Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1304 Illusion and Enchantment

Murong Fu's words immediately made everyone freeze except for Xie Wenxin who was still eating and drinking.

Even the servants who had been beside them, waiting to serve them, were stunned.

These servants all knew who Murong Fu was.

And they also saw through the conversation from beginning to end.

Naturally no one will question it.

It is precisely because of this that they feel some fear.

Especially Shu He, he himself did not expect that the technique he practiced had such weird features.

But he also thought about it carefully.

If he doesn't take a look at the nine characters, his own thoughts will be a little unclear.

Little friend Mu...

Okay, I know what you mean. It counts as paying the rent these days. We will talk about other things later.

Murong Fu Na still didn't know what Shu He Na was planning at this moment.

After all, I have been practicing Kung Fu for who knows how many years, but there is actually another way. If I don't give it a try, I will be extremely itchy.

And in terms of his own cultivation techniques, naturally few people can resist it.

Then thank you, little friend Mu.

Although he didn't know what the so-called rent was, Shuhe felt that he had understood the meaning correctly.

Then Shuhe immediately let his spiritual energy continue to sense the nine characters.

At the same time, he was also reciting the mantra about the first level silently in his heart.

The next moment, he suddenly realized that he was not in Pengcheng, not in the city lord's mansion.

Instead, it was in a temple.

In front of you is a golden Buddha statue.

And he has become a little monk, and there is a monk next to him. Inexplicably, he has an extra memory. This person is his senior brother, whose name is Shading.

Junior brother, you and I have been practicing Buddhism for more than three thousand years. At that time, there were 8,000 guests in the Buddhist hall. Now we are the only ones left in the Buddhist hall. We have no aspirations, no souls, and no Buddhahood. But They all became Buddhas, gained spiritual energy, and received immortal magic, but all this was caused by the elder.

You and I were born in a poor and miserable place and had no money here. Even though we wanted to practice Buddhism well, those people forced you and me to become demons. Now, Junior Brother, you really want to continue to practice Buddhism. What? You might as well abandon this Buddhist Dharma, you and I, destroy this Tianlong Temple, and swallow a Ksitigarbha dragon from the other side of the Buddha's protective dharma. From now on, you can be free!!

The senior brother next to him looked at him fiercely.

However, there was some hope in this fierce light.

After all, they were the only two people left in this Buddhist hall. Originally, there were more than 8,000 people here. Everyone either gave away their belongings, flattered others, or paid some price, and left the Buddhist hall.

Go and practice higher-level Buddhism.

Now they are the only two people left in this Buddhist hall.

And they are also the ones who have stayed here the longest.

After them, there were already four groups of people who came to Tianlong Temple. They didn't stay for much time, and finally went to the compound to conduct separate halls, so as to practice higher magic power instead of still thinking about that here. Sutras and practicing the so-called Dharma. ???.BiQuPai.

At this moment, Shuhe felt that this was a test of this skill, so he didn't know what to say. He felt that speaking out this time would definitely determine the progress and effectiveness of his subsequent practice. If he did not do well, he would be directly affected. Obsessed.

No wonder Murong Fu would say such things to him.

And it was also at this moment that he felt that all his cultivation was lost.

Could it be that we can only make one choice here?

The air is extremely quiet.

The door of the hall is wide open, and the sound of cicadas and the chirping of birds can be heard from time to time outside.

It was clearly a quiet Buddhist hall, but at this moment, Shu He felt that murderous intent was everywhere around him.

It was also at this time that the sounds of footsteps outside the hall gradually approached.

The senior brother's expression changed. He was not annoyed that Shuhe had not responded to him.

Damn it, it's them, here they come again!

Shading stood up immediately.

Soon, several monks walked into the Buddhist hall together.

Some of them were carrying two buckets of water.

Hey, you two are still worshiping Buddha here? Oh, how is your practice of Buddhism going? Why do I feel that there is no Buddha's light on your body? Hahahaha!!

Several monks laughed crazily.

Na Shading couldn't bear it anymore.

He raised his fist directly towards the monk who spoke.

However, as soon as he raised his fist, he was kicked directly onto the Buddha statue.

boom-! ! !

The golden Buddha statue was stained with blood.

Wow-! !

The sand fell to the ground, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. The sweat on his body was like raindrops, constantly dripping on the ground.

With just a casual kick, he felt that his internal organs had moved.

What do you think? You, an ant who is not even a mortal, dare to take action against us. Why, you don't think that the realms divided by those ants are useful to us. No matter who it is, the unachieved When we were immortals, we were all ants. I asked you to introduce your sister to me, but you didn't. Now it's better, and you were almost beaten to death by me.

Sha Ding was so angry that he couldn't help but cough up a few mouthfuls of blood. He didn't know what to say.

But those coughs were evidence of the rage inside him at the moment.

However, the monk glanced at the others.

I saw the two young monks pouring water from the bucket directly on Sha Ding's body.

Don't forget, you have to wash the Buddha statue today. These are two buckets of purple jade spiritual water, which also contains some of your sister's essence. The little girl really likes to play with water. I specially made her into some water. After all, Hui is a mortal and can't refine anything. I specially prepared this for you, so don't drink it like crazy, haha!

By the way, there is another treasure in the bucket. It belongs to your sister. It was this thing that bit me. Although she couldn't bite it, I felt uncomfortable, so I helped her take it off. .”

Shading immediately ignored his pain and looked at the bucket with wide eyes.

In the bucket, there was a head with wide eyes.

When Sha Ding saw this, he froze on the spot, and his whole body was completely out of breath.

Like a deflated balloon.

After seeing this scene, the arrogant monk couldn't help but burst into laughter again.

However, several monks traveling with him also laughed like him.

After laughing a few times.

After seeing Sha Ding's whole body rotting on the ground like a pile of mud, they felt that it was gradually losing interest.

And it was at this moment that the arrogant monk turned his head and saw Shu He.

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