Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1249 How could Fart Qingshu rebel?

Bodhisattva Miaoyi smiled, this Qingshu was quite strange.

Then he turned to look at Murong Fu.

No matter what time it was, as long as Murong Fu was around, she would be in a good mood.

At this moment, all the dead soldiers swallowed their saliva.

Yes, they are dead soldiers.

But this does not mean that they like to seek death.

With Qingshu here, if they become a pioneer, they can actually make a breakthrough.

After all, Qingshu was in front, so they could sneak attack from behind.

This is not a martial arts movie. When fighting, you have to fight one after another.

All together.

As long as you dare to show your back, that is your weakness.

Except for some strong people who are trained outside, most people cannot withstand the siege, and even if they are trained outside, they can always break through if they fight too much.

Unless it's the kind of top master.

Otherwise, the question of when he died cannot be explained.

What about you? Do you want to come together?

Murong Fu was curious about what these dead soldiers would choose.

Are they rushing up to attack him together? Or do you want to turn around and run away?

The dead soldiers around him froze in place.


A dead soldier is a dead soldier, yes, but that doesn't mean that a dead soldier likes to die.

Many times, we hope that they will be absolutely loyal and be able to break up the relationship at the critical moment.

what to do?

Withdraw! Tell Master Wu Shan! Just say that Qingshu has betrayed us!

The next moment, all the dead soldiers turned around and left.

After taking one step, he disappeared directly.

At this moment Murong Fu bit his lower lip.

how to say.

Pengcheng is really a place full of talented people.

Just like today's Qingshu.

It really taught him a lesson.

This Wu family is really the number one family in Pengcheng. I have no idea what their plans are.

Murong Fu felt a little emotional.

At this time, Bodhisattva Miaoyi couldn't help but her shoulders kept shaking.

Originally, she was still able to maintain some reserve.

But when I see someone I really like speaking like this, I can't help but want to laugh.

Haha, it is indeed the first family. In fact, I have never seen it.

A laughter like a lark suddenly came from the mouth of Miaoyi Bodhisattva.

Zhuge Qingyun's nose was almost crooked with anger.

If he was defeated by a strong man with grace and strength, then he himself would understand.

But when you meet someone with a mouth like this, it's like lighting up firecrackers in the toilet and blowing up shit all over him.

It doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely annoying.

Even after a few years, when I think about it, I will probably be very angry.

I have decided that I will practice hard in the days to come. One day, I will definitely meet that person. When the time comes, I will definitely twist his head off.

Zhuge Qingyun was so angry that he felt as if his throat could spit fire.

After seeing the current scene, everyone around them came to their senses.

Finally, one person in the crowd couldn't help it anymore and said directly: How on earth did this Qing Shu become the number one master of the Wu family? Is this definitely not a rumor??

It's not impossible.

I don't know. It's possible that this Qingshu is actually a cover-up. The real master of the Wu family hasn't appeared yet.

I'm not sure whether he's a master or not, but the way he walks is pretty cool.

Most of the people around him were laughing at Qingshu.

The awe before was completely gone in his eyes.

But no one chose to talk about Murong Fu.

The reason is also relatively simple.

Because Murong Fu no longer had any enemies in front of him.

And they didn't know much about Murong Fu.

If Murong Fu was a narrow-minded person and turned his gun on them, then they would have no place to cry.

As the saying goes, just watch the excitement.

But you have to pay attention to some details, otherwise, you will become a commotion.



After this night, Pengcheng is also brightly lit.

Standing on the attic of the Wu family, looking at the lights of thousands of houses is a unique kind of beauty.

But at this moment, in the attic of the Wu family, on the top floor, Wu Shan had no intention of watching the night view.

Good guys! What's going on with you? Why did you come back by yourself!? Didn't I ask you to help Qingshan?

Wu Shan was originally in a very good mood at the moment.

I had just had a long economic exchange with my cousin.

Don’t say anything else.

For the economic one-in-one-out strategy, and the final sprint to the top.

Wu Shan is already a very experienced person in these steps.

Because of this, Wu Shan was still in a good mood about this incident.

Until these dead soldiers of his come back.

They all told him in unison that Qingshu, who had done dirty things to him for who knows how many years, had rebelled and ran away!

What's going on?

I have been doing this for him for so many years.

It could be said that he was considered his confidant, so how could he escape without saying a word?

There was dead silence in the pavilion.

None of these dead soldiers dared to speak directly at this moment.

The time of one or two breaths is extremely long for these dead soldiers.

Without any choice.

One of the dead soldiers finally mustered up some courage.

He said in a trembling voice: My family, my master, um, Qingshu has indeed rebelled. He also said that there is fate, there is fate...

We are destined to meet you thousands of miles away. A dead soldier next to him echoed.

Yes, yes, yes, when I think about it, it seems that the mountains are high and the road is far away. I never say thank you for a great favor, and then I am destined to meet you thousands of miles away... Hiss, these words seem to be said to that Murong Fu.

He, what he wants us to convey to you is that he wanders around...

After the dead man saw Wu Shan's face as black as briquettes.

Suddenly there was no sound.

At the same time, he immediately shut his mouth.

The veins on Wu Shan's face stretched one after another.

If it weren't for the fact that these people were all dead soldiers whom he spent a lot of resources to train, he would have taken action long ago.

But when I thought about it, I spent a lot of resources on these losers. ???.biQuPai.

Wu Shan suddenly became even more angry.

It was also at this time that a roaring sound came from outside the door.

Oh no, Patriarch! Qingshu, Qingshu has betrayed us!!!

When Wu Shan heard this, he spoke directly like a spring.

Fart!! How could Qingshu betray me!!

Wu Shan was so angry that his teeth were about to break.

But then, his expression froze.

Because this voice is the manager of their family.

Manages most of the family's resources.

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