Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1163 Sitting on the mountain and watching the internal fighting

[Liu Li Shrine] On the second floor, Gu Lun had a dark face and watched his men rummaging around without finding anything.

Chief, we have searched inside and outside, but there is still no trace of them.

Could it be that they realized something was wrong and ran away?

Impossible, we have been staring just now, and not even a fly can fly away!

Several people returned to life one by one. The noise caused Gu Lun to have a headache and he couldn't help but rub his eyebrows.

He looked at them coldly: What are you wasting here? Keep looking!

Zhang Qiang looked strangely at the side: Haha, you just claim to be the secret guard of Wanfu. I think he is worse than an ordinary guard!

Anyway, my aunt said, if you want to see people alive or dead, you can see their corpses, you can do it yourself! After saying that, he found a place to sit down, his eyes full of contempt.

This group of short-sighted slaves has now lost track of me. Let’s see how they deal with each other when they get back!

Everyone was a little angry but did not dare to say anything, and they continued to look for Murong Fu and the others.

Another half an hour passed, and the secret guards made a lot of noise, waking up all the guests in several rooms.

One of them came out disheveled and smelled of alcohol and yelled: Who is making noise outside and disturbing my dream!

Gu Lun showed his Wanjia waist card and scolded him coldly: Get out!

The man looked arrogant at first, but when he saw Wanjia's belt, he immediately shrank his head in fear.

Chief, do you think it could be... One of them approached Gu Lun and pointed in the direction upstairs.

Yu Jinsheng on the side reacted instantly and said softly: You mean, Liuli is responsible for all this?

It's impossible. She was the one who brought us here when she spread the news to Wanfu.

She has absolutely no need to hide people anymore.

Gu Lun also nodded in agreement.

But, the entire [Liu Li Shrine] is her territory, and now people are missing inexplicably.

Even if she didn't do it, she definitely has nothing to do with it.

It's better to find her...

Gu Lun's eyes flashed and he nodded: Go ahead and ask Liu Li.

Soon, Liuli was brought down from upstairs by two secret guards, her face turned pale: What are you doing?

Yu Jinsheng's tone was unkind and he cursed angrily: Smelly cousin, where are they?

As soon as Zhang Qiang saw Liuli, he immediately stood up and protected her behind him: Please be polite. It's obviously your fault, so don't put the blame on others.

Gu Lun was so angry at this time that he didn't care about being superficial with him: Go away, it's none of your business!

Although Liuli knew exactly what happened, she still pretended to be stupid: Aren't they right here?

She had just looked at the overall situation upstairs and found nothing wrong at all.

Three living people disappeared, and she really couldn't understand this.

Don't act stupid. The person was in these two rooms just now, and now he has disappeared out of thin air.

You have to give us an explanation, right?

Tell me! Are there any other secret exits in the house?

One of the secret guards was impatient and grabbed Liuli by the collar and lifted her up.

When Zhang Qiang on the side saw this, he immediately put on the posture of a hero saving the beauty: Stop, let her go!

As he said that, he punched the man.

The latter was not someone to be trifled with. He responded with a palm and slapped Zhang Qiang several meters away: Get out!

Zhang Qiang hit the wall hard and stared at the secret guard with his eyes. He endured the pain in his body and stood up: How dare you hit me?

If I hit you, I'll beat you. If a person with a foreign surname dares to attack the secret guard of the Wan family, you deserve to be beaten to death!

This is quite true. Even a dog in Wanfu is nobler than ordinary people.

As the saying goes, if a person achieves enlightenment, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven, the secret guards of ten thousand mansions are not something ordinary people can offend.

Even though Zhang Qiang is Mrs. Wan's cousin, these secret guards are not something he can offend.

Zhang Qiang naturally knew this. Although he was already furious in his heart, he still smiled on the surface.

Just wait!

At this time, Liuli was grabbed tightly by someone. His eyes turned, but his face did not change at all. He still had the same calm look:

Chief Gu, this matter really has nothing to do with me.

I swear on my life, there is absolutely no mechanism in these two rooms..

[Ruri Shrine] is now closed, there is absolutely no way they can escape!

Gu Lun waved his hand, indicating to his men to let go of the person, and said softly: Now that the person is missing, we are all involved.

If Madam takes the blame, I'm afraid you won't be able to get away with it alone, girl.

Why don't you think about it carefully, where else can you hide in this [Liu Li Shrine]?

Liuli shook her head blankly and said nothing.

On the third floor, Murong Fu and others were leisurely watching what was happening downstairs.

Zhuge Qingyun even drank slowly: Sure enough, they are all in the same group.

The excitement tonight is quite interesting.

If you ask me, these people should be taught a lesson so that they never dare to provoke us again.

Murong Fu leaned on the railing and watched all this through the gauze curtain, his mind going through thousands of times.

Zhang Qiang, Wanjia secret guards, Liuli...

He thought for a long time and smiled sarcastically: It's getting more and more interesting.

This Wan family is really arrogant. They dare to attack people on the [Qianlong List]. Can't they hold this [Roland Conference]?

Dongfang Bubai spoke coldly, but his eyes were fixed on the people below.

So many secret guards took action together, probably just to take people's lives.

Is that an order from Master Wan, or...

Murong Fu saw her worry and patted her shoulder gently: Okay, don't worry, I'll take care of everything.

Dongfang Bubai was still a little worried: But, there are so many of them, their strength cannot be underestimated!

What? You still don't believe in my strength? I'm just a few small fish and shrimps, how can I make waves?

Let's go, let's go and see why so many people are here.

The excitement is almost over, it's our turn to come forward.

Murong Fu looked at the two people beside him and slowly showed a smile.

At this moment, the situation on the second floor has reached a tense stage.

The secret guards of the Wan family suspected that Liuli had spread the false news to deliberately tease them.

Liuli blamed the secret guard for not doing the job well and let him go.

Zhang Qiang was shouting at the side, wanting to go back and report to Mrs. Wan...

For a moment, everyone looked a little ugly.

How disgusting that just a few outsiders can cause so many troubles!

If they don't see anyone tonight, they all won't be able to explain anything when they go back.

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