Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1277 Where did that big black guy come from?

Elder Tiangui spoke casually.

There was no emotion on his face such as regret or fear, but a simple casualness.

Because he was betting, he was betting that Shuhe would not fight him for the sake of his own daughter.

For the sake of his daughter, she would not fight him in the two days before the Roland Conference.

After all, the two of them are actually about the same strength.

If the two of them fight here, and someone comes from the upper realm and finds out that there is a fight here, they will not have a good impression, and they may even attack them both at the same time.

He, Elder Tiangui, and Shu He, to a certain extent, are indeed powerful men in the upper world.

However, compared with ordinary monks, it is considered powerful.

In the eyes of some families.

It's just a piece of grass, and it's not a problem to crush it to death.

Well, this is because he is not strong enough. However, I don't think anyone will make things difficult or say anything bad about Elder Tiangui, right? After all, Elder Tiangui will not take action casually.

The book and palms were placed behind him with slight trembling.

He had endured it for the sake of his daughter.

Just stay here and once the Roland Conference is over, he will have to have a fight with the elder Tiangui.

Seeing those crazy killing intent in his eyes, Elder Tiangui was also a little frightened.

However, on the surface, Elder Tiangui turned around silently, not intending to cause any further trouble.

On the stage.

When Fang Zisheng found out that half of his body was still alive and not dead, his heart was already so crazy that there was no limit to it.

Hahaha, what kind of genius are you? I seem to have heard from people around me that you are the Suixin Sword Master of some kind of Star Sword Sect, right? Your swordsmanship is nothing more than that!

Fang Zisheng waved again.

Still a lot of black lines suddenly appeared and were sewn on his wounds.

At the same time, some black flesh gathered on half of his body.

The flesh and blood gradually turned from black at the beginning to white, and then some red.

The whole person can still see what he looked like when he was seriously injured.

And the aura on his body has also improved to a higher level.

It's just that Fang Zisheng at this moment has completely transformed into an old man.

Of course, he still didn't realize this.

Ye Haowen did not choose to respond to what Fang Zisheng said.

After all, the opponent is already on the verge of becoming a madman, just to fight you, to feel what it's like to fight against a genius.

And the opponent cannot be killed for a while.

He's not a swordsman.

If it weren't for the possibility of bleeding and cracking the heart of his sword, Ye Haowen would have just put away his sword and stopped fighting.

The other party is almost a lunatic. After just a few moves from a young boy, he has already become an old man.

Let the other party say a few words, which can be regarded as a bit generous of him.

As for why the people around me didn’t speak out, is there any need to say it?

The one who had made a sound before was now sleeping peacefully with Dadi outside the city.

In this case, do we still need to speak out?

Not needed at all.

Although Fang Zisheng felt a little relieved in his heart.

But soon, his brows furrowed again. He originally planned to kill Ye Haowen directly.

Then he will sew the corpse, and he will get a lot of benefits.

For example, there is a certain probability of directly obtaining Ye Haowen's talent.

The other party is so young and has such a sword heart.

In his heart, he also admired his previous self, who dared to join forces with Qingshu to surround and kill Ye Haowen, no matter what kind of strength he had.

If this were my previous self, I am afraid that after being chopped out by Ye Haowen with a sword, not even a single scum would be left.

In that case. How to surround and kill Ye Haowen.

Really courageous.

But the question now is, how should he capture Ye Haowen?

This skill has been practiced like this. It's like having a layer of skin, no bones, no blood. This skill can't be stolen.

A slightly rough voice came from the side.

At this already quiet time, this sentence suddenly came out.

Most people's eyes were shocked.

They immediately looked over, wanting to see which warrior dared to speak at this time.

Take a look at it.

What I saw was a slightly weird combination.

A man was dressed in black, and his appearance and dress looked a bit like a refugee.

There is another pair, a woman who practices Buddhism and a young man with an extremely handsome face.

There was another young man next to him, but he seemed a little weak.

These four people were none other than Murong Fu and the others.

And the one who just spoke out was Xie Wenxin, who had just found Murong Fu as his friend.

Just when I heard Xie Wenxin say these words.

Elder Tian Gui suddenly felt a tremble in his heart. This was related to one of his biggest secrets.

Fang Zisheng, on the other hand, had an angry look on his face.

His current cultivation and strength depend on this technique.

It can be said that this technique is extremely in line with his character.

Now some people are slandering him, and some are slandering his skills.

Where did that big black guy come from? It seems like he is quite strong.

I don't know, I've never seen this person in Pengcheng.

His strength is terrifying and cannot be felt. He is another monster-level genius.

I can understand that he has strength, but why is he wearing ragged clothes? Such a master lacks...

Shh, have you forgotten how that person slept outside the city just now?

Some people originally planned to say something because of the behavior of Elder Tiangui just now.

Most people choose to shut up at this moment.

After all, no matter who it is, they still cherish their lives.

Bai Ziang also looked up, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

He was very curious and asked about the origin of this person and how much stronger he was than him.

Anyway, his instinct told him.

Xie Wenxin is very strong, even stronger than him.

As for Murong Fu, in his opinion, he was extremely mysterious and undetectable.

At this time, he was sighing in his heart. Sure enough, there was someone outside.

With this kind of strength, if I had just entered the city and swept over with my spiritual consciousness, I would have offended these two people.

That's really not worth the gain.

Who! Who dares to say so! So arrogant! You simply don't take me, Fang Zisheng, into consideration.

Now Fang Zisheng feels like a genius.

Naturally, he is a little arrogant. ..

His hand immediately glanced over, and the expression on his face froze.

Then there was a smile on his face again.

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