Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 129 Fifty thousand troops attack Huating

Fifty thousand troops!

Bao BuTong looked at the message above and his mind buzzed.

They have less than 20,000 troops here.

Moreover, most of them are new recruits.

How to fight this battle?

He didn't dare to delay for a moment and quickly reported the news to Murong Fu.

Huh? The Japanese people have spent a lot of money to dare so many people to come all at once. After hearing the report, Murong Fu not only did not panic at all, but was slightly excited.

What man doesn't want to fight on the battlefield with a strong arm and an iron horse?

Holding the body in the white blade, killing people in the world of mortals!

Sir, our soldiers are still fighting the enemy on the battlefield, so they are fighting more with less, so I'm afraid their morale is low, Bao BuTong said.

Murong Fu smiled: Go and call Ruan Yi, and I'll listen to what he has to say.

Ah, okay.

Bao BuTong nodded and went to call Ruan Yi himself. Along the way, he also told him about the Japanese attack.

I thought Ruan Yi should have the same reaction as him, showing concern.

As a result, the opponent's eyes almost glowed green, and he shouted excitedly: Finally, I have a chance to go into battle and kill the enemy!

Bao Bubu was angry and furiously outputting words to his own head.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ruan Yi has met the master. Ruan Yi entered the house and saluted respectfully.

No courtesy. Murong Fu nodded: Third brother should have told you everything along the way, right?

Come back, Master, my subordinates already know that fifty thousand Japanese people are attacking. Ruan Yi said it directly without any nonsense.

Murong Fu saw the excitement on his face and asked curiously: It seems that you already have a way to defeat the enemy?

Come back, Master, I can't strategize, but my subordinates on the local battlefield think they are enough to defeat the enemy! Ruan Yi said loudly.

Haha, okay, in that case, you will be the commander of this battle! Murong Fu decided on the spot to appoint Ruan Wei as the commander.

Thank you, Master. Ruan Yi was unambiguous and brought a map near Huating.

Pointing to one of the paths:

My subordinates have three strategies. First, there is a dark forest here to lay an ambush. We don't want to survive and defeat, we just want to avoid the enemy!

As he spoke, Ruan Yi pointed to an intersection: This is a flat path with small slopes on the left and right. We only need to plant a trap in the middle and hide three thousand archers on both sides to shoot them.

The third plan is Huating. We rely on the favorable location to defend the city and protect it with weak troops. The remaining troops and horses will be transferred to Nanshan outside the city.

When the enemy cannot attack for a long time, attack them from both inside and outside, and kill them here in one fell swoop.

Murong Fu looked at Ruan Yi's plan and remained silent for a long time.

The first two strategies can be said to be satisfactory ways to control the enemy, but this last strategy can only be described as bold!

Go crazy!

Bao BuTong couldn't believe such an unconventional fighting method in the world: The enemy has more than 30,000 troops than us, and we still have to defend the city with a small number of domestic soldiers. How many days can we hold on?

Ruan Yi glanced at Bao Tongtong and said: War is not won by numbers of people, but by will.

Only by having a strong will and never giving up can you defeat the enemy!

Bao BuTong helplessly looked at Murong Fu and advised: Master, even if Hua Ting can't help it, we can just retreat to Gusu City and wait for reinforcements. Why risk the lives of our brothers?

Murong Fu glanced at the people in the room, stood up and said, Life can only be in your own hands. Do you expect those losers from the Song Kingdom to save us? Maybe, by then, we will become the weight in their deal!

When everyone heard this, they all looked solemn.

The Song Dynasty court was now dominated by treacherous officials.

Anything can be exchanged for chips.

Then Young Master... Bao BuTong wanted to persuade him again.

After all, the Huating city wall is not as thick as the Suzhou city wall.

If we really implement the third plan, it would be better to go to Gusu City for stability.

Third brother, there is no need to persuade me anymore. I will be responsible for defending the city myself! Murong Fu patted Bao Di's shoulder and said.

Everyone knows that the key to this last plan is whether Huating can persist until the Japanese army is distracted and exhausted physically and mentally.

It is the most important part and also the most dangerous part.

If one thing goes wrong, the defenders of the city will be killed and trapped alive in the city!

As soon as Murong Fu finished speaking, two voices of denial came at the same time.



Taking a closer look, one voice came from Bao Bubu and the other came from Ruan Yi.

Ruan Yi glanced at Bao BuTong and said first, Master, you have a more important mission and need to ambush in the peach forest outside the city.

Only your powerful combat power can make the enemy fear you and think it is real reinforcements!

Murong Fu was stunned and nodded: Then who do you think is more suitable to defend the city?

I'll come, Young Master! Shang Bao Bong said before Ruan Yi could.

Murong Fu glanced at Bao Dingbu and nodded: Okay, then let the third brother do it!

After everyone discussed it, Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian led the Shadow Secret Guards and the Murong family army to harass and ambush!

Bao BuTong defended the city, but Murong Fu ambushed him!

After the decision was made, everyone immediately started taking action.

Jiang Zian and Ruan Yi each led 5,000 troops out of the city.

I laid traps as I walked along the way, and soon I came to the first ambush location and hid!

Outside Ulin.

Miyamoto Musashi suddenly laughed.

Wuhua asked curiously: Mr. Musashi, why are you laughing suddenly?

Miyamoto Musashi said proudly: I laugh at the Song people for being stupid and not knowing we attacked Huating.

Otherwise, if I am hiding an ambush in this dark forest, wouldn't I be able to catch us off guard?

Wuhua glanced at the sky and said cautiously: It's already dark now, why don't we stay put, rest for the night, and go back tomorrow?

Haha, it doesn't have to be like this, let's go! Miyamoto Musashi waved his hand, not caring at all, and ordered to move forward.

Halfway through, a whooshing sound suddenly came from my ears.

Before they could react, they heard the soldiers screaming one by one.

It's bad there's an ambush! Wuhua reminded loudly.

Miyamoto Musashi was immediately furious and looked up at the sky filled with arrows.

Under the guise of darkness, he couldn't see the direction clearly, so he said urgently: Pay attention to defense!

What should I do? Wuhua asked.

Don't panic! Miyamoto Musashi did not panic, and quickly ordered his subordinates to rush in on the left and right to look for the ambush.

Not long after, there was a sound of fighting.

But before the troops could be mobilized to pursue him, his subordinates had already come back to report: Sir, the enemy has been defeated by us!

How many enemies were killed? Miyamoto Musashi asked in a deep voice.

Less than a hundred people. said the subordinate.

Miyamoto Musashi said indifferently: It's just a bunch of little jumpers. How many people have we killed or injured?

The subordinate hesitated for a moment: Not enough...

What's not enough? Miyamoto Musashi frowned and scolded: How much?

One thousand and thirty-eight people died, and about three thousand were injured, the subordinate said.

What? It was just a sneak attack, how come so many people died? Miyamoto Musashi couldn't believe his ears. ..

Zuizi said embarrassedly: The number of people injured by arrows is not too many, but the number of people injured by trampling is relatively... many!

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