Murong Fu looked at Fang Yuan's retreating figure and fell into deep thought for a moment.

Although Fang Zisheng didn't understand what his father meant by this, he still smiled at the three of them: You three, please follow me.

Dongfang Bubai and Zhuge Qingyun both looked at Murong Fu, waiting for his choice.

However, the latter nodded to Fang Zisheng: Then I'll trouble Young Master Fang.

After settling the three people, Fang Zisheng stood in the garden for a long time, looking at the place where Murong Fu lived in trance.

Immediately, he seemed to have thought of something, couldn't wait to come to the study, and knocked gently on the door.

He walked in furiously and asked his doubts: Father, that Murong Fu has already refused, why do you still want him to live here?

Fang Yuanduan sat in front of the desk, looking down at the calligraphy and paintings on the desk, silent.

After a long while, he slowly stood up and said softly: It's all fate!

Seriously, God is going to destroy our Fang family! His eyes were slightly red, and tears were welling up in his eyes.

Seeing this, Fang Zisheng took a step forward and said loudly: Father! The world is still uncertain, but we still have a chance!

No, not anymore! This [Roland Conference] is our Fang family's only chance. Now...

His voice was choked, and halfway through his words, he could no longer continue.

Fang Zisheng looked anxious, and a glint flashed in his eyes: I'll beg them, and there will definitely be a way!

With that said, he turned around and went out.

Come back! Fang Yuan stopped him sternly, his eyes becoming sharp.

The next moment, his voice slowed down a bit: Don't go, it's useless. That Murong Fu obviously doesn't want to get involved in the affairs of these aristocratic families, we can't force him.

Fang Yuan's tone slowed down and his voice was hoarse and low: When they first arrived in [Pengcheng], they must have no place to stay.

Since we are destined to meet each other, let them stay here for a few days, which can be regarded as making one more friend.

Don't bother them anymore with these things.

Fang Zisheng nodded and continued to ask: Father, do we really have no other way?

Fang Yuan sighed heavily: There is another way, and that is...

Withdraw from the top ten aristocratic families and give up this spot.

It is better to cut off your tail and save your life than to be swallowed up by other aristocratic families.

He knew in his heart that in the past few years, although the Fang family seemed to be prosperous on the surface, it was already at the end of its power behind the scenes.

The Wan family united with several other major families and targeted them everywhere, leaving the Fang family with no place to stand.

It is not easy to be able to hold on until now.

If we don't think of a way to reverse the situation, the Fang family will soon fall.

This time the [Roland Conference] was their only chance, and Murong Fu was their only choice.

Now...everything is so unsatisfactory.

Fang Zisheng's eyes were red at this time, and he looked at his father, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

The entire Fang family was supported by his father alone, but he couldn't help at all and could only watch from the sidelines.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped him.

Outside the door, a figure flashed past, and the father and son talking in the room did not notice it at all.

In the guest room, Dongfang Bubai and Zhuge Qingyun sat opposite each other, with idle and lonely expressions on their faces.

Brother Murong, why haven't you come back yet?

Tell me, did the Fang family and his son have some conspiracy to keep us here?

I heard that all the members of their family are scheming old foxes. Could it be that we are the sheep in the tiger's mouth!


His mouth has never stopped since he came in, as if it was borrowed.

Dongfang Bubai rolled his eyes secretly and said softly: Don't make random guesses. Fu Lang has already gone to find out the news. Let's just wait here.

Before he finished speaking, Murong Fu's figure appeared at the door of the room, without a trace of dust on his body. .

Zhuge Qingyun's eyes lit up and he immediately approached him: How is it? Did you find anything?

Yeah, how's it going?

Murong Fu shook his head at the two of them and gave an overview of the conversation between father and son in the study.

You mean, they don't have any bad intentions, they are just worried that we won't have a place to live?

Zhuge Qingyun couldn't believe his ears and looked shocked.

He originally thought that there must be some conspiracy behind the Fang family's father and son's hospitality to them.

Unexpectedly, he has a villainous heart.

Dongfang Bubai asked with some doubts in his eyes: Then what should we do now?

Murong Fu lightly opened his thin lips and uttered four words: Just wait and see what happens.

He had already thought about it on the way back, and he must not step into the waters of this aristocratic family easily.

This time he came to [Pengcheng] just to participate in the [Roland Conference], and other things had nothing to do with him.

He also wants to find a way to [Wind and Cloud World] as soon as possible.

When Chifeng left, the ancient books left behind for him had marked the approximate location.

Time was tight and he was not allowed to meddle in his own business.

At the same time, Wanjia was also in a bloody situation.

In the back house, several guards who were originally following Zhang Qiang fell to the ground covered in blood, with more air coming out and less air coming in.

Wan Fang, the head of the Wan family who had just learned the news, was so angry that he directly ordered the people involved to be beaten to death.

Even Gu Lun and his party were more or less punished, and they all knelt on the ground and held their breath in concentration.

Wan Fang looked at Zhang Qiang in front of him and wished he could just strangle him to death.

You are a waste who fails to succeed but fails to succeed. If I had known you could cause such a big trouble, I should have thrown you back to your hometown!

Zhang Qiang had never seen such a scene before. The smell of blood at the tip of his nose had already frightened him into silence.

Xue Lingqi took a step forward and was about to say something, but was slapped in the face by Wan Fang.

And you! The dignified Mrs. Wanjia has caused such a big thing!

Do you know what the consequences will be if this matter reaches the ears of other families?

At that time, not only will the [Roland Conference] be surrendered, but even the status of the Wan Family will be in jeopardy...

The moment Wan Fang learned the news, he almost went crazy.

He just didn't see at a glance that this woman and her nephew had caused such a big trouble.

At this juncture, it would be extremely stupid to provoke someone on the [Hidden Dragon List]!

Xue Lingqi was stunned by the slap. It took him a long time to come back to his senses. His eyes were terribly red: Wan Fang, how dare you hit me?

The latter's blood surged and he almost lost his breath: What's wrong with me beating you? I wish I could beat you to death now!

Instead of playing tricks on me here, it's better to think about how to save the current situation!

Murong Fu and the others have been taken away. You must know the Fang family's thoughts better than me...

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