Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1214: Coming to the door

Murong Fu followed his gaze and saw a silver bell hanging on the door of the courtyard.

Under the sunlight, it looked particularly bright, but the patterns on it looked familiar.

Murong Fu looked at it carefully for a long time, but still couldn't remember where he had seen it.

If nothing happens to you, then we will retreat.

After that, the two people left.

At this time, a few footsteps suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

Suddenly, everyone looked over with a bit of inquiry.

The two people in [Qizhen Pavilion] did not expect that someone would break in here, and their expressions changed slightly.

A female voice came: Brother, I want to live in this courtyard!

Before he finished speaking, the door to the courtyard was suddenly pushed open, and a dozen people walked in.

The leaders were a man and a woman, wearing white robes with patterns of aristocratic families.

The woman didn't expect that there would be anyone in the yard. She was obviously frightened and asked with a bad look on her face: Who are you?

The two people from [Qizhen Pavilion] glanced at each other, and then walked forward: Master Murong, Miss Murong, there are already people in this courtyard.

How about I take you to the courtyard next to it. The layout is exactly the same as this place.

Murong Lanxin didn't listen to what he said and interrupted directly: No, I want to live in this courtyard!

Then, she looked at Murong Fu and others arrogantly, her tone full of disdain and contempt.

You guys, if you know what's going on, get out of here quickly. I've taken a liking to this courtyard!

Zhuge Qingyun glanced at her and said unceremoniously: Hey, where did this little bitch come from? She ran in and kept barking!

Who are you calling a dog? Upon hearing this, Murong Lan was so angry that her eyes were red, and she strode forward and said sternly.

This is Miss Murong, right? Did I just mention you by name? Zhuge Qingyun tilted his head, a flash of light flashing in his eyes.

He has never seen such a shameless person and told them to get out.

This kind of behavior is intolerable, even if the uncle can tolerate it, the aunt cannot tolerate it.

After a few words, Murong Lanxin's face turned red, and her almond-shaped eyes stared at Zhuge Qingyun.

Suddenly, a cold voice came out: Lan Xin, don't be rude!

Mu Yiyang was followed by a group of guards, and he slowly walked forward with a faint smile on his face.

His eyes, with a bit of predatory intent, swept over everyone present one by one, and finally landed on Murong Fu.

This young man, my sister really likes this yard.

I wonder if you can move elsewhere. I, the Murong family, will be very grateful.

It's better not to get into trouble when you're out.

His words were slow and he deliberately emphasized the words Murong family, giving him a condescending feeling.

Behind him, the guards put their hands on the hilts of their swords, quite threateningly.

It seemed that Murong Fu would not refuse their request.

Fang Zisheng looked at the people in front of him, his face changed slightly, and he said softly: The Murong family is the third among the top ten aristocratic families. I heard that the strength has a faint tendency to catch up with the second.

So what? Even if he is the King of Heaven, I can't be arrogant in front of me! Murong Fu looked over coldly and said word by word.

The female Bodhisattva Miaoyi on the side frowned slightly: Amitabha, are you trying to take something by force with such a big movement?

Mu Yiyang shook his head slightly: These words are different, we are discussing carefully.

Murong Fu saw that he was determined to win, and said coldly: In that case, I will tell you clearly, no!

Murong Lan smiled instantly: Hahaha, why don't you get out quickly...

Suddenly, she noticed something was wrong and asked in disbelief: What did you just say?

Are you deaf?

We have clearly told you that we will not allow this yard.

Everyone, let's go back to where we came from!

Zhuge Qingyun's tone was not kind, and he directly issued an order to expel the guests without showing any mercy.

Murong Lanxin and Mu Yiyang were both a little surprised, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

In their opinion, no one has ever dared to go against the Murong family.

As long as it's what they like, there's nothing they can't get, including the yard in front of them.

Murong Lanxin frowned and pulled out the sword blade in her hand: I think you are toasting instead of drinking as a penalty!

After saying that, she flew over directly, the long sword in her hand mixed with a blue light, and headed straight for Zhuge Qingyun.

Her eyes were full of anger, and she didn't even think about it at all. She used her sword as a killing move.

Zhuge Qingyun curled up his lips and faced him with his bare hands. The wind from his palm was so sharp that he immediately forced him back.

Murong Lan was not reconciled to being hit back by the blow, so she stabbed out with another sword.

This time, she very cleverly changed the direction and stabbed Murong Fu in the chest.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi was frightened and said hurriedly: Be careful!

Murong Fu didn't seem to have thought that she would actually take action against him, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

If that's the case, don't blame him for not showing mercy to her.

He was seen flying up, his black robes fluttering in the wind, and he dodged Murong Lanxin's sword in a flash.

The moment the two of them crossed each other, Murong Fu returned his hand and hit Murong Lanxin on the left shoulder, knocking her to the ground.

When Mu Yiyang on the side saw this, his heart tightened, and then he hurriedly caught Wan Yiyi, his eyes full of worry.

He looked around to check Murong Lanxin's body: Lanxin, how are you?

The latter rubbed his shoulders, a strange light flashed in his eyes, pushed Mu Yiyang away, and said coldly: I'm fine!

I don't want this yard now, I want their lives!

Come together!

After she finished speaking, Murong Fu and others couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

They have never seen someone so arrogant and want to kill someone if they fail to rob him.

It was as if human life, in her eyes, was nothing more than the wild flowers and weeds on the roadside.

Fang Zisheng also lost his temper at this time and said: You are so arrogant!

Mu Yiyang looked up and down with his eyes, and his tone was full of disdain and ridicule: Your Fang family is just a low-class family, but you dare to go against my Murong family!

It seems that if I don't give you some clues, you don't know how high the sky is!

What are you still doing? Kill them!

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone behind him drew their swords and surrounded Murong Fu and others.

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