Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1114 The two spiritual beasts did a good job

[Stone-Eating Beast] felt like he was being imprisoned, and his body was being suppressed unconsciously.

It felt uncomfortable and shouted in the direction of Li Xiaodong and the others: Ouch!

Let us go!

Li Xiaodong looked at them angrily and said fiercely: Quick, spit out all the treasures you just ate.


As he spoke, he drew his sword from his waist, with a hint of menace in his tone.

The [Stone-Eating Beast] had never seen such a momentum before, and it was so frightened that it trembled a little.

It is timid and fearful by nature, and has always stayed away from humans. How has it ever encountered such a scene?

But the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] was not afraid of him at all, and had a feeling of fearlessness: Ouch!

Delusion! What we eat cannot be vomited out again.

It began to roar continuously and tightly guarded the [Stone-Eating Beast] behind it: Don't worry, second brother, the eldest brother will protect you!

[Stone-Eating Beast] nodded repeatedly, shrank his body, and got close to the wings of [One-Horned Demon Tiger].

When Li Xiaodong and the others saw this, they were even more angry. Looking at the two spirit beasts in front of them who refused to cooperate, they felt murderous intent for a moment.

In that case, don't blame me for being rude to you. After saying that, Li Xiaodong winked at Li Xiaofeng and Wan Yuan.

The three of them launched an attack at the same time, and the three long swords went straight into the formation with a destructive aura.

However, [One-Horned Demon Tiger]'s face did not change at all, except for a flash of disdain in his eyes.

hehe? With the strength of such people, it is simply overestimating one's ability to compete with it.

The next moment, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] flapped its wings and swept away in waves.

With its huge body as the center, it continues to spread to all directions.

The biting hurricane forced the three people flying back several meters.

Even the mountains in the distance began to shake uncontrollably, and large rocks rolled down.

Li Xiaodong and the other three looked at each other, and they all saw shock in each other's eyes.

How is this going?

When would such a powerful spiritual beast appear in [Biyun Mountains]?

Don't be afraid. If the three of us go together, I won't believe it. We can't do anything to a mere spiritual beast.


After the three of them finished speaking, they continued to move forward without giving up, using all their spiritual energy to resist the huge power rolled up by the [One-Horned Demon Tiger].

When the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] saw this, he suddenly felt a little happy: It's been a long time since he met such a blind person.

Fortunately, it can also take advantage of this opportunity to put its punches to good use.

The power around it grew stronger and stronger, spreading out and spreading around, and countless trees and boulders were turned into pieces.

Go! Li Xiaodong and the others' eyes flashed. They resisted this powerful force and directly drew their swords and stabbed him.

There was a dang sound, and the sword blade touched the huge wings of the [One-Horned Demon Tiger], causing the three people's mouths to feel slightly numb.

Li Xiaodong was greatly shocked, but he still refused to give up. The spiritual energy gathered in his left hand and he clapped it out with one palm.

It collided with the airflow from the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] and made a dull sound.

He smiled coldly in his heart, pushed again with his left palm, and suddenly there was a majestic spiritual energy.

Rushing towards the [One-Horned Demonic Tiger], it instantly swallowed up all the majestic power around it.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] changed its expression, looked up to the sky and roared: Ouch!

It flapped its wings, and its feathers shone with an icy sheen in the sunlight, which reflected in Li Xiaodong's eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and shouted to the two people next to him: Be careful, there is something wrong with that feather.

As soon as he finished speaking, millions of feathers appeared in front of Li Xiaofeng and Wan Yuan's eyes, like sharp knives.

The three of them were caught off guard for a moment and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

The feathers on the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] may seem beautiful and dazzling, but they are actually the sharpest and hardest weapons.

Countless feathers came overwhelmingly, the strong wind blew against my face, and the momentum was terrifying.

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] looked at the three people who were retreating steadily, and shook his tail proudly, and said to the [Stone-Eating Beast]:

How's it going? Isn't my brother awesome?

Just when it was happy, Li Xiaodong came around behind him without knowing when, with a pair of sinister eyes.

Go to hell! He was just about to take action, but the honest [Stone-eating Beast] threw him to the ground, opened his big mouth and bit his hand.

Li Xiaodong was in pain and couldn't help but let out a painful cry, and threw the [Stone-Eating Beast] aside with all his strength.

The [Stone-eating Beast] rolled on the ground a few times in embarrassment, stood up and shook its hair.

Brother, he hit me!

[One-horned Devil Tiger] When he saw his little brother being bullied, his tigerish energy came back again.

He rushed forward regardless, the two wings beside him were like two sharp machetes.

There was a crazy attack directed at Li Xiaodong's position, falling like a violent storm.

He was beaten until he retreated repeatedly, without the ability to fight back.

[One-Horned Demon Tiger] Although it is huge in size, it can move very fast and its body is also extremely agile.

Fortunately, Li Xiaofeng and Wan Yuan came to help and rescued Li Xiaodong from the attack of the One-Horned Devil Tiger this time.

Let me go, why is this spiritual beast so powerful?

Damn it! These two bitches not only robbed our treasures, but they were also so aggressive!

Are you treating others as fools if they don't get angry?

All three of them, without exception, were all covered in colors and began to curse in a low voice.

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] naturally understood what they said, opening its bloody mouth and howling: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

You are the dog, and all of you are dogs!

It once again took advantage of the victory and pursued it, spreading its wings several meters long, rolling up fierce and threatening hurricanes.

Li Xiaodong's expression changed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Looking at the huge creature flying in front of him, his hand quietly tightened the blade of the sword.

Then, he found the right moment and struck hard at the wings that the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] was flapping towards.

Ouch! [One-horned Demon Tiger] felt someone tickling it, and the force made it extremely dissatisfied.

It flapped its wings, its red eyes seemed to bleed, and headed straight towards Li Xiaodong again.

The look in its eyes at this moment was full of disdain: I thought that the few people in front of me were the master's brothers, and their strength should not be too bad.

What it never expected was that they were both from the same sect, so why was there such a big gap between them?

This intensity is not enough to tickle it.


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