Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1171 Mysterious Invitation

In the Fang Mansion, after Murong Fu and the others stayed for a few days, they planned to find an opportunity to say goodbye.

Zhuge Qingyun was a little idle and extremely bored: It's really boring. I thought [Pengcheng] would be able to do something interesting, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

Dongfang Bubai stood aside, a little speechless, and couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

Silently complaining in his heart: Yes, yes, how can a good person not get tired of going out 800 times a day?

It's amazing to say that Zhuge Qingyun has been wandering around every day since he moved into Fang's house.

In just a few days, the entire boundary of [Pengcheng] has been clearly explored.

It is simply more familiar than the locals.

Boring, really boring. Zhuge Qingyun was half lying on the bed with a piece of grass in his mouth.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and said, Why don't you go to [Liu Li Shrine] to find something exciting?

When Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly: No, no, no!

There was a bit of panic in his expression, as if he had thought of something bad.

He patted his chest with some fear: The women there are simply scarier than jackals, tigers and leopards. I can't stand it.

Then, he suddenly remembered something and said, By the way, do you still remember that Liuli?

I always felt that there was something wrong with this woman. The way she looked at us that day gave me a very strange feeling.

Upon hearing this, Dongfang Bubai's expression changed slightly: You are right, this woman has some abilities and is definitely not an ordinary person.

When Murong Fu heard this, he suddenly became interested: Oh? Why is my wife so hostile to her? I think you said before that she is not a good person.

I also found out about this incident by chance. It is said...

After hearing this, Murong Fu's eyes flashed with surprise and shock: I didn't expect that she turned out to be the daughter of the Wan family.

Zhuge Qingyun was indignant: I knew that this woman was not a fuel-efficient lamp at first glance. We were assassinated at [Liu Li Shrine], and she must have something to do with it!

At this moment, a white bird suddenly flew from a distance and landed on Dongfang Bubai's shoulder.

With a movement of her eyes, she took off the note from the white bird's leg and opened it to look at it.

The next moment, he spoke softly: I still have some things to deal with. You guys wait for me here.

Murong Fu saw her expression was different and asked, What is it related to the mission you took on?

The latter handed over the note, with Wanjia's private seal printed on it.

Zhuge Qingyun also leaned over and exclaimed: The person you want to protect is actually Wan Wan Yiyi?

Dongfang Bubai nodded solemnly and said coldly: Yes! It was the Wan family who came to me to protect Wan Yiyi.

I didn't think much about it. I wanted to take this opportunity to come to [Pengcheng] to meet Fu Lang, but I didn't expect that the situation would be like this.

I originally planned to finish the mission, but I never found the opportunity. Now...

She looked at the note with some worry, and there were a few lines written on it.

Wan Yiyi will go to a temple outside the city to pray for blessings tomorrow and needs her personal protection.

Hey, you have been following Wan Yiyi these days, so why didn't Xue Lingqi recognize you when the Wan family were at [Liu Li Shrine]?

Zhuge Qingyun was a little confused.

Murong Fu was also extremely worried at this moment and said in a low tone: If you accept the mission, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents...

Dongfang Bubai shook his head and said softly: Don't worry about this. I wore a human skin mask when I went to Wanjia.

My disguise skills are so superb that no one can detect any clues.

They have never seen my true appearance, so they shouldn't recognize me.

It's better for me to go back once and complete the task. Otherwise, my inexplicable disappearance will definitely arouse their suspicion.

She thought for a moment and finally decided to go back.

She could see Murong Fu's worry and slowly spoke to comfort him: Don't worry, although my abilities are not among the best, I won't let others take advantage of me.

Murong Fu pursed his lips and said nothing more. He just took out a jade pendant from his arms and said, This is for you.

What is this? Dongfang Bubai took it and carefully stroked the soft jade on it, his eyes full of affection.

Keep this on your body. If something happens, crush this jade pendant into pieces and I can find you.


Early the next morning, Dongfang Bubai put on a human skin mask and walked around the city for several times before entering Wanfu.

Murong Fu was still a little worried. When they separated, his eyes wanted to stick to her body.

Zhuge Qingyun smiled evilly and joked: What? Brother Murong can't bear to part with it? Otherwise, why don't you go and have a look too?

Well, I think it's okay. Murong Fu nodded, turned around and was about to follow.

Zhuge Qingyun was left standing alone, stunned for a long time, and then shouted: You are such a heartless man, you forgot about your brother when you had a wife.


Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes.

I can go out without any arms or legs, but can I run out without clothes?

Murong Fu smiled softly, turned around and left Fang Mansion, intending to follow Dongfang Bubai up the mountain.

But just when he walked not far, a little girl suddenly bumped into him blankly.

Ouch! The little girl was knocked upside down and fell to the ground.

Are you okay? Murong Fu picked up the little girl and checked her condition.

Brother, I'm fine, I'll give this to you. As she said that, she stuffed something in her hand into Murong Fu's collar, struggled, jumped down and ran away.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows and looked at the little girl running away: Huh?

Then, he took off the thing from his collar, which was a hollow incense ball with a slight incense.

The aroma is vague, making people feel relaxed and happy when smelling it, with a somewhat different floral fragrance.

He observed it carefully and took out a piece of paper from among the fragrant balls, which also had a slightly refreshing aroma.

Liu Li Shrine, if you have something to discuss, please come and see me!

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with light and he destroyed the note directly.


Liuli Shrine, Liuli Girl!

Since they are so enthusiastic, if he doesn't go, wouldn't it be a waste of their efforts?

Murong Fu cast his gaze around the surroundings, and a slight smile appeared on his lips, with a hint of sarcasm.

He had just left the house, and he was stared at by so many people, who really thought highly of him.

Beggars on the roadside, hawkers, tea patrons in teahouses, doctors in pharmacies...

Oh, she is really not an ordinary woman.

He glanced over one by one, with a hint of shock, which frightened those people into quickly lowering their heads.

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