Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1357 The Prime Minister seeks an audience

Nie Feng opened the door and entered the store, and was instantly surrounded by a pleasant woody fragrance.

He looked around. There were some furnishings in the store. Although they were simple, they gave people a sense of intimacy.

He walked to the display window, through which he could see the bustling flow of people outside, and felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Not long after, the shopkeeper came over with a smile on his face and asked, Does the young master need any help?

Nie Feng smiled and nodded: I intend to open a pharmacy here. I wonder if this store is for rent?

The shop owner nodded and responded with a smile: Sir, this shop can be rented. If you are interested, I can give you a detailed introduction.

Nie Feng nodded slightly and signaled the shop owner to continue.

The shop owner began to introduce the rent and contract terms of the shop, his voice gentle and clear.

He explained every detail in a professional manner to ensure that Nie Feng fully understood the conditions of the transaction.

In terms of rent, it's fifty taels of silver per month, and the contract period is one year. You can choose to renew.

The cost of repairing and decorating the store is borne by you, but of course, you can also design and modify it according to your own needs.

Nie Feng listened carefully, his eyes moving back and forth on the shop owner's face, capturing every subtle expression and change.

He knows very well that site selection and contract terms are important links, and there cannot be any omissions.

About the deposit... The shop owner was about to continue explaining, but was interrupted by Nie Feng raising his hand.

Don't worry, I'm willing to pay two hundred taels of silver as a deposit.

Nie Feng's voice was firm and his eyes were confident.

The shop owner was stunned for a moment, then showed an appreciative smile. He was quite satisfied with Nie Feng's decisiveness and sincerity.

Okay, sir, since you are so satisfied with this store, I will prepare the lease and related procedures as soon as possible.

“You just have to come in three days to sign and everything will be ready by then.”

Nie Feng nodded slightly and thanked: Thank you for your cooperation. I will come on time to handle the procedures.

The shop owner took a deep look at Nie Feng, then nodded in agreement: I will wait for your visit.

I hope your pharmacy will prosper.

After deciding on the location of the store, Nie Feng embarked on the journey to the dock without delay. ..

His steps were firm and his heart was filled with anticipation for the new journey.

When he arrived at the dock, he saw a group of busy workers, dressed in coarse cloth and holding tools, busy loading goods and repairing ships. The entire dock was filled with a busy and orderly atmosphere.

The sea breeze blows gently, carrying a salty taste, and the sound of waves blowing from time to time is intertwined with the shouts of workers.

Nie Feng blended into this busy scene and scanned the surroundings sharply, looking for suitable workers.

Soon he found a group of day laborers taking a break. They sat on the edge of the dock and exchanged small talk with each other.

He approached them and greeted them with a smile: Brothers, I wonder if we can have a chat?

I have a shop that needs renovation, and I just need some skilled craftsmen.

A worker raised his head, glanced at Nie Feng, and nodded: Tell me, what's the matter?

With a sincere smile on his face, Nie Feng explained: I have built a shop in the commercial district and am planning to open a pharmacy, so it needs some decoration.

I wonder if you are interested in taking on this task? Of course, the price and time are negotiable.

The workers exchanged glances, and then one of them stood up and walked up to Nie Feng: We are willing to take on this task.

However, the price must be fair and the construction period must be reasonable.

Nie Feng smiled and nodded: Of course, I will never treat you badly.

“The cost and timing of renovations can be agreed upon during negotiations.”

The worker nodded with satisfaction, then asked with a smile: So, sir, how long do you plan to complete the decoration?

Nie Feng thought for a moment and then replied: How about completing it within a month?

The workers looked at each other in understanding, and then the leading worker said: “This time is still acceptable.

As for the price, we can discuss it.

Nie Feng and the workers agreed on the time and place to meet tomorrow and established a plan to discuss cooperation.

The sun gradually set that day, the sky was stained with an orange-red afterglow, and the streets gradually became quiet.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Nie Feng walked on the bluestone road.

As he walked, he thought about what was to come.

Opening a drug store, renovating it, and contributing to Murong Fu's plan made him feel extremely fulfilled.

And soon, Nie Feng pushed open the heavy wooden door of the carpenter's shop, and the smell of wood and sawdust hit his face.

A wooden board hangs at the door, with Quality First, Customer First simply written in charcoal on it.

Opening the door, the smell of flying sawdust hit my face.

The shop is filled with the strong aroma of wood, and the craftsmen are busy attentively.

The sound of saws and hammers came and went.

The carpenters in the shop were busy, with large woodworking machines whirring and saw blades leaving neat cuts on the wood blocks.

He walked past several young apprentices who were sanding furniture and came to a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a beard.

This man is the shop owner and his name is Master Huang.

Master Huang, I want to customize a medicine cabinet and have special requirements.

Nie Feng said straight to the point.

Master Huang raised his head, looked at Nie Feng carefully through his glasses, then put down the wood carving tools in his hands and stood up.

Master Huang thought for a moment, then glanced at Nie Feng: This is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either.

You wait a moment.

He turned around and left, walked to a corner of the store, and opened a box containing sketches and designs.

After a while, Master Huang returned to Nie Feng with a piece of paper on which a preliminary medicine cabinet design was drawn.

This is the design I initially thought of. You can see if it's suitable.

Master Huang handed Nie Feng the paper with an expectant look on his face.

Nie Feng looked at the design carefully, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

Nie Feng took out a piece of paper and drew a sketch of the medicine cabinet on it, including the size, partition settings, and some decorative elements.

The medicine cabinet I need needs to be made of mahogany. It needs a hidden compartment here and it needs to be able to bear load.

These small compartments are used to store various small bottles, herbs, and pills.

Master Huang picked up the drawing and checked every detail marked by Nie Feng with focused eyes.

Then take a pencil and make a few marks on the edge of the drawing.

Mahogany is very suitable for medicine cabinets, and hidden compartments and load-bearing are not problems.

But with such a design and materials, the process is complicated and takes some time.

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