Then Murong Fu turned his attention to the slightly helpless Elder Tiangui.

At this moment, Elder Tiangui felt that there were some cracks in his Taoist heart.

This time he also experienced it. After meeting that kind of unreasonable genius, he finally understood what it was like for a person with a slightly unstable Taoist heart.

He had heard of such a person a long time ago.

However, he looked down upon those people.

Even a little disdainful.

Isn't it just because the other person is a genius? Isn't it because the other party is equally young at the same time?

Can't you accept your own failure?

He had this idea in the past, so he expressed great contempt for those whose Taoist hearts were broken by so-called geniuses.

But at this moment he suddenly understood.

If a person is like him, he has been practicing for nearly ten thousand years. He was more talented than him, suffered less hardship than him, and was stronger than him. After defeating him, he felt helpless and annoyed at most.

But I won’t feel like my Taoist heart has been broken.

But it's different now.

He knew very well how much he had sacrificed to get to this point.

How much suffering does a person suffer from this?

Even he himself didn't know whether it was right or wrong to take away that book of exercises at that time in the Mo Luo family. Those questions are no longer very important.

Only then did he understand.

He has gone through a lot of hard work to reach such a state, including steps, palm skills, boxing skills, meaning, Tao, spear law, palm law, etc. He doesn't know how much he has consumed. The treasures of heaven, materials and earth have reached this level.

However, now his full blow was unexpectedly received casually by a man who was less than thirty years old.

How could he accept this outcome?

No! It's impossible. How could you block such a powerful attack from me so casually? How is this possible! No! I don't believe it! Come again! I'll do it again!!!

Elder Tiangui was roaring.

Click-! ! ! Xinbiquge

What sound? It was the sound of his broken heart. Of course, only he could hear this sound.

Even if he could deceive himself, he could not deceive his own heart.

Even if he talks about not admitting defeat, his Taoist heart still knows what the real situation is.

Tick ​​tock.

A lot of blood seeped out from Elder Tiangui's body.

The black lines on his body turned completely red at this moment.

The black clouds in the sky also gradually turned into black and purple at this moment, and there was still a little bit of red in these purples.

At the same time, the original aura on his body was rapidly decreasing.

But an even greater aura gathered in his palm.

A blood-red spear, larger than before, appeared again.

This time, the red spear in his hand was four to five times larger than before.

Well, actually I don't really want to play with you anymore. If all of you in the upper world are as strong as you, I'll actually be a little disappointed.

After Murong Fu finished speaking, he ignored Elder Tiangui who was rushing toward him and directly raised his hand to take a picture.

boom-! ! ! ! !

Bang! ! ! ! ! !

The red spear was directly crushed into powder by an invisible palm wind, as if it was a force that could destroy everything, and disappeared into the air.

At this moment, Elder Tiangui felt that the heart of the shovel had become completely empty.

He couldn't help but look down and found that there was nothing in his heart, only a hole the size of his palm.

You can directly see the void at the back when looking from the front.

The next moment, the aura on Elder Tiangui dissipated quickly.

And those black and purple clouds in the sky were suddenly scattered.

At the same time, the black lines that were still wrapped around Xie Wenxin's body completely jumped away at this moment and disappeared into the air.

It was as if it was directly wiped out by the sudden sunlight.

As for Elder Tiangui, at the last moment, the expression on his face was no longer so ferocious.

Xie, Xie Yu'er...

Elder Tiangui suddenly felt that everything in the past was quickly emerging in front of his eyes.

Knowing that he saw a figure, that figure was the figure he saw in the Moruo family.

He would never forget that figure.

Then a wisp of breeze blew by, and Elder Tiangui was blown away like a black mist.

When practicing evil skills, once the spiritual energy is dispersed, it will inevitably turn into powder and disappear.

If you practice some righteous techniques, 80% of the time there will be a corpse after death. Of course, no matter which one it is, it can be regarded as returning to heaven and earth.

After Murong Fu killed Elder Tiangui, there was no special look in his eyes.

It was like a random kick that killed a weed on the roadside.

It's just that this weed is a bit boring, which makes him feel a little disgusted.

Then Murong Fu couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Just now, he clearly felt that there was definitely someone taking a look at him in the sky that was unknown how far away from here.

That feeling is strange.

It's been a long time since he felt seen through like this.

After thinking about it quickly in his mind, he stopped paying attention. It was just a glance anyway. Later, if he goes to the upper world, he might be able to meet the owner of that line of sight.

At least he can be very sure that that existence does not have any great malice towards him.

As long as this is clear, it is good.

This, is it over? Elder Tian Gui, how do you feel compared to you? Did you slap me to death? I didn't expect him to be so strong in the Tribulation Stage. Elder Gui Che, you are a Rakshasa. The great elder of the sect, I think you must be much stronger than this elder Tiangui.

Wu Shan was extremely excited at the moment.

Elder Gui Che on the side slowly came to his senses at this time.

He immediately recalled what Wu Shan said.

The next moment, the whole person was a little sluggish.

Is his friend blind?

What level is he, how can he compete with that Heavenly Ghost elder?

Not to mention the elder Tiangui, even when facing Shu and the city lord, their entire Rakshasa sect would kneel down.

And please note that the other party comes from the upper realm.

What kind of place is the Upper Realm? The younger generation can torture and kill the older generation like them. Do you think I can compare?

At this moment, Elder Guiche was roaring in his heart.

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