two father-in-laws and secretly said in his heart: What I eat is not a feast for the eyes but a deprivation.

Seeing Murong Fu's silence, Eunuch Hua thought it was because he was unhappy, and added: Actually, this matter is not that difficult. Your Majesty said that as long as Young Master Murong Fu survives the competition, he will make you King of Yan.

King Yan! Murong Fu was very excited.

The word Yan is of extremely important significance to him and to the entire Gusu Murong clan.

It is the belief of their clan!

Well, how about it? His Majesty is not so ruthless. He treats you Murong family quite well. Eunuch Zhang said with a proud smile.

good, very good, excellent.

Murong Fu was very satisfied and turned around to ask his servants to arrange lunch. He wanted to entertain his two father-in-laws well.

Eunuch Zhang glanced at Eunuch Hua, feeling that if the other party didn't tell him about being crowned king, the two of them wouldn't even be able to eat.

Thank you, Mr. Murong. Eunuch Hua saluted.

Eunuch Zhang didn't want to, but he had no choice but to imitate the courtesy and thank him.

During the meal, Murong Fu called Deng Baichuan, Bao Bubu and others to accompany him. They drank a lot and got the two father-in-laws drunk.

By the way, I also got some irrelevant news out. M..

This old thief Qin Hui is really despicable and shameless. He just wants to take my young master's life to return the benefits of the Yuan Kingdom.

The emperor is really shameless. If our young master hadn't killed 50,000 Japanese pirates, they would have attacked him from both sides and destroyed his Yingtian Mansion.

That piece of shit sold to Marshal Yue and he still wants to sell it to our young master!


The more they talked, the angrier they became, wishing they could immediately rise up and break into the palace.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, Qin Hui's old dog came to trouble him again and again. If he didn't kill him, he would be sorry for his rebirth.

Haha, you two brothers don't have to be angry.

Young Master... Bao BuTong wanted to say something more, but Deng Baichuan reminded him: Young Master knows what he's talking about, so you should watch your mouth.

Bao BuTong glared at Deng Baichuan coldly: There's another thing I want to say.

What's the matter? Murong Fu asked curiously: I just received news that Chunyu Modi, the leader of the Sixth Dragon of the Qinglonghui, issued an order to summon Qinglonghui personnel from Pingjiang and Jiaxing to prepare for the siege of Gusu City.

Huh? Are these people crazy because of Lai Wenjun? Deng Baichuan couldn't believe that people from the Qinglong Society would do this.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment. He did not remember this paragraph in the original work: Perhaps, there are some secrets that we don't know.

Should you ask Lai Wenjun to come over and ask? Deng Baichuan reminded.

No need. If he wants to say it, he can say it. If he doesn't want to say it, we don't need to ask. Although the Qinglong Society is very powerful.

But our Gusu Murong family is not made of paper. If you want to touch her, I will accompany you. Murong Fu said calmly.

Haha, the young master is right. Only Gusu Murong is not afraid of these young men. Bao Tongtong agreed.

Murong Fu smiled and said, I'm tired too. Brothers, please continue drinking. I'll go back to my room first.

Master, please. Bao BuTong and Deng Baichuan sent Murong Fu off respectfully without any unnecessary nonsense.

After the banquet, the news that Jin Lun Dharma King had an appointment with Murong Fu spread throughout the city of Gusu.

Everyone in the city was surprised. They didn't understand why Song Qinzong Zhao Huan agreed.

This battle was obviously unfair. Murong Fu had been seriously injured in the previous battle at Huating.

It may not be possible to recover within a year and a half.

But even if he recovers, Jin Lun Dharma King is still an old master.

Now that he has entered the realm of a great master, when dealing with Murong Fu, he is actually using the big one to bully the small ones.

In the old house, when Jiuxiu heard the news, their faces turned ugly.

The reason why Jin Lun Dharma King declared a challenge was to avenge his disciple.

The whole thing seems to be their fault.

Second sister, what should we do? We seem to have harmed our eldest cousin. Murong Jiu said anxiously.

Murong Shuang also looked remorseful and said, We didn't know that Yuan people were so despicable that they could think of such a method.

Hey, how about we go see our eldest cousin and see if he needs anything? Murong Shanshan asked.

The sisters discussed and planned to find a time to visit Murong Fu.

Murong Fu just came out of the hall, but he did not go back to the room directly.

Moreover, he ran to the cell in the secret place of the old house to see Murong Qiudi.

Haha, cousin, do you want to come and see me today? Murong Qiudi said calmly.

Murong Fu looked at the other person several times: Are you okay?

Well, it's not bad, Murong Qiudi said lightly.

Then why don't you run away? Murong Fu asked curiously.

He knew that with Murong Qiudi's strength, it would be easy to get out of this dilapidated cell.

I'm waiting for you. Murong Qiudi replied.

Wait for me? Murong Fu was stunned: What are you waiting for me for?

Thank you for avenging me for killing my father. Murong Qiudi looked up at Murong Fu and said bluntly: You came here to ask me about the Blue Dragon Society?

I remember that Tianzun's power should be above that of the Qinglong Society, right? Murong Fu asked.

Murong Qiudi pondered for a moment: This matter is a long story. In fact, many years ago, the Qinglong Society existed in name only.

Then they... Murong Fu asked.

Murong Qiudi explained: About five years ago, a mysterious person suddenly appeared.

He annexed and integrated the forces of the original Blue Dragon Society at an almost crazy speed.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes and thought of a name in his mind, Gongziyu?

Huh? Murong Qiudi was surprised and said with admiration: As expected of you, even he knows it.

Haha, do you know he is great? Murong Fu's expression was calm, but his heart was already filled with turmoil.

Gong Ziyu is such a frightening name.

He vaguely remembered that there were four founders of the decade in the world.

They rely on more than just martial arts.

And their unique charm and personality make everyone in the world willing to worship them.

And Gong Ziyu is the only villain in the four decades of creators, which shows how charming he is.

It seems that I underestimated Murong. In order to find out Gong Ziyu's name, I almost used the entire Tianzun.

In the end, at the cost of sacrificing twelve first-class masters, we only knew the existence of the other party. Murong Qiudi talked about Gong Ziyu, with fear in his eyes.

He is very strong, after all, he is Shen Lang's disciple. Murong Fu said casually.

What, he is a disciple of Canglang Hero Shen Lang? Murong Qiudi couldn't believe it. This news was something she never expected.

Well, when Shen Lang left Jianghu, Qinglonghui gave him an honorary order.

Otherwise, why do you think Gong Ziyu integrates the Qinglong Society? Murong Fu said calmly.

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