Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1188 Fang Family and Wan Family

Zhang Qiang looked at Xue Lingqi who was hurriedly going out. He was stunned for a moment and moved his lips to say something.

But in the end, he still didn't say anything and hurriedly followed.

Ahead, the people brought by the Fang family were killing decisively. In just a short time, they had killed nearly a hundred people from the Wan family.

The entire mansion was filled with dead and wounded, and the messy debris and blood were mixed together into a mess.

As soon as Xue Lingqi walked out of the courtyard, she saw devastation everywhere, and a stream of warm blood sprayed on her body.

There was a flash of murderous intent in her eyes, and she looked at the secret guard charging towards her, and killed him with one sword.

Zhang Qiang hurriedly followed her, hiding behind her, watching everything with his eyes.

Xue Lingqi's face became uglier every time he walked. The entire Wanjia family was no longer as prosperous as before, and it seemed as if their home had been ransacked.

Occasionally, when she was attacked by several secret guards of the Fang family and people from the [Liu Li Shrine], she would kill them with one blow without even blinking.

Along the way, she looked at the corpses on the ground. All the clothes on them belonged to Wanjia, and her eyes couldn't help but turn scarlet.

What exactly is the Fang family planning to do with such a big move? Also, who opened the door to Wanfu?

She murmured to herself, with countless doubts and guesses in her mind, but after thinking for a long time, there was no result.

Perhaps, without her noticing, everything was moving in an uncontrollable direction.

This is true for Wanfu, and this is true for Fangfu...

Zhang Qiang was behind her and whispered: Aunt, it's not just the Fang family this time, there is also an unknown force breaking in.

They followed the Fang family. They didn't say a word when they came in. They just drew their swords and killed them!

And all the secret guards in our mansion have left with my cousin and the others, leaving only the guards guarding the mansion.


After Xue Lingqi said this, he remembered that most of the people in the house had left.

There was a look of horror in her eyes, and she felt a little panicked for a moment, always feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Zhang Qiang was trembling with fear at this time, and kept sticking behind Xue Lingqi: Aunt, you said they came with bad intentions, what exactly are they going to do?

Xue Lingqi's face turned pale at this time, and he couldn't help scolding: Shut up! Don't write ink in my ears, it's too noisy!

After saying that, she held the blood-stained sword blade and strode toward the front hall.

When she arrived near a rockery, she met the Fang family father and son head-on. Their eyes met in mid-air, and there was a faint flash of strange fire.

When everyone in the Wan family saw her arrival, they instantly saw hope. They all ducked out of sight and stood behind her.

Master Fang, I wonder what you mean by this? Xue Lingqi suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a bad tone.

She endured the bad anger in her heart and did not take action immediately. She had already used up all her strength.

Fang Zisheng didn't take her seriously at all. He smiled coolly and stepped forward to stand opposite her.

However, his tone was not polite at all: It doesn't mean anything, I just want to kill you Wanjia.

As soon as he said this, the expressions of all the Wan family members present changed at the same time, shocked by his shameless words.

The expression on Xue Lingqi's face was ever-changing, and finally he spat out one word viciously from his mouth: Get out!

I'm talking to your father. Who do you think you are? How can you talk here?

Master Fang, is this the upbringing of your family?

Fang Yuan stood aside calmly, with the same kind and kind face as before, but the words he spoke were particularly domineering. ..

Mrs. Xue, it's not your turn to criticize those who are ill-bred. I think what my son said is absolutely correct.

Xue Lingqi's eyes darkened, and his deep voice contained a warning: Fang Family Master, be careful what you say! Have you forgotten the agreement between our ten major families?

Fang Yuan looked like an old fox: Of course I haven't forgotten this. I came here today just for a friendly exchange. I'll kill you on the way!

When Fang Zisheng heard this, he couldn't help laughing out loud: Hahaha, my father is wise!

In that case, there is no need for me to talk nonsense to you anymore. Xue Lingqi's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and his tone was even colder.

Then, he tilted his head and ordered: Come on, go to [Shadow Guard Pavilion] and call someone. We must take down this reckless father and son today!

Zhang Qiang agreed, and when he was about to leave, he only saw a group of people walking towards the west of the rockery.

They were neither from the Wan family nor from the Fang family. Instead, they all covered their faces and did not show their true colors.

But I saw that each of them was petite in stature, but they were moving extremely fast. They were dressed in dark green robes and came at a very fast speed.

In just a moment, he had already arrived behind Xue Lingqi and others, throwing everything in his hands to the ground one by one.

Zhang Qiang subconsciously looked forward, and the next moment he was stunned and sat down on the ground.


Everyone else also looked over and took a breath of air.

But they saw pockets of cloth bags made of rags on the ground. They threw them away, and the contents were spread all over the floor.

Countless broken arms and limbs fell out, and the smell of blood mixed with blood spread, causing everyone to retching.

The bad premonition grew in Xue Lingqi's heart, and he stared at the stumps on the ground.

There is even a bag dedicated to eyeballs.

At first glance, it looked like the person had been dug out before he died, and rolled all over the ground.

Zhang Qiang was frightened. He couldn't stop jumping on the spot and stepped on the eyeballs one after another, causing countless juices to burst out.

He almost fainted, but fortunately Xue Lingqi spoke in time to calm his frightened soul.

Even though Xue Lingqi was famous, his face turned pale when he saw this bloody scene.

At this moment, those people in dark green robes nodded slightly, retreated from the middle to both sides, and made way for them.

Immediately, a man with a calm demeanor and a thick smile on his face walked forward from behind unhurriedly.

Mrs. Xue, do you still like the gift my daughter gave you?

The moment Xue Lingqi saw that person, he clenched his fists and stared at her.

She said through gritted teeth, Liu Li! Why are you here?

Liuli smiled brightly in return, and walked step by step to Fang Zisheng's side, with the mockery in her eyes showing: What? Is Mrs. Xue stupid? Can't she see the current situation clearly?

Xue Lingqi was so angry that he was shaking all over. He stretched out his fingers tremblingly and pointed at the people in front of him: You! You actually...

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