Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 132 I can still be saved


Murong Fu's pursuit does not mean that Ruan Yi and others will not pursue.

Everyone loves beating up a drowned dog.

The noise of fighting, the collision of metal, the shouts and the sounds of fighting resounded outside Huating City.

The Japanese soldiers collapsed, and saw that there was no hope of escape, and it was dark.

The shrill cries, the screams of the dying.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

Ruan Yi led the Murong family army to destroy the enemy, leaving no trace of the enemy behind.

Bao BuTong was even more brave and fearless, and rushed out of Huating with less than 2,000 troops.

It roared like a ferocious beast, making the Japanese soldiers who were already demoralized completely despair!

Many people realized that the situation was overwhelming and threw down their weapons and knelt down to surrender.

When Ruan Yi killed the last resisting enemy, the battle to defend Huating came to an end.

Murong Fu held the thick Tianji stick in his hand at the center of the battlefield.

Let your subordinates sacrifice their lives to bravely kill the enemy.

Report, Master!

In this battle, a total of 21,000 enemy people were wiped out and 27,000 people were captured. The enemy's leader, Miyamoto Musashi, is missing.

Ruan Yi knelt in front of Murong Fu and shouted loudly.

Murong Fu nodded. At this time, his internal organs had been cracked by Wu Hua's sword.

Fortunately, he had taken Long Yuan and had its powerful protective ability.

Not broken.

When Ruan Yi saw that Murong Fu didn't speak, he immediately sensed something was wrong and gave the other Shadow Secret Guards a look.

The other Shadow Secret Guards understood instantly and surrounded Murong Fu to prevent anyone from getting close.

Bao BuTong heard about this and came to check, and was about to ask.

Suddenly a figure flashed in front of my eyes!

Everyone felt extremely nervous when they saw this person.

Murong Fu was also stunned, where was this person?

Take a closer look and you will see that this man is about forty years old, with a slim appearance, a tall and thin figure, a graceful appearance, a graceful and elegant posture, and a godlike appearance.

If he were young, he could barely be considered a handsome man.

Who is the senior? Bao BuTong asked.

I heard that the Japanese Japanese pirates sent a large army to capture Huating. Did I come here to kill the enemy? Didn't I expect that I was defeated by you?

I...didn't I come here in vain? The visitor looked at everyone and said with an unhappy look on his face.

Everyone looked at the visitor and were speechless!

Dad, didn't I tell you to slow down and wait for us? At this moment, several more people shouted from not far away.

A beautiful woman with a graceful appearance, wearing a light silk scarf, a golden ring in her hair, and white clothes than snow, walked out.

Huang Rong!

Murong Fu raised his eyes and felt a little excited. He didn't expect to see her here. Then wasn't he Huang Yaoshi?

Master Murong!

Huang Rong couldn't help but feel a little excited when she saw Murong Fu, and then she wanted to step forward to salute him, but was stopped by Huang Yaoshi: Don't touch him, he is full of sword energy, and he will probably die soon.

What? Everyone looked at Murong Fu with expressions of shock and disbelief.

Murong Fu himself was also stunned, thinking with great embarrassment, when I was going to die, why didn't I know?

Dad, Mr. Murong is a good man. Can you save him? Moreover, he also saved his daughter! Huang Rong asked anxiously.

Huang Yaoshi shook his head: If I am not mistaken in my inference, the other party used this blow at the cost of burning his life, sublimating the method of swordsmanship to the extreme. Let alone being a father who cannot save him, I am afraid that no one in the world can. save him.

The more everyone listened, the more mysterious they became, and they once again looked at Murong Fu with regretful eyes.

After Murong Fu heard this, he wanted to pat his chest and give Huang Yaoshi a good advice.

I still have hope, don't give up!

Master! You are the third generation of the Murong family. If I die like this, how will I meet you after my death? Bao BuTong suddenly roared, and even started crying as he spoke.

Murong Fu was speechless, he meant it but couldn't speak.

No longer delaying, he quickly started to run the Divine Illumination Sutra.

Everyone saw that the red and purple light on his face kept changing alternately, making him look very magical!

Phew, I'm finally fine! After a few breaths passed, he let out a heavy breath.

Master? Are you okay? Bao BuTong asked excitedly.

Don't worry, you won't die! Murong Fu said calmly.

Then he looked at Huang Rong and saluted: Mrs. Guo, long time no see. Why did you come to Huating?

I live on Peach Blossom Island with my father and others. I heard that there are Japanese troops coming here.

Dad, he wants to come over and have a look. Huang Rong said, pulling Huang Yaoshi over and introducing him to Murong Fu.

Murong Fu raised his hands and saluted: Junior Murong Fu has met Lord Huang!

You're welcome, your father Murong Bo and I have also had contact in our early years. There are actually some similarities in our looks. Huang Yaoshi said calmly.

Murong Fu raised his brows, his thoughts were somewhat similar, but they were exactly the same, okay?

I see. Unfortunately, my father died early, and the younger generation didn't know about it.

Haha, it doesn't matter, but is your body really okay? Huang Yaoshi asked curiously.

It's okay. This junior's body has been abnormal since childhood, so it's okay. Murong Fu explained.

That's fine. In that case, I will stay and guard you for a few days. It's not a wasted trip. Huang Yaoshi said bluntly.

Murong Fuben still wanted to refuse, but thinking of Huang Rong's cooking skills, he agreed.

Thank you, senior! Murong Fu said politely.

Ruan Yi saw the two of them finished chatting and asked: Master, how should we deal with the surrender of troops?

Murong Fu didn't even think about it and said directly: Kill!

Kill him? Bao Tongtong asked in confusion: It is unlucky for the young master to kill you. Isn't it a pity to kill more than 20,000 people?

Japanese people are naturally weird and have no sense of gratitude. It is very dangerous to keep them around.

They may return at any time and become a cold knife thrust into our hearts. Murong Fu said in a deep voice.

Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian looked at each other and took the order to leave.

He also brought Huang Rong, his daughter, and the people they brought into the city to settle down.

However, when he killed the Japanese soldiers, the entire Song Dynasty, no, the entire world trembled.

What? You said that the Japanese army of 50,000 attacked Huating yesterday and were defeated by Murong's army? In the Gusu Prefecture, Song Yongsi was almost frightened to death.

I felt lucky that Murong Fu was here, otherwise, let alone Huating, even Gusu City would have been massacred by the Japanese.

Yes, please quickly prepare some pen and ink for me. I will report it to the court and ask for credit from Mr. Murong. Song Yongsi quickly ordered.

Later, in

The Japanese who originally had only 50,000 troops were turned into an army of 100,000. He also wrote a lot about Murong Fu's bravery in killing the enemy, and asked for rewards from above.

Haha, okay, you should send this letter to the capital now, don't delay!

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