Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1342 Meeting a woman by chance

His face turned pale, and his whole body seemed to be hit to a vital point.

The entire arena fell into a dead silence, and everyone was staring at this scene, as if they were shocked by this strange move.

Murong Fu still had a smile on his face, but there was an unfathomable chill in his eyes.

He put away his sword leisurely and turned to look towards the stands.

The faces of the gangsters who had been cheering for Xiongba turned pale at this moment, and their eyes were full of fear and shock.

Xiong Ba's face turned from pale to ashen, and cold sweat continued to roll down his forehead. His long sword was locked by Murong Fu's sword energy, making him unable to move.

Murong Fu's strength completely exceeded his expectations. If he were to kill him at this level, others would not be able to notice it at all.

Murong Fu seemed to have read through his thoughts, and the coldness in his eyes penetrated deeply into Xiong Ba's soul.

He said leisurely: Brother Bu, in this case, can you allow me to take Duanlang away from here?

The members of the Tianxiahui became nervous instantly, clenching their weapons tightly, ready to take action at any time.

People who were still immersed in the shock of the astonishing blow just now felt a chill rising from their backs.

Duan Lang stood aside, looking at Murong Fu firmly, with complex emotions in his heart.

He was in awe of Murong Fu, but at the same time he was full of expectations and anxiety for the future.

Xiong Ba was stunned, obviously not expecting Murong Fu to make such a request.

His eyes moved from Murong Fu's face to Duan Lang's body, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed across his eyes.

Finally, he spoke slowly, his voice was calm, but with a hint of helplessness: Go ahead, Duanlang will follow you..

Murong Fu's eyes flashed, as if he understood Xiong Ba's thoughts.

He put away his sword and bowed deeply: Thank you, leader.

Those members of the Tianxiahui who were originally preparing to take action breathed a sigh of relief, but the vigilance in their eyes did not fade away.

Duan Lang walked up to Murong Fu, and the two stood side by side, like a landscape.

Murong Fu turned around and left the ring with Duan Lang.

Xiong Ba stood there, his eyes following the departing figures of Murong Fu and Duan Lang, the expression on his face becoming more and more serious.

He knew that today's battle not only changed his relationship with Murong Fu, but might also affect the entire world.

Duan Lang followed Murong Fu out of the ring, feeling very complicated.

On the one hand, he was in awe of Murong Fu's superior temperament; on the other hand, he felt uneasy about the unknown road ahead.

He silently reviewed the competition just now, and couldn't help but feel a sudden enlightenment in his heart.

The crowd on the field looked at the backs of the two people with different thoughts.

Some people showed envy and respect in their eyes, while others showed vigilance and caution.

Only Nie Feng had the most complicated emotions in his eyes.

He grew up with Duan Lang and knew Duan Lang's difficulties and dreams. Now watching Duan Lang escape from this dangerous fire pit, he felt really happy for him.

Nie Feng was deep in thought when a powerful voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts: Nie Feng, come here.

Nie Feng came to his senses, walked quickly to Xiong Ba, and said respectfully: What are your orders, leader?

Xiong Ba looked at the disappearing figures of Murong Fu and Duan Lang with a heavy gaze, and a gloomy light flashed in his eyes: Murong Fu is not a trivial person, and he is by no means easy to control.

I originally thought I could use him, but now it seems that I can't keep this person and must kill him.

When Nie Feng heard this, his heart was shocked, but his face remained calm and he whispered: Chief, you mean...

Xiongba turned his head and looked at Nie Feng with an unfathomable gaze: You understand.

Go ahead and do it.

A look of dissatisfaction flashed across Nie Feng's eyes, but it was quickly suppressed by him.

He was well aware of Xiong Ba's methods and determination, and he did not dare to hesitate at this moment. He could only nod his head and said: Yes, leader.

Xiong Ba looked at Nie Feng's leaving figure, the contemplation in his eyes still lingering.

He knew that today's incident would surely trigger a series of disturbances, and the landscape of the world would also change accordingly.

The situation is changing and people's hearts are unpredictable.

Everyone's choices quietly change the trajectory of fate, and the games and calculations hidden behind them are even more intricate.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang's departure, Nie Feng's dissatisfaction, and Xiong Ba's decision were all the prelude to a new storm.

And at this moment.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang were walking in the bustling city street, both of them in different moods.

Duan Lang looked back from time to time, his thoughts drifting to the martial arts competition scene just now, while Murong Fu looked calm and looked around at the surrounding scenery.

Suddenly, Murong Fu's eyes fell on the signboard of a restaurant. He smiled slightly and said to Duan Lang, Brother Duan Lang, I'm tired from the journey. Why don't you go to the restaurant to have a rest and enjoy fine wine and food?

Duan Lang nodded, feeling even more impressed by Murong Fu's elegant temperament, and walked into the restaurant with him.

The restaurant was full of aroma and bustling with people. Murong Fu chose a seat by the window and sat down, and the two began to enjoy the delicious food in the restaurant.

At this moment, an elegant fragrant wind floated in. Murong Fu and Duan Lang looked up at the same time and saw a woman in purple clothes slowly walking towards them.

This woman has an extraordinary appearance, with a hint of majesty between her brows, as if she is otherworldly.

The woman looked directly at Murong Fu, with a look of surprise and inquiry in her eyes. She walked up to Murong Fu, bowed slightly, and said softly: I'm so polite. May I ask if you are the immortal who descended from the sky in the rumors?

Murong Fu showed no emotion, smiled slightly, stood up and returned the greeting, and said modestly: It is too much to say that the immortal is an immortal, but there is indeed a villain Murong Fu here.

After the woman confirmed Murong Fu's identity, a strange light suddenly flashed in her eyes.

The light is like a shooting star in the night sky, fleeting and difficult to catch unless you observe carefully.

Duanlang was completely immersed in the communication with the woman and was completely unaware of this subtle change.

However, Murong Fu captured the murderous intention that had almost disappeared.

There was also a glimmer of vigilance in his eyes, but the expression on his face did not change at all, and he still maintained that detached smile.

He knew it would be unwise to show any surprise or displeasure at this moment.

The woman smiled, stretched out her slender arms, and elegantly invited Murong Fu and Duan Lang to sit down together: You two guests may wish to sit down. The fine wine and food here are suitable for tasting.

Duan Lang looked at Murong Fu doubtfully, his eyes full of questioning.

Murong Fu just smiled slightly and motioned Duan Lang to sit down with his eyes.

There was an unfathomable tolerance and confidence in his eyes, as if telling Duan Lang: No matter what you encounter, don't panic.

Although Duan Lang felt something was wrong, he still chose to believe Murong Fu and sat down with the woman.

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