Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1337 Continue to observe

Nie Feng was more calm, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes, and his voice was low: Gang leader, Murong Fu's identity is too mysterious, and his martial arts are also extraordinary. We must be careful.

Xiong Ba's expression did not change at all, but there was a hint of contemplation in his eyes.

His voice was calm: You guys are doing well, continue to observe his movements, and don't let him find out.

Duan Lang on the side was anxiously watching the two people's recovery, his eyes full of anxiety and uneasiness.

He wanted to hear what they were talking about and where the mysterious Murong Fu had gone.

But due to the distance and the noise around him, he failed.

And soon.

At night.

The moonlight shines on a quiet courtyard in Tianxiahui. The trees in the courtyard sway in the breeze, making a rustling sound.

At this time, most people had already fallen asleep, but the lights were still on in Duanlang's room.

Nie Feng walked gently to Duan Lang's door, knocked on the door a few times, and said in a low and rhythmic voice: Brother Duan Lang, I am Nie Feng. I have something to ask for.

Duan Lang's voice came from inside the door, a little confused: Brother Nie, it's so late, what are you doing?

The door slowly opened, and Duan Lang had a surprised expression on his face. He let Nie Feng into the room, and then closed the door.

Nie Feng's face was serious, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes: Brother Duanlang, I came here today to persuade you to leave the Tianxiahui.

Duanlang's face suddenly turned pale, and his voice trembled: Leave the Tianxiahui? Brother Nie, what's wrong with you?

Nie Feng's eyes were firm and his voice was calm: Brother Duanlang, you are too dangerous around Xiongba.

You know, Xiongba is a ruthless person, and his tolerance for you is just a temporary measure. I'm worried that he will be detrimental to you.

There was a trace of fear in Duan Lang's eyes, and his voice was low: Brother Nie, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I can't leave.

I want to avenge the Duan family, and I want to restore the Duan family's reputation.

A trace of determination flashed in Nie Feng's eyes, and his voice was firm: Brother Duanlang, I understand your feelings, but you must understand that the Tianxiahui now is no longer the Tianxiahui back then.

Xiong Ba's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger, and his methods are getting more and more ruthless. If you stay with him, you will only put yourself in greater danger.

He paused and continued: I am willing to help you restore the reputation of the Duan family. As long as you leave the Tianxiahui, I will do my best to help you.

There was a trace of emotion in Duanlang's eyes, and his voice was choked: Brother Nie, you are so good to me, how can I repay you?

If I leave and you stay alone in Tianxiahui, how can I rest assured?

Nie Feng's eyes were gentle and his voice was calm: Brother Duanlang, you don't have to repay me. I just hope you can take care of yourself and don't put yourself in danger.

As for me, you don't have to worry, I have my own sense of discretion.

The two looked at each other for a long time, their eyes full of understanding and trust.

Finally, Duanlang nodded, his voice firm: Brother Nie, I believe you, and I will consider your suggestions.

A satisfied smile appeared on Nie Feng's face, and his voice was gentle: That's good. Think carefully and don't be impulsive.

Duan Lang's eyes suddenly lit up, and his voice was urgent: By the way, Brother Nie, you were following Murong Fu just now. Where did he go?

Nie Feng's eyes flashed, and his voice was casual: Oh, he went to Qingfeng Tower. But, brother Duanlang, you don't need to care too much about him, he is just a passerby.

You'd better think carefully about leaving Tianxiahui.

There was a hint of disappointment in Duanlang's eyes, and his voice was a little silent: Yes, Brother Nie is right. I will think about it carefully.

There was a hint of concern in Nie Feng's eyes, and his voice was gentle: That's good. If you have any difficulties, just come to me.

After saying that, Nie Feng turned around and left Duan Lang's room, leaving Duan Lang alone in the room meditating.

Duanlang stood by the window, with a trace of confusion in his eyes. His heart was filled with uncertainty about the future and memories of the past.

He couldn't help but think of the mysterious Murong Fu, with a trace of curiosity and confusion in his eyes.

He couldn't help but wonder, who was that mysterious Murong Fu? Why did he appear in Tianxiahui? Why would he save himself?

His mind was filled with questions.

At the same time, Duan Lang also knew.

All these questions may only be answered by meeting that Murong Fu...

And soon.

After Duanlang stood by the window and thought for a moment, he decided to go out to Qingfeng Tower and find Murong Fu.

Qingfeng Tower looked particularly peaceful in the night, with only the occasional sound of wind and insects breaking the tranquility.

Duanlang's steps were firm, and there was a hint of determination and curiosity in his eyes.

He was curious about Murong Fu's identity and purpose, but it was more of an intuition that told him that Murong Fu was not an ordinary person.

He wanted to know too.

For no reason, why did Murong Fu want to save himself?

Soon, Duanlang arrived at the door of Murong Fu's room in Qingfeng Building shortly after setting off at night.

His heartbeat was racing and his hands were slightly sweaty.

He took a deep breath and was about to knock on the door.

However, at this moment, the door opened by itself.

Murong Fu sat on the table in the middle of the room, smiling at Duan Lang under the candlelight.

His eyes were calm and the corners of his mouth were raised, as if he had already known that Duanlang was coming.

Duanlang's heartbeat accelerated sharply, and there was a hint of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

He did not expect that Murong Fu would know of his arrival, nor did he expect that Murong Fu would sit in the room so calmly and wait for him.

Murong Fu's eyes were calm and his voice was gentle: Young Hero Duanlang, you came just in time, I'm waiting for you.

Duanlang's face suddenly turned pale, and his voice trembled: did you know I would come?

A smile appeared on Murong Fu's lips, and his voice was calm: I knew you would come.

There was a trace of confusion and confusion in Duanlang's eyes, and his voice was urgent: Who are you? Why did you save me? Why did you know that I would come?

Murong Fu's eyes were deep and his voice was leisurely: I am Murong Fu. As for why I saved you, these are not important. What is important is what you want and what goal you want to achieve.

He paused and continued: What matters is what you want and what you want to achieve.

There was a hint of confusion in Duan Lang's eyes, and his voice was low: I want to avenge the Duan family, and I want to revive the Duan family's reputation.

Murong Fu nodded thoughtfully.

He had actually known the purpose of Duanlang for a long time, but now he just wanted to verify it.

For some reason, Murong Fu had an intuition.

If you want to go back to your original world, you must unravel all the cause and effect in the world of wind and cloud...

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