Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1397 Deeply rooted love

Murong Fu's question seemed like a sharp knife, gently piercing the part of Xiong Ba's heart that he least wanted to touch.

Xiongba's smile suddenly became stiff, and his eyes wandered for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

Youruo stood aside, and she could subtly feel the tense atmosphere between her father and Murong Fu. Although she didn't know all the reasons behind it, she also realized what this atmosphere meant to her.

At this delicate moment, the atmosphere between the three people was like a taut bowstring, on the verge of breaking out.

Every tiny movement, every seemingly ordinary word, creates an unpredictable situation in this banquet hall.

Everything is waiting, waiting for a moment that can break the deadlock.

Youruo felt the tension in the air, and her heart beat faster.

She knew that she couldn't let the situation worsen at this moment, so she coughed lightly and prepared to take over the situation.

Mr. Murong, in fact, I have always had deep feelings for you.

When Youruo said this, she lowered her head pretending to be shy, and her long eyelashes covered her eyes, giving people a reserved and sincere impression.

I'm worried that if I directly ask my father to be a matchmaker for me, you might think it's too sudden or you might be unhappy about it.

That's why I came up with this way to show my admiration for you.

Hope you don't mind this arrangement.

After saying that, Youruo gently handed the jade pendant in her hand to Murong Fu as a symbol, and then bowed slightly again.

Murong Fu's eyes flashed slightly, he took the jade pendant and looked at Youruo leisurely.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, with an unfathomable wisdom in his smile.

The light in his eyes flickered like the brightest stars in the night sky, making it difficult for people to grasp his true thoughts.

His hand slowly stretched out and took the jade pendant handed over by Youruo.

The jade pendant's tentacles were cold, but it could not cool down the suspicion that arose in his heart.

Since Miss Youruo has such a good impression of me, I will gladly accept this kindness.

He said softly, but there was an indescribable power hidden in his voice.

Xiongba stood not far away. When he heard this, he felt ecstatic in his heart. He could almost feel that victory was within reach.

His eyes briefly met with Youruo's, and at that moment, their eyes revealed a hint of complex and indescribable emotions.

Xiong Ba's pupils shrank slightly, as if he could see Murong Fu's loss in the future through this window.

You Ruo lowered her eyes gently and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, like a flower in bud.

At that moment, her eyes met with her father's, and both of them understood the other's innermost intentions and expectations.

She knew that she could never let her father down.

Murong Fu was as smart as him, how could he miss this moment of eye contact.

With a thought, he realized that all this was just a carefully orchestrated plot.

However, he decided to roll with the punches and accept You Ruo for the time being in order to observe more deeply how the scene would progress.

Then, from today on, Youruo is mine.

Murong Fu declared in a firm tone, and for a moment, the atmosphere in the entire banquet hall seemed to freeze.

Indeed, Master Murong, please take good care of my daughter.

Xiongba suppressed the pride in his heart and kept a gentle smile on his lips, but the fan he held tightly in his hand could not hide the fluctuations in his heart.

Murong Fu nodded slightly, as if he was relieved.

Then, he turned around slowly, taking each step very steadily, as if each step represented a well-thought-out strategy.

So, that’s it for tonight’s banquet.

After saying that, he walked towards the exit of the banquet hall.

Youruo followed him.

Youruo followed Murong Fu lightly, her steps were flexible and noble, and every movement silently demonstrated her cultivation and wisdom.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, like a cheetah waiting to strike, with a sharp light shining in her eyes.

Mr. Murong, it is truly an honor for Youruo to follow you.

You Ruo said affectionately, her voice revealing an elegant calmness, as if she were a completely loyal servant.

Murong Fu did not look back, but nodded slightly, indicating that she could continue.

His eyes were looking forward, as if he was thinking deeply about some important issue.

You Ruo noticed Murong Fu's action and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

On the surface, she continued to use various gorgeous words to praise Murong Fu's brilliance and wisdom.

However, deep down in her heart, she was constantly thinking about how to find the best time to assassinate Murong Fu.

Sir, your strategies are always so thorough and make people admire you.

You Ruo spoke with great emotion, as if she really obeyed Murong Fu wholeheartedly.

But behind these compliments, Youruo's fingers quietly touched the dagger hidden under her long skirt.

Her heartbeat gradually accelerated, but she suppressed her emotions and waited for the best opportunity.

Murong Fu still didn't have any obvious reaction, as if his whole body was wrapped in a mysterious aura.

But You Ruo knows that such a man is the most difficult to figure out and the most worthy target for her to use all means to get rid of.

She followed Murong Fu closely, seemingly loyal and respectful on the surface, but in her heart she was ready to take action at any time.

Murong Fu took Youruo out of the banquet hall. The garden in the night was like day and night, because countless stars were scattered in the sky, imitating the brilliance of the sky.

Murong Fu's heart was calm, and his steps were as even as flowing water, like a martial arts hero standing high on a mountain.

Miss Youruo, I think you should know that I have no other intentions for you at the moment.

Murong Fu said calmly.

Youruo smiled and responded: Of course, Mr. Murong, Youruo is contented to be with him.

Young Master's background is unusual. You Ruo doesn't dare to reach high places. All he wants is to be by his side every day.

At this moment, Murong Fu's god-level selection system was quietly activated, and only he could see the words that appeared in front of him: 1. Continue to deepen the relationship with You Ruo and discover the true purpose of her and Xiong Ba; 2. Return to Rong Fu immediately. Go to the auxiliary medicine store and check the sales of the magic medicine; 3. Talk to Bu Jingyun and learn about his recent trends.

Murong Fu chose the first option without hesitation.

The system responded: The host has chosen to deepen the relationship with Youruo and obtain a bottle of Intermittent Bone-Bending Paste.

He then turned to Youruo and said, Are you willing to take a walk with me? A night like this can't end hastily like this.

Youruo happily accepted, and the two of them walked into the dreamlike garden together.

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