Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1101 The stump becomes a chess piece

The nine people looked at the tree stumps arranged in a row, feeling as if Monk Zhang Er could not figure out what they were doing.

Several people looked at me and I looked at you, with big eyes staring at small eyes, and small eyes staring at each other, but they still didn't see the reason.

Could this be a decoration in the backyard?

Why do you think so easily! At first glance, there is a lot of wisdom in this arrangement.

Oh, it seems that senior brother's chess game is really difficult to break!


Several people looked at each other and complained.

At this moment, Ma Sanpao, who had been silent, took two steps forward slightly, a hint of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Huh? He looked at the wooden piles arranged in a fixed manner and felt that something was wrong.

The next moment, under the shocked eyes of everyone, he waved his hand to release a burst of spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, the ground in the entire backyard began to shake violently, and even the wooden stakes could not stop vibrating back and forth.

Swish! Swish, swish, swish...

I saw countless flashes of light flashing through the entire backyard, and a few dark wooden piles instantly turned into chess pieces arranged one after another.

Yu Xiaohu couldn't help being shocked when he saw this, with a look of shock on his face: This! This is...

The rest of the people present were also a little excited and smiling, and a little eager to try.

They thought this place was just an ordinary house, but they didn't expect to actually walk into the center of the [Nine Dragons Chess Game].

Outside the chess game, Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun observed everything silently.

Zhuge Qingyun was a little confused. After holding it in for a long time, he couldn't help but say: The bead in Gao Qiqiang's hand, is it really the key to solving the ending?

But when did he get it? Why didn't I see it?

Logically speaking, this is not yours...

A sneer slowly appeared on the corner of Murong Fu's lips, and he spoke softly: It's just a little trick on his part. That bead is just an ordinary [Yao Ming Pearl].

No wonder! After Zhuge Qingyun heard this, a hint of ridicule slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.

The look he looked at Gao Qiqiang was even more mixed with disdain and contempt.

In the [Nine-Dragon Chess Game], everyone is surrounding the chess pieces, trying to figure out some secrets from them.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not penetrate the artistic conception.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu seemed to have thought of something and patted Ma Sanpao on the shoulder:

By the way, I heard that you have done a lot of research on the battle method. I wonder what you can see?

Ma Sanpao was silent for a long time, narrowed his eyes slightly, and finally spoke after a long while: Actually, I can see it a little bit, but...

Before he could finish speaking, Yu Xiaohu spoke urgently: Quick, quick, tell us, what are the functions of these chess pieces?

Ma Sanpao's eyes once again fell on the neatly arranged chess pieces, and he slowly said: Actually, these chess pieces are also arranged in order.

They are arranged invisibly according to Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Death, Jing, and Sheng Yu Bagua.

This Bagua formation has endless changes. It is the so-called Tai Chi that generates two rituals, two rituals that generate four images, four images that generate Bagua, and Bagua becomes sixty-four lines. From then on, it starts over and over again.


His voice was extremely pleasant, and he spoke eloquently, giving an overview of everything involved.

However, they say that every other line is like a mountain.

What he said was extremely detailed, but it didn't mean that much to others.

Among this group of people, only Yu Xiaohu and Zhang Yu knew a thing or two, and the rest were just talking on paper.

What should we do now?

It's okay if I want to capture a [Siberian Tiger] alive, but if I break this Lao Shizi's formation, it's better to let me die.

That's right!

Listening to everyone's discussion, Ma Sanpao sighed softly and spoke again:

Actually, this formation is far from as simple as we imagined.

After saying that, he raised his hand and pointed at the chess pieces, which were as tall as a person, alternating with black and white, and with different shapes.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and each of them couldn't help but be filled with doubts.

After staring at those chess pieces for a long time, Guan Zhi said softly: Forgive my poor eyesight, I honestly didn't see anything else strange.

Yeah, these chess pieces are just a little bigger and arranged a little weird.

It's no different from the ordinary chess pieces!

Me too!

Everyone agreed, and their eyes once again fell on Ma Sanpao with confusion, wanting him to give an answer.

At this time, Yu Xiaohu's eyes seemed to have discovered something, and he exclaimed: Look, everyone!

His hand pointed to the black chess piece closest to them, which showed a huge shadow under the sunlight. ..

Ah? What are you looking at?


Everyone heard the sound and passed by, only to see those chess pieces. Every ten steps away, there were densely packed small caves on the ground around them.

Ma Sanpao nodded, with a hint of fear in his tone: Yes, this formation is far from as simple as we imagined.

If we want to solve this endgame, we must go deep into these chess pieces.

But no one knows what the purpose of those small holes is. If we act rashly...

He didn't finish what he said, but everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Looking at the small holes, I couldn't help feeling frightened.

Zhang Yu slapped his forehead and exclaimed: By the way, I remembered!

Then, his eyes fell on Gao Qiqiang behind the crowd, and his tone was unkind: Didn't you say that the bead can help us?

Now that we've come this far, why don't you take it out? His tone was full of questioning and aggressiveness.

When everyone else heard this, their eyes fell on Gao Qiqiang and they kept looking at him.

Yu Xiaohu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him steadily: Yes! We have brought you all the way here, so it's your turn to show off.

Gao Qiqiang really didn't expect that they would suddenly think of this.

I was shocked at first, and then smiled again: Yes, yes, if you didn't say it just now, I'm afraid I would have forgotten it.

As he spoke, he took the beads out of his arms.

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted, waiting for his next move.

But what they didn't expect was that Gao Qiqiang had no intention of using it.

Instead, a pair of eyes looked at them up and down carefully.

The other eight people couldn't wait any longer, and they all hurriedly urged: Hurry up! Didn't you say that this is the key to breaking the situation?

Why are you still dawdling? Are you trying to play tricks again?

Gao Qiqiang, I advise you to be more honest now that things have happened, otherwise...

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