Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1373 No one can say for sure

Xiongba had been sitting in the corner since the beginning of the banquet, his eyes sharp as an eagle, and he hardly missed any detail.

He noticed Murong Fu's eyes that seemed to see through everything, and the indifference and independence he showed when interacting with the people around him.

Although his face was expressionless, Xiong Ba already had some preliminary evaluations of Murong Fu in his heart.

He felt that this young man seemed to have everything in his own hands, but he was inevitably a little overconfident.

Xiongba finally chose to stand up at the right moment.

His actions naturally attracted everyone's attention, especially Murong Fu.

Mr. Murong, tonight's banquet is indeed a wonderful party, but it is already late. I have something to do and I have to leave first.

Xiongba said, with a calmness and solemnity in his voice.

Murong Fu's eyes met with his, as if countless messages were exchanged at that moment.

He nodded slightly, with no intention of trying to stay.


Murong Fu responded, his voice as calm as water.

But at this moment, Xiongba turned his head slightly and glanced at Dugu Ming, who was sitting in the corner.

That glance seemed to contain a lot of complex information, maybe even a silent warning or reminder.

Dugu Ming noticed this glance and was shocked in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be fine and just lowered his head slightly.

Xiong Ba gently patted his assistant Jian Nan on the shoulder, indicating that he was ready to leave.

Jian Nan immediately understood and stood up to follow Xiong Ba, his eyes a little more alert.

The moment Xiong Ba walked out of the banquet hall, the atmosphere in the room seemed to be relieved, but at the same time it was also filled with more doubts and uneasiness.

Everyone felt that this banquet seemed to have opened an unpredictable door, and no one could tell what would happen next.

And at the same time.

Huai Kong, Huai Mie, and Bai Ling were originally sitting in a corner of the banquet hall. They were not too interested in the disturbances on land, but they had to obey Tiexin Island's order.

Murong Fu's every move naturally came into their sight.

Huai Kong stood up first. He was wearing a gray robe. He looked ordinary, but he had an edge that was hard to detect.

He clasped his fists and said in a calm but sharp voice: Mr. Murong, tonight's banquet is really pleasing to the eye. However, we have other tasks to complete, so we will leave here.

Huai Mie stood up closely behind him. Compared with Huai Kong, he was more silent and restrained.

He didn't speak, just nodded, with a trace of imperceptible doubt on his face. ..

Bai Ling, as the only female among the three, naturally received a lot of attention.

Wearing a long white dress, she looks pure, but her eyes are not simple.

She looked at Murong Fu with a smile and said softly: Master Murong, please take care of yourself.

Murong Fu seemed to have been prepared for this. He smiled slightly and said, It is really a pity to say goodbye to these three distinguished guests.

I hope we have the opportunity to see you again in the future.

Although he seemed indifferent on the surface, his eyes showed a hint of scrutiny and analysis the moment he made eye contact with the three people.

Huai Kong and Huai Mie looked at each other, with a hint of complicated emotions in their eyes, but they were quickly suppressed by themselves.

Bai Ling was more subtle. She lowered her eyes slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

After the three people saluted, they turned around and left slowly.

And at this time.

The lights in the banquet hall were bright, illuminating the various gorgeous costumes and complicated faces.

After Emperor Shitian left, although the banquet was still going on, both the food and the drinks seemed a bit boring.

At this moment, the most eye-catching focus was the incident where Murong Fu asked his men to beat Dugu Ming.

Did you see that?

Murong Fu actually ordered Dugu Ming to be beaten.

A warrior carrying a big sword whispered, his eyes glancing in Murong Fu's direction from time to time.

I heard that Dugu Ming was quite powerful, but he was treated like this by Murong Fu.

A businessman in luxurious robes also joined the discussion, his eyes full of worry.

A woman, wearing a green silk dress, gently flicked the fan in her hand, her eyes full of complex emotions.

Murong Fu, he has always been a mystery.

But his behavior this time is really hard to understand.

A middle-aged man sitting in the corner looked calm and reserved. He took a sip of wine and said lightly: Perhaps, all this has his deep meaning.

However, Murong Fu's actions will definitely affect his relationship with other forces.

In this small banquet hall, almost every table was discussing Murong Fu and Dugu Ming in different ways.

His expressions ranged from shock to surprise, from fear to worry, as if all his emotions were concentratedly released at this moment.

At the same time, Murong Fu was still sitting in the main seat, as if all the discussions had nothing to do with him.

He gently touched the jade cup on the table, as if thinking about something, but his eyes remained calm without any fluctuation.

He occasionally exchanged a few words with the maid next to him or other important people participating in the banquet, but no matter what he said, he seemed very calm, as if the whole world was under his control.

Emperor Shaktian stood in the center of the banquet hall. He was wearing a golden battle robe embroidered with various mysterious totems, and a long red cloak floating behind him.

His aura was so strong that it almost made the entire air seem depressing.

With a glance, almost no one dared to look directly into his eyes.

Guys, tonight is a really fun night.

However, it's getting late and I have other matters to attend to.

Please continue to enjoy this banquet.

Emperor Shitian said with a smile, his voice clear and magnetic.

Everyone in the hall naturally stood up, and for a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

He glanced at everyone present, his eyes full of arrogance and disdain, as if in his opinion, these people were not worth mentioning.

However, when his eyes fell on Murong Fu, his eyes changed slightly.

He looked at Murong Fu, smiled slightly, and said, Murong Fu, see you later.

Murong Fu also smiled slightly, nodded slightly, and responded: Emperor Shakti, I look forward to our next meeting.

Emperor Shitian responded with a smile, then turned around and strode out of the banquet hall.

His cloak drew a red trail in the air and disappeared outside the hall door like a shooting star.

But the moment he walked out of the hall, his eyes couldn't help but look back at Murong Fu.

That look was filled with complex emotions: curiosity, respect, and even a hint of indescribable expectation.

Murong Fu stood there, watching Emperor Shitian's leaving figure, but he was also thinking in his heart.

He understood that Emperor Shitian's purpose was not just to attend a banquet, but more importantly, he seemed to have a different view of Murong Fu.

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