Ye Haowen's words were very calm.

It was as calm as an ordinary exchange between friends.

And this attitude of doing whatever you want.

But Fang Zisheng was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, his face gradually changed from the original proud and insolent to a bit livid.

He never thought that Ye Haowen himself could say such words.

And since you know where I come from, it means you have already investigated me. At the same time, you should also know that if you want to fight me with a sword, I will never refuse. Regardless of whether you are a pure swordsman or not, as long as you hold a sword in your hand, you are a swordsman in my opinion.

You have a very disgusting aura about you. It seems that you have definitely done a lot of things that are harmful to nature. It turns out that you are an evil cultivator.

Ye Haowen was surprised.

Then he noticed the unhurried Elder Tiangui who was still standing in the restaurant.

I can't see through this old man at all, and the aura on his body is not that of a weak one. According to what was said before, this man should come from the legendary upper world.

Shut up! What do you know!!

Fang Zisheng's face was completely black and purple, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the murderous intent on his body was so solid that he was about to bleed.

The whole person's aura became a little unstable.

One after another, evil spirits emerged from Fang Zisheng's body.

There were some ripples in the clouds in the sky.

Many ordinary people who were watching here immediately frowned and stood back without saying a word.

As an ordinary person, if you want to live a long time, you must first focus on where you are when watching the excitement.

After all, if you don't have any cultivation base nearby, it's best to stand back.

Some geniuses who had already arrived in Pengcheng also arrived here one after another.

Well, isn't this an evil cultivator?

Xie Xiu, this person I remember is the head of the Fang family in Pengcheng. I heard that this Roland Conference was organized by the head of the Fang family.

No, it was originally organized by him. However, people from the upper world also planned to hold a conference. However, the name of the Roland Conference was already announced before, and the so-called upper world directly recruited them. Roland Conference.

Can those people in the upper world tolerate such evil practices?

I don't know. I have never been to the upper world. What I just heard is just the information I got.

After some people came, they commented on Ye Haowen and Fang Zisheng.

Most people are mainly discussing Fang Zisheng.

After all, Fang Zisheng didn't come from a big power, he was just a family power attached to Pengcheng.

But Ye Haowen is different.

After all, he was born in a sect. Naturally, most people do not have any information about him.

Ye Haowen's eyes suddenly narrowed. Since the other party had such murderous intention and was so careless, it was very reasonable for him to kill the other party directly.

Corpse Training·Nine Heavens Return to One Palm!

Although Fang Zisheng was annoyed, he felt inexplicably happy after hearing that the people around him were talking about him. However, the strength in his hand was not low at all, and he killed Ye Haowen directly.


The other side.

Murong Fu also woke up from his sleep in the room.

With just a brief perception, he discovered that the weirdo from last night was sitting on the roof of their restaurant, meditating.

Another situation is the arena in the city.

Well, it's only been one night, has the city lord come up with something like this?

There was a sword mark on the notice near the ring, as well as the black-armored soldiers surrounding the notice, and on another nearby restaurant.

Basically, Murong Fu could deduce a rough idea of ​​what happened.

Miaoyi also slowly opened her eyes at this time.

Those extremely beautiful eyes stared at Murong Fu carefully. The more I look at it, the more fascinated I become.

I wish I could become one with Murong Fu.

Bang bang -!

There was a gentle knock on the door.

You don't need to sense Murong Fu to know that the person standing outside the door is Zhuge Qingyun. With a wave of his hand, he put clothes on for himself and Miaoyi.

The two of them immediately got off the bed.

come in.


A young man immediately opened the door and walked in.

Did you know that today the city lord sent someone to set up an arena in the center of the city?

Yeah, I feel it.

It was in that arena that I felt a familiar yet unfamiliar aura. Maybe it was one of our friends. Let's go over and have a look.

Zhuge Qingyun looked excited.

There were only two days left in the Roland Conference, and the city lord decided to do something like this.

And there were actually people on the stage.

No matter how they got up, Zhuge Qingyun always wanted to go there and have a look to satisfy his curiosity.

On the other hand, he himself was also very curious about who could give him such a feeling.

Well, he's barely a friend. If you don't mind, guess who it is. We were together not long ago.

Murong Fu joked directly.

When Zhuge Qingyun saw Murong Fu asking this question, he immediately held his chin and thought deeply.

He actually couldn't think of who it was for a moment.

Who is that?

Yes, Fu Lang, who is it? I have no impression at all.

It wasn't just Zhuge Qingyun who was confused. Even Miaoyi on the side looked confused.

Murong Fu couldn't help but smile.

These two people did not regard Fang Zisheng as a friend.

Of course, he didn't regard Fang Zisheng as a friend in his heart, but he only said this deliberately after he felt it just now and knew it was Fang Zisheng.

It's that Fang Zisheng. He has become stronger now. He has become stronger than you. With that kind of aura, he should have worshiped an evil cultivator from the upper world as his master.

Murong Fu thought again about last night, when he felt the evil spirit coming from the direction of the Fang family.

If this is the case, then everything will make sense.

What, ah, oh, it turns out he worshiped an evil cultivator from the upper evil cultivator from the upper world??

Zhuge Qingyun's eyes almost popped out of his head. Good guy, none of the evil cultivators in this upper realm are easy to mess with.

Because a weak evil cultivator doesn't have much time to develop, and is basically destroyed as soon as it comes out. Xinbiquge

Generally speaking, evil cultivators who are born directly in the upper world are basically very powerful.

Because only in this way, those so-called righteous people will weigh their abilities when they are besieged. Otherwise, just call someone for a just siege.

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