He Bing talked eloquently, but everyone present was a little uninterested.

Although this thing is rare, it does not have huge appeal.

None of the local tycoons, wealthy businessmen, children of aristocratic families, and powerful men opened their mouths to bid.

Their purpose is very clear, they want something that is helpful to their own cultivation.

Or elixirs and herbs that can improve your physical condition, or weapons that can turn things around, or secret techniques that can enhance your practice...

The appearance of this Buddhist bead made everyone present a little surprised and surprised.

Although Buddhist beads are very rare, no one except Buddhists would be tempted by them, let alone ask them to spend a lot of money to buy them back.

He Bing stood on the white jade platform, feeling a little confused at this time.

She didn't understand why the master suddenly added this prayer bead when it was clearly not included in the auction.

She kept her face quiet and continued to introduce: The legendary [Master Kongling] who lived in the mountains for a long time devoted himself to Buddhism throughout his life and realized the great path of Buddhism.

After his death, his mortal body turned into a Buddha bead and went to [Xiangyan Mountain], absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and comprehending the spiritual essence of heaven and earth.

This is no longer an ordinary Buddhist bead, but a treasure that has the charm of a house.

If this thing is placed at home, it can ensure the longevity and prosperity of the family for thousands of years...

Her words were very seductive, and as soon as possible she attracted the attention of some aristocratic families, who all turned their attention to the beads.

These people care most about the family inheritance, and He Bing has grasped this point.

Okay, without further ado, the starting price is 100,000 spirit stones! He Bing said with a slight smile.

The starting price of this prayer bead was not high, but when she saw the fiery eyes below, she was certain that the transaction price would not be less than two million. ..

Sure enough, the head of one of the small aristocratic families was the first to bid: I'll pay 200,000!

Mrs. Zhang, who just took away the [Herring Thunder Short Blade], her eyes were shining, and she raised her hand with wealth: Five hundred thousand.

Soon, all the aristocratic families started bidding, and no one wanted to miss such a spiritual treasure.

As for those martial arts masters, they all watched the show with their arms folded, and no one cared about this Buddhist bead.

Murong Fu who was upstairs couldn't help but sigh: As expected of a person from [Qizhen Pavilion], he can turn decay into magic in just a few words.

Zhuge Qingyun couldn't help but say: Yes, she is really easy to manipulate people's hearts.

At this time, Murong Fu noticed something was wrong with Miaoyi Bodhisattva's gaze and turned his head to look over.

I saw that the eyes of Bodhisattva Miaoyi, which were usually as plain as water, were now full of light, and she was looking at the Buddha bead on the high platform.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi couldn't help but say: This Buddha bead is not an ordinary thing. I can feel the power it releases.

Do you want it? Murong Fu asked.

Think! The latter said decisively without any hesitation.

Then, as if she had come to her senses, she hurriedly shook her head: Still not.

Murong Fu looked at her with some confusion: It's obviously something I like, why don't I want it anymore?

Bodhisattva Miaoyi sighed heavily, with a hint of regret in her tone: I'm afraid I can't steal the spiritual stones from these noble families.

Murong Fu held her hand, with a bit of tenderness in his eyes. He originally wanted to take a picture of the beads for the Miaoyi Bodhisattva.

It can be seen that her fair and gentle little face is unconsciously showing a hint of provocation.

The words on his lips also took a turn: Why don't you call me a good husband and I'll get this prayer bead for you?

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Qingyun and Fang Zisheng both took a sip of water and kept coughing on the side.

The female Bodhisattva Miaoyi blushed instantly and lowered her face, as if she wanted to bury herself.

Her voice was as low as a mosquito: You, don't do this!

Murong Fu liked to see her shy look and smiled particularly heartily: Hahaha, my Miaoyi is so cute!

There are outsiders here!

Zhuge Qingyun pulled Fang Zisheng over, and the two squeezed into a corner, turning their backs: You were talking, but we didn't hear you!

Yes, yes, I can't hear you! Fang Zisheng said seriously, plugging his ears with his hands.

At this time, the price of the Buddhist beads kept rising, and soon exceeded one million, and some aristocratic families were rushing to buy it.

Three.7 million! Madam Zhang suddenly announced an astonishing price.

Three million and seven hundred thousand is definitely a sky-high price for a Buddhist bead!

No one would pay such a high price to take a picture of an illusory thing.

Three hundred! Seven hundred thousand... A group of people swallowed secretly and looked at Mrs. Zhang in shock.

The Zhang family of [Luotian City] has always prided itself on being the richest in the world, and they especially like to throw money at people.

The lady in this picture didn't even blink and continued to bid.

However, the price is indeed a bit too high.

Even He Bing was a little surprised that such a high price could be achieved.

Mrs. Zhang, who had offered an astonishing price, looked at everyone present with a proud face.

The Zhang family is just rich and willful!

However, there are still several aristocratic families who have not given up and continue to bid with Mrs. Zhang.

In the private room, Murong Fu held Miao Yi Bodhisattva in his arms, and his hands slowly slid over her beautiful and red cheeks.

His voice was low, and he whispered quietly to the ear of Miaoyi Bodhisattva: What? Are you disowning me as your husband?

The latter buried his head in Murong Fu's chest and said in a dull voice: Admit it! Why don't you admit it!


She opened her mouth, but she couldn't scream. Her whole body and even her bare head were all red.

Murong Fu was so amused that the person in his arms would die of shame and anger if he continued.

He patted the red little head and said in a gentle tone: Okay, I won't tease you anymore!

Sit there obediently and watch how my husband snatches this Buddha bead for you in the midst of thousands of troops!

five million!

Murong Fu's voice was neither loud nor quiet, just enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone fell into a deathly silence, looking at the box on the third floor in shock.

It was He Bing who reacted first, with an excited voice: The young man on the third floor offered five million, is there anything higher?

Everyone also reacted at this time and started talking among themselves: I'll go, did you hear me right?

Did he really say five million?

Just such a Buddhist bead, worth five million? What is happening to this world?

Sure enough, there are so many rich people in the world, why can't there be just one more like me?

Listening to the discussion of the people below, Bodhisattva Miaoyi couldn't help but say: It's better to say goodbye. It's not worth it to buy a Buddhist bead for five million.

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