Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 153 Drinking together


Lang Xuici replied firmly: Senior Sister, after researching it, we also tried to find an antidote to restrain it, but in the end, nothing happened.

It seems Brother Chu's life is hard to save. Murong Fu sighed.

The bandit commander Chu Liuxiang? Lang Xuici asked curiously, Could it be that he was poisoned by senior sister?

Murong Fu didn't think too much and told Lang Xuici the whole story. The latter was a little surprised:

I never thought that Miao Monk Wuhua would be Shi Guanyin's younger brother?

Murong Fu smiled and nodded: Yes, I didn't expect that Wuhua would become Shi Guanyin's younger brother. I thought he would be her son.

How is it possible? Shi Guanyin is about the same size as Senior Sister, and she is only in her thirties now....

Lang Xuici tapped Murong Fu's eyebrows and reminded her seriously: This woman is very narcissistic and revengeful. She fought with the senior sister for a long time over a treasure.

Huh? Who won? Murong Fu couldn't help but curiously asked after hearing the news.

Of course she is my senior sister. Among her peers in the world, the only one who is equally equal to her is Yao Yue, the master of Yihua Palace. Lang Xuici said with a little pride.

Yao Yue? At the mention of these two words, Murong Fu couldn't help but tremble all over.

This is an extremely cold woman, and every part of her body can be chilled by the cold.

Have you seen her? Lang Xuici asked curiously when he saw Murong Fu's strange behavior.

We had a chance encounter. Murong Fu nodded, muttering in his mind, it seemed that March was not far away.

Do you want to go to Yihua Palace?

However, he didn't think too much about it, after all, these would all happen after the year.

At this time, a maid came in from outside the door, stood outside the door and said: Master, Madam asked the servant to invite you and Madam Lang to come and have dinner.

Well, let's go! Murong Fu stood across the doorway.

Lang Xuici asked nervously: What's going on? Could it be that Yuyan knows about our relationship?

Haha, isn't this normal? Do you think your cousin is stupid and can't see it?

Murong Fu touched Lang Xuici's body hard, causing the woman to squeak in pain.

He proudly stood up and put on his clothes. As he walked, he said, You put it on slowly, and I'll go see Li'er.

Bad guy, you've been bullying me all day long. Lang Xuici rolled his eyes at Murong Fu and stood up to get dressed.

Murong Fu's consciousness quickly located little Hu Fei, who was fishing by the lake.

With a muddy face, he was very close to nature. When he came closer, he waved to him:

Fei'er, come here!

Godfather! Little Hu Fei jumped up to Murong Fu, very naughty.

Come on, let your godfather see how your sword skills are doing. Murong Fu looked at little Hu Fei with a wooden knife on his back.

Even at a young age, I knew that the knife never left my body. In the future, he will definitely become an unlimited swordsman.

Little Hu Fei was decisive. He drew his wooden sword and attacked Murong Fu immediately.

Murong Fu nodded. Despite his young age, Hu Fei's attacking posture was very precise.

The moves are exquisite, fierce and extremely powerful, and they are quite imposing in every move.

That's right, Fei'er. It's not bad that you have such a method at such a young age, but it's just a bit radical.

Little Hu Fei was happy when he heard this and said, Hey, godfather, I practice our Hu family's sword skills thousands of times every day.

Haha, you are too young and have practiced too much, which is harmful to your health. Murong Fu smiled.

Pointing his toes to the ground, he kept moving to avoid Xiao Hu Fei's attack. The little guy became more and more anxious as he fought. Taking advantage of the terrain, he suddenly jumped up a foot off the ground and slashed towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu suddenly burst out with a powerful murderous intention, aimed his palm at little Hu Fei, and the true energy in his body suddenly released.

Little Hu Fei was startled, and his momentum instantly weakened by three points.

Before he could react, his body tilted and was pushed out.

Seeing that he was only three inches away from the lake, his body magically moved again.

It was as if an invisible hand was pulling him up again.

In the blink of an eye, he was pulled back to Murong Fu.

Daddy, what's going on? It's so fun! Little Hu Fei jumped and shouted.

Murong Fu flicked his head three times and said:

Hmph, you little guy is too hasty and unstable.

I was just trying to scare you, but you actually lost your offensive and wasted your previous offensive plan.

Also, how can you give up so easily when you are against someone?

Little Hu Fei touched his head and looked at Murong Fu with an embarrassed expression.

Daddy, what you said is too profound, and the child can't understand it.

Murong Fu laughed loudly and gave little Hu Fei a head jump, which was so painful that the latter almost shed tears.

You don't need to understand. Starting from tomorrow, godfather will personally develop a training system for you.

Ah~ Will I be exhausted to death? Little Hu Fei pouted.

Murong Fu said confidently: Don't worry, it will definitely be easier than what your mother taught you.

Oh, that's good, that's good. Xiao Hu Fei smiled happily.

Murong Fu picked up little Hu Fei and said, Let's go, let's go eat.

Daddy, please let the child down quickly. The child is dirty and might stain your expensive clothes. Little Hu Fei struggled to get down.

Murong Fu laughed haha and hugged him tighter:

Wash it if it's dirty. Dad always ate and lived with the soldiers in the military camp.

What does this little bit of mud on your body mean?

You have to remember that people are always more valuable than clothes.

Little Hu Fei felt warm in his heart and nodded: My godfather is right.

Haha, yes, you can never go wrong as a father.

What's wrong?

Wrong, don't admit it!

The father and son walked and talked happily.

Lang Xuici, who came not far away to invite them to eat, was deeply moved.

She clearly felt that Murong Fu was sincere to their mother and son!

Yanziwu, Shenhe Village.

Murong Fu sat at the top, with several of his closest people below.

He raised the wine in front of him and said happily: We are happy today. We will not return until we get drunk.

Cousin (Master...) please. The girls toasted together in celebration.

Murong Fu drank a glass of wine and shook his head: This wine is not as bland as water and boring.

, Master, my wife has long guessed that you are not used to drinking these drinks now, so she specially asked us to find some medicinal wine for you to try.

As A'Zhu and A Bi spoke, they brought several jars of unopened new wine and placed them in front of Murong Fu.

Then he explained: These are the fine medicinal wines that Madam has collected from everywhere. Please try them.

Haha, she is indeed my cousin who knows me well. Murong Fu's body was too strong now.

Ordinary drinks have no effect on him.

Monkey's brew is too little. Drink it every time.

Cousin, give it a try. Some of the wines here are more than ten years old and should have some effect on you. Wang Yuyan said with a smile.

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