Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1098 Soul Controlling Beifeng

As time passed, everyone braved the strong cold wind and walked a lot.

However, later on, every step they took was very difficult, and the cold wind ahead was even more raging.

Even if everyone uses all their spiritual energy, they can still keep their bodies steady and not be swept away.

There were a few people with low strength who had already been forced to move with difficulty by the north wind. It was even difficult for them to even lift their feet.

Yu Xiaohu looked at the difficult expressions on everyone's face, gritted his teeth, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

Don't be anxious, everyone, let's release our spiritual energy together to resist this north wind!

With his command, everyone else present also came to their senses and stood together supporting each other.

Facing the north wind, powerful spiritual energy was released. Eight people fought against it at the same time, and everyone used all their strength.

Soon, everyone felt that they felt a lot more relaxed, and they even moved forward a little faster.

No matter how strong and harsh the wind is, we can't give up easily.

Yes! It's just a cold wind, it can't repel us!

Everyone works together, victory is ahead...

The eight people supported each other, helped each other, and encouraged each other. Everyone had no distracting thoughts and concentrated on fighting against the strong north wind.

Even Murong Fu, who had been looking at them, couldn't help but feel slightly shocked.

In fact, even he didn't expect that these people's hearts could be so united that they could even resist the [Soul-controlling North Wind].

Unknowingly, he looked at the eight people with a hint of admiration: It seems that I underestimated them.

Haha, I just said that the woman I like is not wrong, she is really amazing! Zhuge Qingyun still looked affectionate.

But in his mind, he was already thinking about telling his feelings to the two sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi when they came out.

Should I give [Purple Golden Grass] as a gift? Is it better to give [Pingyin Flower] as a gift?

As everyone knows, he is simply wishful thinking, and the two sisters really have no interest in him at all.

Murong Fu shook his head and pretended to be profound: Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick until there is nothing left.

[Yuhun Beifeng] was still flying around restlessly, and all eight people gritted their teeth and resisted with every breath.

No one said a word, let alone gave up.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone felt that the spiritual energy in their bodies was about to dry up, and their limbs were a little stiff due to the wind.

Yu Xiaohu raised his head with great effort and looked forward, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

I saw a large bamboo forest ahead.

The tall green bamboo leaves were not blown by the north wind at all, and stood proudly.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the bamboo forest, Yu Xiaohu shouted loudly:

Everyone, if you work harder, we will succeed soon!

When everyone heard this, the light of hope once again appeared on their tired faces.

Ah! Everyone shouted in unison, using up the last bit of strength in their bodies to break through the obstruction of [Hun Yu Bei Feng].

The next moment, the north wind disappeared without a trace, and everyone's bodies dived forward uncontrollably.

The eight of them lay together on the warm grass, feeling the warmth of the spring breeze blowing in front of them, with unprecedented smiles on their faces.

Hahaha, I never thought that my Ma Sanpao would be so powerful one day.

“It’s really cool, it’s such a sense of accomplishment!”

We succeeded? We really succeeded!

In an instant, everyone's fatigue was swept away, and they staggered to their feet and shouted.

Yu Xiaohu and the two sisters from the Guan family looked at each other and smiled at each other, their relationship unknowingly getting closer.

Everyone did not hesitate too much and continued to walk along the bamboo forest path.

However, what surprised them was that every time they took a step forward, the newly depleted spiritual energy in their bodies would increase by one point.

Guan Ju couldn't help but exclaimed: The spiritual energy here is actually more abundant than there just now!

They walked forward step by step, and their spiritual energy was recovering bit by bit.

A look of exhaustion washed away on everyone's face, and they were chatting and laughing along the way, so happy!

On the other side, Gao Qiqiang, who entered the [Nine Dragon Cave] alone, was not so lucky at the moment.

His whole body was covered with dust, and even his hair was mixed with countless grass blades and dead branches.

The clothes all over his body were in tatters and his face was full of embarrassment. From a distance, he looked like a beggar.

He originally thought that he could come in early and be one step ahead of those people, but he didn't expect that there would be traps along the way.

First, as soon as he stepped into the cave, he suddenly lost his footing and fell into a huge pit.

There are countless kinds of bugs mixed in, big and small, black, white, round, flat, fat, hard, soft...

When he fell into this pit of thousands of insects, he felt like he wanted to die.

Although, with his strength, leaving there was just a piece of cake.

But that terrifying feeling, and the cold touch of the bugs burrowing into his skin along the clothes, were something he would never forget.

He escaped from the insect pit in embarrassment, originally thinking of being cautious and continuing to move forward.

But before he took two steps, he was sucked into a mysterious space by an unknown force.

Inside, there are mirrors on all sides and nothing else.

In that space, there were tens of thousands of Gao Qiqiang waiting for him, and they transformed into thousands of moods.

He finally got rid of his inner demons. At this time, most of his spiritual energy had been consumed, and coupled with the damage to his body, he was already exhausted.

During the rest of the trip, he fell into a manure pit one after another, was crushed by heavy rocks, and was chased by both black and white evil spirits...

He didn't think much about it, just regarded it as the training of [Nine Dragons Chess Game].

But what he didn't know was that his successive misfortunes were just because Murong Fu couldn't stand his bickering and wanted to teach him a lesson.

Now, he has gone through thousands of sails and arrived at that paradise.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but burst into tears: Wow, wow, it's really not easy!

He walked forward step by step and saw the traces of Yu Xiaohu and others leaving. He only felt that his heart was hurt ten thousand times.

Why! Why on earth!

I have spent so much effort, struggled and suffered so much to get to this place.

Those of them were obviously left behind by him, so how could they get ahead of him?

This is not fair!

Gao Qiqiang instantly felt a sense of resentment in his heart, and murmured in a low voice: Why? Why on earth is this?

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