In Huating, in an extremely simple dungeon.

Murong Fu came among them and glanced at the few people who were attacking.

It was very boring to see them tied tightly with iron chains.

Master, Madam is awake. Jiang Zian secretly whispered into Murong Fu's ear.

Murong Fu nodded and turned around to leave, arriving at Huan Huan's room.

Hey, there is light in your eyes today, it seems that your energy and energy have reached an extreme level. Hanhan said with a smile.

Murong Fu was slightly surprised: Can you tell?

Haha, naturally, the Heavenly Demon Secret practiced by our Yinkui sect is the most profound among the Heavenly Demons, so I can naturally feel the power of the spirit. Huanwan said proudly.

It is said that Tianmo Ce can be traced back to the ancient Chi You, but I don't know whether it is true or not? Murong Fu gently embraced the beauty in front of him into his arms.

It should be true. Huanwan smelled the fragrance on Murong Fu's body and said with a smile: Wuxiang Bodhisattva, do you feel comfortable serving you?

Huh? You know this too? Murong Fu was shocked again. He felt that the little beauty in front of him was just a clever little girl who couldn't hide anything from her.

Hehe, her girl's Wuxiang method is similar to the girl's method I sent.

The only difference is that one is a mental effect and the other is a physical collision. Huanwan explained.

Murong Fu didn't hide it either: After I came out of her spiritual world, my mental power seems to be much stronger.

That's because you absorbed the spiritual power of Wuxiang Bodhisattva. Huanwen rolled her eyes and asked, You can try to build a spiritual world.

Huh? Is mine okay? Murong Fu was stunned. The spiritual world seemed to have some indescribable functions.

For example, the flow rate of time and the structure of space.

It should be possible, but you need to take your time. Huanwen shook her head and showed a smirk: How about you ask Wuxiang Bodhisattva?

She? Can she tell me? Murong Fu shook his head and said speechlessly.

Huanwan bit Murong Fu hard and said: You are so stupid! Once the girl-like skills fail, she will fall in love with her wholeheartedly.

Huh? Is there such a thing? Murong Fu replied slightly surprised.

Well, you are right to listen to me. You should go talk to her. It's time for me to leave. Otherwise, they will be suspicious if I go back late.

Huanwan kissed Murong Fu gently on the lips and left gracefully.

Leaving now? Murong Fu asked, holding her hand with some reluctance.

Well, you have to hurry up and defeat my master. Otherwise, if she decides to marry me to someone else on a whim, you won't have anywhere to cry. Huan Huan laughed, jumped lightly, and flew along the roof. Got out.

Murong Fu looked at the other party's back and smiled slightly.

Just wait, sooner or later I will go to Yinkui Pai to propose marriage.

Master, where are we going now? Jiang Zian asked.

Is Wuxiang Bodhisattva awake? Murong Fu asked.

Jiang Zian nodded: I'm awake, but I seem to be a little depressed.

In that case, let her rest first, and let's go to the military camp to see the brothers. Murong Fu said.

Since the end of the Huating Defense War, he has been in the recovery stage.

I never had the chance to inspect the military camp, so I kept thinking about it.

My subordinates are going to prepare the carriage now. Brother Ruan is over there now. Jiang Zian said.

Go. Murong Fu nodded.

The two then took a carriage to the military camp.

Ruan Yi had received the news in advance and had already sent people to wait in the camp.

As soon as he saw Murong Fu, he immediately greeted him.

Ruan Yi meets the master! Ruan Yi said with a military salute.

Haha, no courtesy. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Ruan Yi stood up and said: Master, you came at the right time. We are training.

Really? I want to see how you train talents. Murong Fu had long been curious about the training methods of the Shadow Guards.

Ruan Yi seemed to have guessed what Murong Fu was thinking, and said quietly: Master, the training method of the Shadow Guard is too cruel and not suitable for ordinary soldiers.

That's it. Murong Fu nodded to express his understanding.

Ruan Yi added: I have studied with Zian and would like to ask the master for instructions. A group of secret shadow guards are being trained in Murong's old residence.

However, a large number of children are needed...

Murong Fu was a little disappointed before, but he became happy when he heard Ruan Yi's words: Just ask for any amount you want, and I'll find a way for you.

Of course, the more, the better. If you are trained by the Shadow Guards, even if you are eliminated, you will still be a top talent among all major armies. Ruan Yi said confidently.

Okay, I understand. Murong Fu decided immediately and planned to let Bao BuTong find a large number of children in several batches.

Now that there are so many refugees, it is easy to buy some children.

Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian couldn't help but feel very happy when they saw Murong Fu agreed.

Later, he took Murong Fu to visit the soldier training.

Then he took Murong Fu to the place where the wounded soldiers were wounded to express their condolences.

Half of the troops were killed and wounded in the defense battle of Huating. It was very tragic. Ruan Yi introduced.

Murong Fu looked at the wounded soldiers silently. Some soldiers had both hands disabled and might not be able to give birth in their lifetime.

In short, I have no chance to get ahead in my life.

After retiring, there will be no one who can reuse them. It is a blessing to have something to eat.

However, they did not complain about Murong Fu.

Instead, when they saw him coming over, they all stood up enthusiastically and saluted and said hello.

How should we deal with injured soldiers according to the normal system?

Compensation is fifteen taels of silver. Jiang Zian said.

Fifteen taels of silver seemed wrong at first glance.

But if placed in a civilian family, fifteen taels of silver would be enough to feed the family for three years.

Too little! Murong Fu said lightly.

Ruan Yi explained: Master, fifteen taels of silver is actually a lot. The regular army's treatment is only ten taels of silver.

So much? Murong Fu said slightly surprised.

Well, the regular army has a large population base, so the resettlement costs will be reduced accordingly. Ruan Yi said.

In this case, don't let these wounded soldiers retire yet.

After next spring, I will find a group of refugees to open up wasteland and grow food, and then let them be responsible for supervision and management. Murong Fu thought for a while and said.

This is a good thing, but how to define the treatment? Jiang Zian asked.

Just treat them the same as they are now!

Murong will be responsible for all their weddings and funerals in the future, Murong Fu said.

When the wounded soldiers heard Murong Fu's words, their minds went blank.

They couldn't believe that Murong Fu didn't think they were useless.

Instead, they were given better positions.

Each of the seven-foot-tall men couldn't help but cry: Uuuuu~ Master, you are such a good person.

Murong Fu patted the man in front of him and said, Soldiers defend their home and country and are respected by others. Don't worry, I, Murong Fu, will never let you be wronged.

The wounded soldiers gritted their teeth, held back their tears, and thanked them loudly:

Thank you, Mr. Murong!

Thank you, Mr. Murong!

Thank you, Mr. Murong!

Murong Fu glanced at the soldiers and said loudly: I declare that from now on, the Murong family army will be changed to Xiuziying, and it will be the troops directly under me, Murong Fu!

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