Murong Fu looked in front of him, one was dressed in white like snow, and the other was in a fluttering purple skirt.

It was like a thunderbolt struck him, and he was stunned on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.

The fist and palm wind that was about to come out was forced back, making him feel a little aggrieved.

Why are you here? He looked at the three people present with his eyes, and his tone was indescribable shock.

At this moment, Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva, Dongfang Bubai, and Liuli stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

I...I just wanted to see if you were asleep?

It's nothing, I just passed by by chance.

Yes, I was passing by too.

The faces of the three of them were all stained with a hint of rosy red, and their expressions were a bit flustered and embarrassed.

After saying that, they all turned around and wanted to leave.

Before they could take a step, Murong Fu flew forward and blocked their way.

As soon as he saw the appearance of the three people, he already had a guess in his heart and smiled slightly: You beauties, did I tell you to leave?

After that, he took out a bundle of red rope from somewhere, flicked it with his big hand, and tied the three people tightly.

Dongfang Bubai looked at the red color on his waist, and his face became even more ashamed and angry: Fulang, what are you doing?

The female Bodhisattva Miaoyi was dripping with water, and the material of her clothes clung tightly to her skin, outlining her body exquisitely.

Her eyes were full of panic as she looked at Murong Fu.

Let me go! Liuli began to struggle, but she couldn't break free of the red ropes.

Murong Fu walked up to them step by step, his voice was hollow, mixed with a bit of joking.

His fingers crossed the cheeks of the three of them, and finally he pinched Liuli's baby-fat little face and smiled lightly: Haha.

Disobedient children will be punished!

As he spoke, he directly pulled the clothes of the three people away.

Afterwards, he lay down on the bed in rows, while he leaned over and looked at their expressions of shame and anger.

Liuli shrank his neck in fear, and his voice was trembling: Fulang, what are you going to do?

Murong Fu smiled evilly and didn't say much. He just broke off a feather from the vase on the side.

He slowly leaned down, took off the shoes and socks of the three of them, and began to slowly trace the feet as white as lotus roots in his hands.



Fu... Fu Lang, please spare my life...

The three of them had never felt like this before. They endured the itching coming from the soles of their feet and began to laugh so hard that they couldn't breathe.

After a while, all three of them looked pitiful with water in their eyes.

When people look at it, they have the urge to bully him.

Murong Fu pretended to be confused and said, Tell me, you three are sneaking outside my door today. What do you want to do?

Liuli still had a tough mouth and said with a pinched neck: Didn't I just say that I was just passing by.

Murong Fu shook his head, put his fingers between her lips, stirred them randomly a few times, and said, You should be punished for lying!

Immediately, his fingers cleverly pinched the soft and slippery tongue in Liuli's mouth and exerted a slight force.


Liuli was in pain and subconsciously began to roll over on the bed, begging for mercy in a vague voice.

Fu Lang, I was wrong!

I really know I was wrong, I said!

She felt a strange impulse and spoke quickly.

However, how could Murong Fu let her go so easily, and the movements of his hands were even more unscrupulous.

The feathers flowed back and forth on Liuli's soles, causing her body to tremble, and the bright color was faintly visible on her white legs.

Then he turned his head and looked at the Miaoyi Bodhisattva and Dongfang Bubai beside him, with a bit of tenderness in his eyes.

What about you? Why are you here?

Think it over before you answer me. If what you say makes me dissatisfied...

You know the consequences!

The two girls had already seen Murong Fu's methods and couldn't help but wince and nodded repeatedly: Understood.

Dongfang Bubai didn't know what he was thinking of, his face turned as red as a big apple: I just want to come and see Fu Lang, I think...

What do you want to do? Murong Fu smiled extremely gently and continued to ask.

Dongfang Bubai knew that he couldn't escape, so he simply closed his eyes and shouted: I want to sleep with you!

Hahaha! What about you?

The smooth little head of Miaoyi Bodhisattva was also a bright red at this time, and even her neck was red.

She is still a little frightened now, recalling the feeling just now, her voice is as small as a mosquito: I also want to resurrect my husband.

Liuli couldn't bear it anymore and twisted her body to dodge, but she couldn't escape Murong Fu's claws no matter what.

Good brother, let me go!

I said it, I said it all.

When I close my eyes, all I can think about is Fu Lang, and I want to come and see you...

Murong Fu looked at the three of them and suddenly leaned down, his warm breath spraying on their faces.

So, it's my fault that I'm too charming?

As he spoke, he swept the soft feathers over the necks of the three of them. Not surprisingly, they caused the three of them to tremble slightly.

The three people now regret it now. If they knew it would be like this.

Even if they were beaten to death, some thieves thought, they would not have the guts to do so.

No, it's not...

Fulang, please Fulang, please let me go!

We don't dare anymore!

Murong Fu stood up suddenly, and the cold air swept through the three of them instantly, causing goose bumps.

The three people were surrounded by the gentle breath, immersed in the familiar warmth, and were suddenly surrounded by the cold wind.

There was a bit of a gap in their hearts.

Murong Fu noticed the changes in the three people and showed a wicked smile where they couldn't see.

Then, he spoke again: It's impossible to let you go!

If you don't eat the late-night snack delivered to your door, it will be free!

Tonight, I want you to know that there is a price to pay for peeping outside!

As soon as he finished speaking, the clothes on his body slowly slid to the floor, and his strong chest was exposed, which made the three people on the bed stare.

The night light fell on the bed bit by bit, and the red rope looked particularly eye-catching in the black night.

Murong Fu stroked the fair and tender skin of the three of them, and his voice was low and magnetic: Are you convinced or not?

The three women nodded in unison, feeling the hot breath, their faces full of coquettishness.

After a sleepless night, my voice was as graceful as the song of a nightingale.

There was a gentle breeze in the middle of the night, and the wooden bed creaked, making the wild cats outside the window also commotion and scurry around.

Fortunately, Murong Fu's courtyard was remote. Even if all the doors and windows were destroyed, no one would notice that the spring scenery was so wonderful.

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