Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1130 Demon Cult Taboo

The great elder's gaze was so intense that Murong Fu had no way to refuse.

He nodded and took it solemnly: Thank you, Great Elder, for your kindness. I will practice diligently and I will definitely not let you down.

Okay! The great elder nodded with kindness on his face.

The elder Murong Fu said goodbye and walked towards a deserted place while there was no one around.

By the time he stood still, he had arrived at a desolate cliff, with no vegetation around him.

He set his sights on a huge rock, with three big characters written on it: Si Guo Ya.

Murong Fu's eyes darkened, and he picked up his steps and walked deeper.

When he took the first step inside, he felt a cold wind surrounding him.

It was as if an invisible big hand was stroking his back bit by bit, making people shiver.

It is indeed the Siguoya that makes people change their minds when they hear it. The places where they are imprisoned are all the disciples who have made mistakes.

He could faintly hear roars coming from inside.

Soon, while the guard was napping, he easily slipped in and found the place where Li Xiaodong was being held.

I saw that Li Xiaodong, who was originally in front of others, had only just entered Siguo Cliff for a while.

The whole person seemed to have aged more than ten years. Although there were no scars on his body, his mental state was extremely poor.

He raised his head in a daze, suddenly met Murong Fu's cold eyes, and immediately struggled to pounce on them.

Murong Fu, I'm going to kill you! His body was covered with fine white lines.

As he moved violently, it was embedded into his flesh bit by bit.

In an instant, blood marks appeared on his body, and his whole body was knocked to the ground.

What followed was long whips falling from the sky and hitting him one after another.

At first, Li Xiaodong and Sun Li were still cursing, looking a little crazy.

But soon, his voice gradually became quieter, and only his muffled groans and screams could be heard occasionally.

After about a hundred whips, the inside gradually subsided, and Li Xiaodong lay on the ground like a dead dog.

Murong Fu watched all this with cold eyes, without any emotional change in his heart.

He said coldly: Li Xiaodong, I'm here for one thing only. Where did you get that forbidden technique?

As soon as these words came out, the man who was motionless suddenly raised his head, with a flash of panic in his eyes.

His voice was a little weak: I've already said it, it's just an accidental gain...

Murong Fu didn't want to listen to his lies, so he interrupted him directly: It's the Demon Cult, right?

Suddenly, Li Xiaodong's expression changed, his whole body trembled, and it took him a long time to say: What demon sect are you talking about? I don't understand.

Murong Fu sneered, having already made up his mind, he turned around and left.

Behind him, Li Xiaodong's voice kept coming: Murong Fu, I haven't lost yet!

The Great Elder will not give up on me. When I get out, I will kill you with my own hands!

You wait, I...

Murong Fu no longer paid attention to what he said, and didn't even take him to heart at all, and went back alone.

Three days later, Murong Fu slowly opened his eyes in the cave, feeling completely refreshed.

The two meridians are vigorous and powerful, and the Dantian is full of spiritual energy.

It was as if he had been reborn, and his whole person had undergone earth-shaking changes without even realizing it.

After three days of practice, he understood all the secrets of the techniques given to him by the great elder and gained a profound understanding.

Recalling the spiritual energy practice of fighting with Li Xiaodong and others, the corners of Murong Fu's mouth rose slightly.

He never thought that one day he would be able to have such a perverted cultivation method.

This is simply a heaven-defying technique!

In the battle, there is a steady stream of spiritual energy support, and you can also practice and improve at the same time, plus two dantian...

Murong Fu thought so, he was so happy that he couldn't help but smile.

As soon as Fang Qian came in, she saw the smile that fascinated her, and she was stunned.

It wasn't until Murong Fu stood in front of her that she slowly came back to her senses and wiped the corners of her mouth subconsciously.

Murong Fu looked at her cute and charming face and couldn't help but tease: What? Are you stupid?

Only then did Fang Qian realize what she had done, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she lowered her head shyly.

He said dullly: I didn't.

Then, his face became even hotter, and he buried his head into Murong Fu's chest regardless.

She was like a kitten, with a charming voice: Fulang, you know how to bully me! Do you know how much I miss you.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows and his throat tightened: Oh? Then let me see how much you miss me.

As soon as he finished speaking, he stared at the beauty in his arms and slowly lowered his head to kiss her.


Murong Fu lightly hooked his fingers, causing the person in front of him to tremble and his eyes to be filled with water.

It seems that you really miss me.

As he spoke, he peeled off layers of gauze clothing, leaving only a red mandarin duck bellyband.

Murong Fu hugged her tightly and said in a hoarse voice: Qian'er, you are so slippery...

Their skin touched each other, their warm breath sprayed in the air, and they vaguely smelled a different smell.

Murong Fu guided him little by little, and just when he was about to step in, Zhuge Qingyun's voice suddenly came from the door.

Brother, where are you?

He barged in carelessly, and the scene in front of him froze him in place.

You, you, you...

Fortunately, when Murong Fu heard the noise outside the door, he had already grabbed the clothes next to him and wrapped Fang Qian tightly.

However, Zhuge Qingyun is also a man, so he naturally knows the little secret inside.

He scratched his head in embarrassment and hurriedly backed out: What, excuse me, excuse me.

You guys get busy first, I'll come back later!

After saying that, he immediately ran out, wishing he could grow two more legs.

After leaving the cave, he patted his chest: Huh, it has to be my brother Murong who is practicing during the day!

Inside, Murong Fu was so suddenly disturbed that most of his initial interest instantly disappeared.

Just as she was about to put on her clothes, she turned around and saw Fang Qian with a pair of watery eyes.

Suddenly, the anger that had just subsided was aroused again, even more violently than before.

Balls of burning fire made him feel burning with desire, and his whole body entered the state again.

Love comes too fast like a tornado, unable to escape the storm circle.

Fang Qian's eyes are watery and her face is pink and white, very touching...

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