Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1350 I won’t let go

Mingyue's hands clenched into fists, tears still leaving traces on her cheeks.

She took a deep breath and said with excitement but determination: From now on, I, Mingyue, will no longer serve the Dugu family.

Mr. Murong, I am willing to follow you, but I only ask that you protect the safety of Wushuang City.

A satisfied smile appeared on Murong Fu's face, and there was an imperceptible warmth in his eyes.

But he soon noticed that Mingyue's face suddenly became a little panicked.

Ming Yue seems to have other concerns? Murong Fu's voice was still calm, but there was a trace of inquiry in his tone.

Mingyue bit her lower lip gently, seeming to be struggling whether to say what was on her mind.

Eventually, she decided to release her innermost worries.

Mr. Murong, I'm worried that this decision of mine will bring a greater crisis to Wushuang City.

The Dugu family will not let me go easily, and they will probably use this as an excuse to attack the Ming family.

Murong Fu listened without any surprised expression on his face.

His eyes were still calm, but there seemed to be some thought deep down.

Mingyue, I promise to protect Wushuang City, including you of course.

If the Dugu family really attacks the Ming family because of this, then they will only let more people see their true colors.

There was something in Murong Fu's words that seemed to hint at some deeper plan.

After hearing this, Mingyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She knew that Murong Fu was extraordinary, and if he was willing to take action, Wushuang City would probably be safe.

At this moment, Murong Fu's god-level selection system rang in his mind: Host, now you have two choices: 1. Tell Mingyue directly that you will use the world chain pharmacy you are about to open to provide Wushuang City with Financial and material support; second, secretly using Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng to arrange all this, while remaining silent to Mingyue. Different choices will naturally lead to different results.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, already making a decision in his heart.

He looked at Mingyue and said slowly: Mingyue, don't worry, nothing will happen in Wushuang City.

As for the Dugu family, let them do what they think is right.

When the time comes, the truth will emerge.

Mingyue looked at Murong Fu. At that moment, she seemed to see a warm and firm light, penetrating the long dark night and shining into the softest corner of her heart.

And soon, Murong Fu smiled slightly, and a firm light flashed in his eyes, like the subtle expression of a master before mastering the overall situation.

He cleared his throat and said to Mingyue: Actually, I have a plan that may be able to solve the current predicament of Wushuang City.

Mingyue's eyes lit up, as if she had caught a glimmer of hope, but she remained alert, and her fingers trembled slightly, as if waiting for the announcement of a major news.

“I am about to open a nationwide chain of drugstores in major cities.

Profits will be used to support Wushuang City, including food, weapons and medical care.

This will not only strengthen the defense of Wushuang City, but also provide more resources.

Murong Fu's eyes were very serious, and every word seemed to be engraved on stone and could not be changed.

After hearing this, Mingyue couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and her eyes that were a little blurred by tears regained some luster. ..

She took a deep breath, stood up, and bowed slightly to Murong Fu.

Thank you so much, Mr. Murong. Mingyue will remember this kindness in my heart.

There was a hint of solemnity in her voice, as if she was opening a new chapter.

Murong Fu smiled and waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be polite, but his eyes were still very sharp, as if he was looking for the next opportunity to bring about greater changes.

At this moment, Murong Fu's god-level selection system rang again, displaying a prompt: Congratulations to the host, for choosing 'Option 1', the difficulties encountered in the operation of the drug store will be reduced by 20%.

Murong Fu was secretly happy, but his face did not show any emotion.

Although the plan provided by Murong Fu gave Mingyue a glimmer of hope, the look on her face was still full of sadness and heaviness.

Murong Fu walked in and frowned slightly when he saw Mingyue like this.

He walked up to her and asked softly: Mingyue, what else do you worry about?

Mingyue turned around, with imperceptible fluctuations in her eyes, and said calmly: Mr. Murong, my betrayal of the Dugu clan is not just about me.

I have a grandma who has been working for the Dugu family all her life. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to persuade her to change her stance.

When Murong Fu heard this, his expression was very calm, as if he had expected it.

He looked at Ming Yue quietly for a few seconds, then smiled and said: If this is the case, then we don't have to tell her.

In fact, maintaining her loyalty to the Dugu clan also has its uses and can serve as our internal agent.

After hearing this, Mingyue's eyes brightened slightly, but then became complicated again.

She looked at Murong Fu, as if assessing whether this suggestion was really feasible.

Murong Fu continued: Mingyue, this war is not simply about good and evil, right and wrong.

It's more of a battle about power, interests and hearts and minds.

Your grandma's position may bring us unexpected advantages.

Mingyue stood in the center of the room. After hearing Murong Fu's words, her facial muscles twitched slightly.

The battle between heaven and man in her heart was like an unquellable storm, intense and complex.

Grandma has always been an integral part of her life.

She has grown up under the care of her grandma since she was a child. Although she often feels that her grandma's teachings and attitude are harsh, Mingyue knows that this is all out of deep concern and love.

Leaving grandma in an unknowing state was like piercing her heart with an invisible sword.

Murong Fu observed Mingyue's expression and saw her hesitation, so he took a few steps closer and his tone became softer: Mingyue, reality is always complicated. Sometimes, for the sake of greater interests and to protect those we love, , some degree of deception may be necessary.”

Mingyue was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slightly, as if to encourage herself and to give Murong Fu a response.

Then, Murong Fu changed the topic and began to introduce the situation around him.

“Duanlang, Nie Feng, and Bu Jingyun, they are all my right-hand assistants.

They also have their full support for the defense of Wushuang City.

Also, about that medicine shop - Murong Fu smiled slightly and continued, That is the 'Rongfu Medicine Shop' that people in the city are talking about today.

This will not only become the backbone of Wushuang City's economy, but will also provide us with necessary medical supplies when necessary.

Mingyue's eyes became obviously complicated after hearing the news.

Her pupils dilated slightly, as if trying to absorb this shocking stream of information.

Murong Fu not only won the confidants of Tianxiahui in just a few days, but also successfully ran the famous Rongfu Drug Store.

Such strength and skill really make people admire him with admiration.

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