Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1091 The black hand behind it

Surrounded by strange-shaped trees and weeds, everyone was trapped in a network.

Everyone held their breath and did not dare to act rashly. They stood there for a long time without anyone taking the first step.

Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun were hovering above the entire chess game, observing their every move.

Zhuge Qingyun rolled his eyes and suddenly became interested: Tell me, who of these people can break your chess game?

Murong Fu had a smile on his lips and shook his head slowly: My chess game is a variation of the [Zhenlong Chess Game]. Even I spent more than a month on it.


He did not continue speaking, but Zhuge Qingyun already understood what he meant, and couldn't help but feel a little confused: Then why do you want to use this chess game to test them?

Murong Fu smiled slightly: Haha, I want to see what these new disciples are capable of.

At this time, no one in the [Kowloon Chess Game] wants to be the first to try, and is extremely vigilant.

Gao Qiqiang originally planned to let others try it first, while he hid behind and observed the changes in the chess game.

However, to his surprise, the six Yu Xiaohu, who had always been stupid and dumbfounded, were silent for the first time, and no one dared to take the lead.

After a long while, he couldn't hold himself back any longer and suddenly said, Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, I thought you had some skills, but I didn't expect that you are all a group of timid and fearful people.

When he said this, he scolded everyone, which immediately aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

Guan Zhi looked at him coldly, with resentment in his eyes: You are so powerful, why don't I watch you move?

That's right, there are always some people who can stand and talk without pain in their backs.

You treat others as fools, but you are actually the real fool!


For a moment, everyone spoke out against Gao Qiqiang, and soon he was rendered speechless.

Guan Ju looked around vigilantly, observing the changes and positions of the plants and trees here, but still didn't see any clues.

She pondered for a long time and then said: If we keep waiting like this, there will be no chance at all. We still have to go out to see the mystery of this chess game.

Guan Zhi also agreed with her words and nodded: Sister, what you said makes sense, time waits for no one.

The words of the two sisters also reminded several others.

The entire trial only lasts for three hours. They have just wasted an hour, and there is really not much time left for them.

All the original points have been cleared, and this is a great opportunity to start all over again.

For a moment, everyone's faces showed struggle and entanglement. They were all very eager to crack this [Nine Dragons Chess Game]. ..

Just when everyone was hesitating, a figure suddenly stumbled towards one of the trees, staggering.


However, Ma Sanpao suddenly hit the trunk of a [Dragon Subduing Tree] and was immediately bounced back by an unknown force.

Everyone looked in that direction, with shocked expressions on their faces.

I don't know what Ma Sanpao just hit, but the [Dragon Subduing Tree] was knocked away.

Thick smoke came out one after another, choking everyone and unable to open their eyes.

What is this?

Everyone, be careful, these trees are moving again!

Quick, get together, don't get scattered!


In an instant, everyone was panicked.

After about a cup of tea, the thick smoke gradually dissipated, and everyone could see the scene in front of them clearly again.

Countless vines intertwined under their feet, like a grid on a chessboard, arranged in an orderly manner.

Those vines were still emitting a faint green light, which looked very strange.

Ma Sanpao had now recovered from his composure, with a slightly sullen look on his face. He looked at the crowd and said loudly, Who pushed me out just now?

The others also looked puzzled and looked at each other with expressions of not knowing.

Ma Sanpao's eyes swept over him one by one, and finally landed on Gao Qiqiang. He stepped forward and grabbed his collar: Is it your kid who pushed me just now?

Gao Qiqiang's face did not change at all. He raised a sarcastic smile and said noncommittally: It's me, what can you do?

You! Ma Sanpao was furious and subconsciously wanted to punch him, but was stopped by Yu Xiaohu who was standing aside.

Yu Xiaohu lay next to his ear and spoke softly: Calm down, now is not the time for internal fighting, and besides, we are not his opponents.

Gao Qiqiang seemed to have expected that they would not dare to break up easily, and his face still had that arrogant look.

He continued very shamelessly: I am doing this for the good of all of us. I want someone to take this step.

Guan Zhi was speechless, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said coolly:

If you think so, why don't you try it yourself?

People like you are like rats in the gutter, only playing dirty tricks behind your back.

You really look like a hypocrite, it's disgusting!

There was no concealed disgust and disgust in her words.

Gao Qiqiang didn't expect that she would speak so bluntly. His face turned red and white, and he pointed at her and didn't speak for a long time.

He took a deep breath and turned his head to the side: Forget it, I won't argue with you!

Others looked at him with unabashed contempt, and no one wanted to be with such a person.

Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun stood above, seeing everything that happened, and they both couldn't help but shake their heads.

This Gao Qiqiang, we really got him right.

I don't know how I picked him up when I was selecting new disciples!

If such people really get mixed up in [Canglan Sword Sect], I'm afraid it will ruin the atmosphere.

Zhuge Qingyun sighed and made a big cross for Gao Qiqiang in his heart.

Murong Fu thought about it in his mind and said softly: Compared to character, people tend to value strength more.

I hope he can wake up in time...

In [Nine Dragons Chess Game], everyone has reached a consensus and divided into four teams to explore in all directions at the same time.

The entire chess game is square, trapping everyone in the middle. If you want to break through, you will naturally look for clues from the inside out.

Although Gao Qiqiang was reluctant, he had to march with everyone in order to get more points.

Naturally, the two sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi headed towards the west.

Yu Xiaohu and the other six were divided into two groups, heading south and north respectively.

There was only Gao Qiqiang, and no one wanted to team up with him.

In the end, he could only form a team by himself and explore towards the east.

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