Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1190 Blood corpse buried in the ground

Zhang Qiang was completely surrounded by the bloody mud, looking like a red clay figure.

He still did not give up the struggle, crawling on all fours with difficulty, trying to get closer to Xue Lingqi little by little.

Despite the thick blood and mud, his voice came out muffled: Aunt, please help me, I don't want to die yet!

However, Xue Lingqi didn't even look at him. He stepped up his movements, and red light burst out in an instant.

In an instant, the smell of blood filled the nostrils of everyone present.

Even the sky quickly changed color, with dark clouds and thunder rolling in!



As several thunderbolts struck and lightning struck the entire mansion, the smile on Xue Lingqi's face grew bigger and bigger.

Red threads suddenly shot out from her ten fingers and wrapped around Zhang Qiang's clay body one by one: Nephew, let you be the guide of my [Blood Demon Array]!

Crack! There was a crisp sound, and Zhang Qiang, who was originally wrapped in blood mud, was torn to pieces by those red threads in a few breaths.

Blood mud, flesh and blood, bone residue...

Following several red threads, it was transferred to Xue Lingqi's hand bit by bit. The dazzling red light became even more red, turning black.

Everyone was shocked beyond belief by this scene and couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.

She actually used her most beloved nephew as a living victim of the formation.

Cut him into pieces with your own hands...

What Xue Lingqi did was beyond their imagination. Even if they had seen the world, they would inevitably have some doubts.

In just a quarter of an hour, everything has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The entire sky was like blood flowing backwards, and the sky and the earth were a scarlet color.

Xue Lingqi slowly looked behind him. The large group of guards felt an unkind look, and they all stood unsteadily.

Husband, madam...

However, Xue Lingqi did not pay attention to them, but directly flew out the red thread in his hand and hit those people.

At this critical moment, the guard who was kneeling on the ground suddenly moved.

His eyes were red, as if he was going crazy, like an arrow leaving the string, heading straight in the direction of Xue Lingqi.

He raised his sword and shouted: I'll kill you!

However, before his body could get closer to Xue Lingqi, he was tightly wrapped by a red thread.

Blood seeped out bit by bit through the skin, dripping along the red line to the ground.

Tick tock, tick tock!

The place was silent, and the low voice was particularly clear, like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart.

Before the person could react, those red threads immediately broke the person's waist as Xue Lingqi withdrew his strength.

However, an even weirder scene appeared. The man was split into two pieces from the middle up and down, but he was still able to breathe on his own.

The lower limbs and legs were shaking constantly, a pair of eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs could still be vaguely seen shaking, and the voice was extremely harsh: Ah! No!

Xue Lingqi sneered at him and spoke slowly, like a demon coming out of hell: Only you dare to attack me.

After that, the blood and mud on the ground began to roll again, like water boiling, surging.

Gudu, Gudu, Gudu...

In the man's horrified eyes, he saw himself surrounded by blood and mud, and then, like Zhang Qiang, he was cut into pieces.

At this time, the other guards present also reacted, and one by one they subconsciously wanted to fly away.

However, it was already too late.

Xue Lingqi controlled the red threads one after another, locking each of them tightly and repeating the actions just now.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire Wanfu seemed to be in a sea of ​​blood, and the strong smell of blood was particularly pungent.

Fang Zisheng looked at everything that happened in front of him with disbelief. It took him a long time to find his voice: What kind of evil magic is this?

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a low voice: I didn't expect that Wanjia, who looks harmless on the surface, actually practices such sinister moves.

Father, what do you mean? Fang Zisheng asked with some confusion.

The latter didn't speak anymore and fell into deep contemplation.

Liuli looked at the situation in front of her that had undergone earth-shaking changes, and she had a bad feeling in her heart.

I once overheard Wan Fang mentioning this [Blood Demon Array]. Once it is opened, only endless bloodlust can sustain it.

Xue Lingqi actually did not hesitate to use the entire Wan family's bodyguards to activate such a brutal formation!

Blood corpses fell to the ground, thunder came from the sky, and no one survived...

Her eyes fell on Xue Lingqi, with a bit of horror and contempt.

Fang Zisheng couldn't help but feel impatient and wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by Fang Yuan.

It's useless! Once this formation is stained with blood, it will only fight to the death.

In the end, only one person survived, and that was Xue Lingqi.

So, everything we do now is useless, we can only...

The more Liuli listened, the more panic she felt in her heart, and she hurriedly said: What can I do? Head of the Fang family, is there any way to break this formation?

Fang Yuan shook his head, with a hint of helplessness in his voice: No, the only solution for now is to protect yourself firmly and not to be contaminated by the blood and mud.

if not……

His eyes looked at the broken limbs of the Wan family's guards, and a glimmer of light flashed through them.

Liuli and Fang Zisheng were shocked and quickly used all their spiritual energy to firmly strengthen the protective shield of the three of them.

Those people from the Fang family and the [Liu Li Shrine] on the roof were also frightened at this moment, and were eagerly looking for a way to escape.

However, now that we are in the game, how can we escape the sanctions of this formation?

In the sky, thunder struck down one after another, followed by lightning.

The huge light illuminated the dark red space and also illuminated Xue Lingqi's terrifying face.

At this time, her eyes were red, her body was covered with blood and minced meat, and she no longer looked like the noble lady she had been before.

You forced me to do all this!

Fang Zisheng, Fang Yuan, you two, father and son, dare to covet the status of my Wan family, you deserve to die here.

And you little whore, why didn't I kill you before and let you live in vain for so many years?

Now, you all should die together!

Her voice was shrill and harsh, echoing in every corner of the mansion.

The dark red blood mud on the ground began to boil and boil as her emotions fluctuated.

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